Lewis Hamilton, Ferrari, 2025

Caption Competition 259: Ferrari’s new employee

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Lewis Hamilton had the first-day-in-a-new-job butterflies this week as he arrived at Maranello for his first official appearance as an Ferrari Formula 1 driver.

The seven-times world champion met team members and fans, and sampled a 2023 Ferrari on a damp Fiorano, as did his new team mate Charles Leclerc.

Can you come up with the best caption for this picture from Hamilton’s first week at Ferrari? Post your funniest suggestion in the comments below.

A selection of the best will feature in a future edition of the RaceFans Round-up.

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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57 comments on “Caption Competition 259: Ferrari’s new employee”

  1. and now moving to Plan C and Plan D…

    1. El Pollo Loco
      27th January 2025, 2:08

      lol, I heard that in my head (sleepy sounding, Italian accent, etc.). It’s more the way Sainz’s and Leclerc’s engineers say it that makes it so funny than how often they do.

  2. e ripetere … una macchina da corsa … a racing car

  3. Lewis’ first briefing did not go as smoothly as expected as he did not know how to change the PC settings from Italian to English.

  4. Ferrari technical support. Lewis speaking. How can I help?

  5. What are these silver arrows for?

  6. Wanting to have a good chance at winning something, Lewis got his new fellow employees enthusiastic about LOL (Battlenet for those born earlier :-) ).

  7. Lewis Hamilton gets an appreciation of the checking process

    1. Best caption? Copy understood.

  8. Coventry Climax
    25th January 2025, 9:33

    Don’t look, Lewis, for this is radio training excercise.
    You just heard the frequency of our engine. Now if I play this note on the keyboard, can you tell me which one it is?

  9. Derek Edwards
    25th January 2025, 9:36

    Hello Charles – Lewis is faster than you…

  10. Maximis Globis
    25th January 2025, 9:41

    I’m sorry Lewis, the Health and Safety training module is mandatory for everyone on their first day, you need to know how to lift a heavy box in the correct manner. Next we have 17 policy and procedure documents for you to read and sign…

  11. Good afternoon, you have reached Lewis. How may I help with your engine issues?

  12. Bono….whats the Hammertime button again?

  13. Raphael Menderico
    25th January 2025, 9:54

    Let me see if I can fix the pit stop schedule here…

  14. Angela, good news!!! I spoke about you to my new bosses and the reply was we are checking.

  15. Lewis has to pass the mandatory Ferrari strategy plan A to Z test.

  16. Lewis realised he was just the new guy, when everyone else was given a coat to help keep warm.

  17. “Oh, so that’s the song Ferrari have been listening to.”

  18. Instead of a bottle of Peroni and a complimentary pair of Ray-Bans, Hamilton discovers that Ferrari’s sponsor obligations involve a six-week placement on HP technical support.

    1. Sandwhichands
      26th January 2025, 4:58

      Very funny, This should win

  19. After sampling a Ferrari, Lewis decides that he’ll be better off on the pit wall.

  20. Such was the sudden volume of calls to Ferrari’s switchboard from Tifosi seeking absolution for all the bad things they’ve said about the team’s new signing over the years, that even Lewis himself was drafted in to help

  21. Why is the password Smoothoperator55?

  22. Severed Lewis starts to wonder if there’s more to life than endless office hours in front of the screen. Why does he keep having weird dreams of race tracks?

  23. Copy… Errr… we are checking…

  24. mmm.. a,b,c,d… so many strategy buttons here man

  25. Calm on the outside, but inside the question keeps running round his brain: “but will I get the drink?”

  26. Copy, Lewis is checking… his new workplace

  27. Oh man, that’s why Carlos was always annoyed when they replied to him “understood. come back to you.”

  28. “Keep Reinventing”

  29. “I said I want to come with Bono, not become Bono.”

  30. Lewis, go test your Skype login!

  31. “I thought Smooth Operator would have been removed from their playlist by now.”

  32. “Good Morning sir, my name is Lewis. I’ve been trying to reach you about an extended warranty on that Enzo we sold you”

  33. A clip from Gene Roddenberry’s new series about the future in a universe run by F1 racing teams – Car Trek! Starring Sir Lewis Hamilton as Lt. Uhura!

  34. “Hey guys, are you sure this is the seat that I sign off?”

  35. “We are blessing.”

  36. When Lewis applied to work at Ferrari, he wrongly assumed it would be as a driver.

    1. Great!

  37. Lewis continuing his Italian language lessons…
    Plan A… Piano A repeat…
    We are checking…
    Plan B… Piano B repeat…
    We are checking…
    Plan E…

  38. “Mercedes Benz AMG tech support? Sorry, you really have the wrong number”

  39. Damn it Toto. Get off the channel. For the last time, it’s over.

    1. 🙂

  40. Have you tried turning it off, then back on again?

  41. ‘Lewis put considerable thought it what special character he should use in his new password’

  42. Lewis put considerable thought into what special character he should use in his new password

  43. Lewis felt that Ferrari’s simulator was a step down from what he was used to.

  44. “Sebastian … you got to help me … my white shirts are turning pink … oh … wash the white shirts separately from my Ferrari uniform … hmm … thanks.”

  45. Yes ma’am have you tried ctrl alt delete?

  46. Have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in again?

  47. “Toto, stop spamming me..”

  48. “Welcome to Ferrari customer care. My name is Lewis, how may I help you?”

  49. “Hello Sir, this is Lewis calling you from HP support line. I regret to inform you that your computer has been infected by a nasty virus.”

  50. Lewis: “Howcome they always screw up the strategy when all the buttons are in English… aaah, wait!!”

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