Christian Horner, Red Bull, 2024

Herbert’s FIA exit “absolutely the right decision” – Horner

Formula 1

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Red Bull team principal Christian Horner strongly endorsed the FIA’s decision to part ways with Johnny Herbert, who has served as an advisor to the stewards since 2010.

The FIA announced this week it had mutually parted ways with Herbert as his work was “incompatible” with his media role. Herbert has commented on his role as a steward in quotes supplied to gambling websites, which offer them to media.

One such quote was distributed following last year’s Austrian Grand Prix, in which the panel that Herbert was on gave Max Verstappen a 10-second time penalty for causing a collision. Herbert explained this was the “hardest” penalty available for his collision with Lando Norris.

Horner denied any link between Herbert’s ousting and Verstappen, but said his departure is the right move.

“It’s absolutely nothing to do with Max, but absolutely the right decision,” Horner told Sky. “You cannot have stewards working in the media.

“You don’t have it in the premiership [football league], you don’t have it in any other form of professional sport, it’s totally inappropriate. You’re either on the sporting, regulatory side or you’re on the media side. You can’t have a foot in both camps.”

The FIA rotates its four stewards from race to race. Herbert was one of four ex-drivers who performed the role and covered one-third of last year’s 24 rounds.

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However some in F1, such as McLaren Racing CEO Zak Brown, believe the FIA should use the same stewards at every round.

“We’re in a multi-billion dollar sport, a lot on the line, stewarding is not easy,” he said. “I think you need to have full-time stewards, they need to be paid.”

Brown believes having the same stewards every weekend would allow the FIA to loosen aspects of the regulations and allow for a greater degree of interpretation.

“We need to look at the rule book, I think it’s a bit too prescriptive,” he said. “And if you get some stewards in full time, give them a little bit more leniency, they know what’s right and wrong versus this ‘race to the apex’ stuff because it’s a bit too prescriptive and it’s just taking a little bit of the racing out of it. So I think it’ll be fixed.”

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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30 comments on “Herbert’s FIA exit “absolutely the right decision” – Horner”

  1. Coventry Climax
    31st January 2025, 17:37

    However some in F1, such as McLaren Racing CEO Zak Brown ..

    I utterly fail to see how what Horner and Brown say would be incompatible.
    So to me, this ‘However’ seems quite misplaced.

    The one says F1 can’t have stewards wearing two caps, the other says F1 needs to hire professionals. How does that clash?

    1. They’re both right in ways. Definitely right to get rid of Herbert, although I’m not sure Johnny will be all that sad about it. It may have been possible for him to remain if he gave up some of his other activities. That might be his discussions discussions with the FAI were about. It’s not realistic to expect someone to give up paid roles for a voluntary one and we see Herbert has already been signed by Lola. Brown is right that stewarding should be paid.

      Of course, Brown being Brown, he also pulled something from his wish list – allowing stewards to make arbitrary calls that do not adhere to the rules. That way Max will not know what the rules are until the stewards rule against him.

      1. El Pollo Loco
        1st February 2025, 2:16

        It’s just amazing that Horner thinks this is a smart or helpful comment to make. Like Toto, the older he grows, the more delusional he becomes.

    2. the however in this case applies to the sentence;

      The FIA rotates its four stewards from race to race. Herbert was one of four ex-drivers who performed the role and covered one-third of last year’s 24 rounds.

      It’s not about Brown disagreeing with Horner, rather that Brown disagrees with having rotating stewards.

      1. Coventry Climax
        31st January 2025, 23:19

        That’s still no reason to use ‘however’, and suggest Horner and Brown are at odds here.
        If anything, they’re both right, as far as I’m concerned, albeit maybe for different reasons.

        1. Sorry, but you’re misreading the text. The two sentence paragraph immediately before the “However” is the subject for that “however”.
          The problem is the inserted advert between the two. If the ad was above “The FIA rotates its four stewards from race to race. Herbert was one of four ex-drivers who performed the role and covered one-third of last year’s 24 rounds.” there would be less of a problem.

          It is interesting that we have a world expert on “totally inappropriate” to contribute a comment. After all, if Horner can’t recognise totally inappropriate, then what hope for the rest of us?

    3. Indeed, these remarks rather reinforce the same belief – that having professionals who can focus on the stewarding (i.e. not doing pundit work on the side for part of the same season) will improve the stewarding.

  2. If doing both stewarding & media work was an issue, he should’ve been sacked by the FIA already after his first year of doing steward duties rather than this long afterwards, so Horner’s argument isn’t necessarily fully valid.

    1. You nailed it. Taking away max’s bumper car license exposed quite the deficit. And now Lando knows he can beat Max to the apex to get him penalized, it’s over.

      All the idol worshipping, soft drinks slurping fans are praying for a turn around in the stewarding, so that they have someone they can believe in.

      1. Somebody needs a nap!

      2. I always wonder whit people like you, doesn’t it ever get tiring? This obsessive frustrated behaviour over one driver you dislike, that you really wait all day for a website to publish an article about said driver, and then it is you time to shine! Get your toxic nasty mess out of you and type it all down. And thit it give you some sense of release? You happy now again? It’s just soooo sad what you do….

  3. Glad to see Horner commenting on appropriate behaviour. Always an enlightening moment.

    1. Nearly choked on my morning coffee!

  4. Michael (@freelittlebirds)
    31st January 2025, 21:44

    If Horner says it’s the right decision, then you know for sure you’ve a made the wrong decision.

    1. El Pollo Loco
      1st February 2025, 2:13

      No, it’s the right decision. But Horner coming out and making this comment is exactly the wrong move because people will think this was just about protecting Max. Horner should have kept his mouth shut.

      It’s kinda like how when you say anything about Max, we automatically know it’s going to be in bad faith (like the way you were arguing Gasly is a better driver than Max), it automatically puts people’s hackles up and diverts attention from the real issue.

      1. Horner should have kept his mouth shut.

        If Horner only spoke when appropriate, we would never hear anything from him.
        On second thoughts, he could give some honest answers about WhatsApp-gate – although that might not make for safe-for-work reading.

      2. Michael (@freelittlebirds)
        1st February 2025, 13:50

        Thanks for putting me up there with Horner but I would never 1% of the stuff that Horner does.

        And I’ve spoken the truth about Max while you just fabricated another lie.

    2. It is just sad, that you let your opinion get influenced because of who said what….maybe try to think for yourself for once?
      Than you realize, how dumb it is what you just stated…

      1. Michael (@freelittlebirds)
        1st February 2025, 13:47

        My thinking is very clear and very objective. I have not changed my stance to suit my needs ever.

          1. Michael (@freelittlebirds)
            2nd February 2025, 2:15

            I’m glad you’re entertained and laughing at my expense. The joy of being simple-minded. Enjoy it! You’re very fortunate.

  5. And Horner’s exit would likewise be the right decision.

  6. Here’s a little clip of Johnny for no apparent reason other than I still remember the first time I saw it some 20 odd years ago and was blown away.

    Couldn’t find one of Horner.

    1. Bravo hahaha.

    2. Constantijn Blondel
      1st February 2025, 12:49

      I remember an old 2-page spread of Horny posing when he was young and needed the money … I think that one will do ;)

    3. El Pollo Loco
      1st February 2025, 22:59

      When Herbert talks, you listen.

      1. He’s doing the talking on the track right there old mate. Hacksawing the steering wheel, feathering the throttle, on the edge, making the car dance…forcing it into submission….poetry in motion!

        1. El Pollo Loco
          2nd February 2025, 15:28

          That’s relevant to his current opinions how?

          When Pastor Maldonado talks, I listen! There’s a video of him taking pole after all!

        2. El Pollo Loco
          2nd February 2025, 23:01

          PS – I don’t disagree it’s a very cool video with some very lyrical driving.

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