Franco Colapinto, Williams, Baku City Circuit, 2024

RaceFans Round-up: 22nd January 2025

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Welcome to Wednesday’s edition of the RaceFans round-up.

Comment of the day

Franco Colapinto may have only started nine races last year but he made an impression on many of our readers:

One of my defining memories of 2024 was repeatedly watching Colapinto on his onboard camera throughout the Baku weekend, specifically at the right-left chicane that follows the super-narrow castle corner. Lap after lap, every time, he would exit the right-hander slightly sideways in a subtle four-wheel drift, steering left throughout the second half of the right-hander. Then, to trigger his turn in to the left-hander, he wouldn’t really move the steering wheel from that position at all. He would just tap the brake, and the weight transfer would grip up those fronts, transitioning from a four-wheel sideways drift into a sharp turn in the opposite direction, without steering input.

It was sublime. And seemingly pretty quick. And he just kept pulling it off. I’ve not seen that consistently done in F1 before. Sadly, I don’t think anyone else noticed it at all.

Social media and links

Haas appoint Muller as F1's first female race engineer (BBC)

'It's not like I chose Laura because she's female. We just don't care - nationality, gender, doesn't matter. What matters is work, how you fit into the team, how you can maximise the performance - and Ronan and Laura I believe happen to be the best choice.'

Red Bull nears sponsorship (Sport Business)

'Red Bull Racing is in advanced-stage discussions to fill its cryptocurrency sponsorship category with the signing of'

FIA's anti-online abuse campaign secures significant EU backing and financial support (FIA)

'The funding acknowledges the campaign's global leadership in combating online abuse in sport and will entrust UAOA to lead a transformative project to tackle online harm in sport across the EU.'

Prema splits with Cannon (Racer)

'Without Cannon, who isn’t expected to remain on the market for long, Prema will likely face a steeper learning curve on ovals. Cannon’s absence will undoubtedly be felt, but it also hired a number of talented engineers with IndyCar experience, including the highly-rated Steve Barker, who are skilled and capable of bringing the program into a competitive state.'

Hamilton's first day at Ferrari (Ferrari via YouTube)

RaceFans always endeavours to credit original sources. Want to share a relevant motorsport link with us? Send it in via the contact form.

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Happy birthday to Nathan and Salut Gilles!

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Author information

Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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3 comments on “RaceFans Round-up: 22nd January 2025”

  1. COTD: I certainly didn’t notice him using such a line through those particular corners.

    Hearing a female voice in Ocon’s radio comms will definitely sound weird to me at first until I get fully used to her voice, which will happen quickly anyway.
    Continuing on the matter, Ronan O’Hare has become Bearman’s race engineer, & these position changes are down to both Mark Slade & Gary Gannon (Aston Martin) having left the team.

    1. Just out of idle curiosity: does anyone know where Mark Slade went and why (did he retire)? I remember that when Haas hired him, it was presented as a bit of a coup signing (at least in Danish press, which of course was always eager to elevate the significance of any MAG-related news)

  2. Good to hear more female voices throughout the paddock, thanks @jerejj for filling in a few more of the race engineer positions shifting / moving in the teams.

    I’ll have to go back and look at what Alesici describes (COTD), that sounds amazing! It’s interesting how sometimes you can see a driver do something a bit special. I hope he does find his way back on the grid and can work on his consistency while maintaining the good stuff.

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