Carlos Sainz Jnr, Williams, Yas Marina, 2024 pre-season test

RaceFans Round-up: 30th January 2025

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Welcome to Thursday’s edition of the RaceFans round-up.

Comment of the day

Carlos Sainz Jnr was unfortunate to lose his Ferrari drive in the year he produced his best performance for the team, says Deerhunter:

Leclerc and Sainz is probably one of the more interesting match-ups, in the sense that it did not go the way I thought it would.

Given his time at McLaren, I genuinely thought that Sainz would be the more reliable, consistent driver compared to the more peaky Leclerc, but it ends up being the complete opposite.

Sainz’s highs (Silverstone and Brazil in 2022, Monza and Singapore last year, Melbourne and Mexico this year) are extremely high, but the many, many amateurish driver errors are also impossible to overlook. It is then extremely disappointing that the one year he was starting to sand out those rough edges also ends up being his last year with Ferrari.

Still, I find Sainz in the Williams to be a hugely likable pairing, so fingers crossed that this project turns out well for all parties involved. It’s absurd for Maldonado’s admittedly brilliant win in 2012 to remain Williams’s last

Social media and links

Minister McKenzie extends submission deadline for South Africa’s Formula 1 bid (Department of Sport, Arts and Culture, Government of South Africa)

'The Ministry of Sport, Arts and Culture, in collaboration with the Bid Steering Committee (BSC), has extended the submission deadline for the Request for Expression of Interest (RFEOI) for South Africa’s Formula 1 Grand Prix bid to 18 March 2025.'

Andretti Global seeking additional racing shop following F1 admission, sources say (Indianapolis Star)

'Andretti officials have begun seeking out additional shop space on the north side of Indianapolis in recent weeks, multiple sources said, stemming from a roadblock created by its recent acceptance onto the Formula 1 grid for 2026 and the series’ strict regulations around its cost-cap measures.'

FIA launches new disability and accessibility mentorship programme (FIA)

'With 50 seats available on the programme, applications will open on 6 February and will be processed on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.'

Porsche Penske to utilise three-driver line-ups for Imola (Sportscar 365)

'The defending Hypercar world championship-winning driver crew of Laurens Vanthoor and Kevin Estre will be joined by Matt Campbell in the number six Porsche 963 for both the Qatar 1812km and Six Hours of Imola, with Mathieu Jaminet alongside the team’s new full-season pairing of Julien Andlauer and Michael Christensen in the number five entry.'

Lewis Hamilton was unhurt after a crash while testing Ferrari's 2023 car at the Circuit de Catalunya today.


— RaceFans ( 29 January 2025 at 20:23

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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2 comments on “RaceFans Round-up: 30th January 2025”

  1. Is it just me or are these round ups now coming out early in the day rather than late? (Could be time zone confusion on my part.)

    1. It’s the off season, so things seem to be published at a slower rate and seemingly on a different schedule.

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