Lewis Hamilton, John Elkann, Ferrari, 2025

RaceFans Round-up: 21st January 2025

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Welcome to Tuesday’s edition of the RaceFans round-up.

Comment of the day

Lewis Hamilton made a statement with his first appearance at Ferrari’s Maranello factory yesterday:

It’s a very stylish pose for the photo and appropriate for the circumstances. Obviously it’s not Lewis’ usual style and it’s all done for the cameras.

I hope things work out for Lewis and Ferrari. It does bring some extra interest to the season. I think Charles will be difficult to beat over a whole season. But I hope Lewis does give a good account of himself. It would be something for both of them if Ferrari won the constructors’ championship at least.
Phil Norman (@phil-f1-21)

Social media and links

Jenzer Motorsport presents the 2025 line up for the FWS F4 Winter Series (Jenzer)

'Artem Severiukhin, 18 years old from Ekaterinburg, with a Kyrgyz license, is now switching to Formula cars after a successful international karting career. He will compete in his very first Formula car race with us in the FWS F4 Winter Series.'

Il campione di Formula 1 Verstappen sceglie Viareggio per il nuovo yacht di lusso (La Repubblica - Italian)

Max Verstappen has bought a Mangusta GranSport 33 yacht.

View from my seat | Sky Sports’ lead F1 commentator David ‘Crofty’ Croft (West Ham United football club)

'I remember being on my knees after about ten laps thinking ‘I can't cope with this as there's so much information coming at me!’. I went into the race thinking that I'd done all my preparation and I knew what I was talking about, and after about half-an-hour I realised there's a lot more I need to understand about this sport.'

RaceFans always endeavours to credit original sources. Want to share a relevant motorsport link with us? Send it in via the contact form.

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Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to OukilF1, Bruno and Ehsansatti!

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Author information

Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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4 comments on “RaceFans Round-up: 21st January 2025”

  1. Two bouncers outside Ferrari HQ?

    1. No one’s getting past Lewis without a shakedown ;-)

  2. Thanks for COTD @KeithCollantine. Just seen this.

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