Lewis Hamilton, Ferrari, Fiorano, 2025

RaceFans Round-up: 23rd January 2025

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Welcome to Thursday’s edition of the RaceFans round-up.

Comment of the day

Seeing Lewis Hamilton in a Ferrari is going to take some getting used to for some of our readers:

It really hasn’t sunk in yet that this has finally happened, Hamilton in a Ferrari, wow. This is what Formula 1 is about.

However they shape up against each other, I’ll be ecstatic if either he or Leclerc get to win a championship this season or soon (and I guess likewise Ferrari too).

Social media and links

Williams Racing strengthens line-up with Oliver Turvey appointment (Williams)

'British racing driver Oliver is a highly-respected figure in motorsport, bringing over 15 years of experience across Formula 1, Formula E, and sportscar racing.'

Penske Entertainment takes over as Nashville promoter (Racer)

'The unexpected change comes as Roger Penske’s firm amasses more control over IndyCar’s 17 events. Penske Entertainment is responsible for putting on the Long Beach Grand Prix, Indianapolis Grand Prix, Indianapolis 500, Detroit Grand Prix, Iowa Speedway doubleheader, Milwaukee, Nashville, is centrally involved in the upcoming Arlington Grand Prix for 2026 and is active in the formation of a long-desired street race in Denver that’s tentatively scheduled for 2027.'


'The 'STEM Racing Supported by F1' programme, formerly known as 'F1 in Schools,' empowers students to design, build, and race miniature Formula 1 cars, fostering creativity, teamwork, and innovation.'

Round two race one (Formula Regional Middle East via YouTube)

RaceFans always endeavours to credit original sources. Want to share a relevant motorsport link with us? Send it in via the contact form.

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The exodus (should that be X-odus?) goes on. The Formula 1 subreddit has banned linked to X (formerly Twitter).


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— Keith Collantine (@keithcollantine.bsky.social) 22 January 2025 at 11:03

Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to Brent Foster!

On this day in motorsport

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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6 comments on “RaceFans Round-up: 23rd January 2025”

  1. I’m surprised there was no reference to the Visa cash app Isack Hadjar tweet. It seems that Hamilton still lives rent free in the heads of the RB management. As usual they don’t waste any opportunity to show how classless they have always been.

    1. Yeah, I don’t really get why they bother with that kind of stuff. It only makes them look small minded (best case), or are they suddenly feeling that Hamilton might help boost the Ferrari team to be their prime rival?

  2. I hadn’t read or heard about Oliver Turvey since at least the mid-2010s, so I thought he’d left McLaren a long time ago, but apparently, he hadn’t, so simply a team switch for the exact same role, which has been redundant ever since him not becoming a full-time driver became evident.
    Oh well, he’s always been essentially in the same position as Marc Gene at Ferrari & Pedro De La Rosa at Aston Martin.

    Zak O’Sullivan’s SF drive became official a month ago already, but I’m still somewhat surprised that he managed to get a drive in the series that late in the year & over some relatively experienced series races such as Ukyo Sasahara.
    However, as he’s a Williams-affiliated driver, I bet he’ll leave the series after a single campaign as non-Japanese drivers affiliated with F1 teams/organizations have tended to do.
    The other two non-Japanese drivers who are supposed to compete in SF this year, a series-returnee Sacha Fenestraz & former WEC driver Oliver Rasmussen, & are another matter, especially the former who’s additionally scheduled to do a full Super GT campaign.

    1. Edit: Igor Omura Fraga as well. He seemed to have been overlooked by teams once again, but Ponos Nakajima Racing ultimately had handed him a full-time driver, after all.

    2. He’s not Williams affiliated anymore. Their association ended on 31/12/2024. There’s a story about it on Autosport or The-Race can’t remember which.

      In it he describes how his Williams association was useless for him anyway. In fact it didn’t even pay enough for him to finish the F2 season. People assume that team association is always a great thing for a young driver so this article was an eye opener to the fact that this is not always the case.

      Finally, as someone who follows SF I wasn’t in surprised in the slightest that he was chosen for the drive. All the talk after the post-season test was how impressive Zak has been. So it was more of a question of which team will win the fight over his services.

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