Alessandro Alunni Bravi, Sauber, Melbourne, 2024

Alunni Bravi leaving Sauber after two years as team representative

Formula 1

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The team which finished last in the constructors’ championship last year will go into the 2025 Formula 1 season with new leadership.

Alessandro Alunni Bravi, the team’s managing director and representative, will step down at the end of the month.

Sauber, which competed as Alfa Romeo when Alunni Bravi took charge, sank to last in the championship last year. Its drivers managed a single points score courtesy of Zhou Guanyu in Qatar.

Alunni Bravi has been with Sauber since 2017. He became its managing director, focussing chiefly on non-racing areas, in 2022. He took on the role of team representative the following year.

During Alunni Bravi’s time the team raced under the name Alfa Romeo between 2019 and 2023. Audi agreed a deal to buy the team in 2022 and Sauber will race under the car manufacturer’s branding from next year. Alunni Bravi said his departure was an “emotional time” and the team “has a bright future ahead.”

Sauber’s chief operating officer Mattia Binotto, who joined them last summer, thanked Alunni Bravi for his time in charge of the team.

“Having worked closely with him in the months since my arrival to Hinwil, I want to pay tribute to Alessandro, a true team player who came to embody the essence of Sauber throughout the years,” said Binotto.

“Alessandro played a wide range of roles within the team, steering it through difficult and exciting times alike. As he moves on to a new venture, the whole company would like to thank him for all his energy and contributions over the years and wish him the best for the future.”

The news means Sauber goes into the 2025 season with a new face in charge as well as a complete change of driver line-up, Nico Hulkenberg having joined from Haas alongside newcomer Gabriel Bortoleto.

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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4 comments on “Alunni Bravi leaving Sauber after two years as team representative”

  1. Unsurprising, unlike the Aston Martin role swap.

  2. Yes (@come-on-kubica)
    15th January 2025, 13:48

    Oh no …. Anyway.

  3. … Team Representative? What did he do, stand outside the pit garage and try to sign people up to Kick?

    1. He steered it through difficult and exciting times alike. I must have missed the exciting ones.

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