Lando Norris, McLaren, Losail, 2024

RaceFans Round-up: 31st January 2025

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Welcome to Friday’s edition of the RaceFans round-up.

Comment of the day

Lando Norris was second in the championship and third in our ranking – but some people though he should have been placed even lower:

I’d say third is a little generous.

I think the main thing he needs to work on is his robustness in dealing with other drivers, both on and off the track. If he thinks there’s an issue he needs to say it and not water it down later or backtrack when nothing fundamental has changed. I’m still of the opinion McLaren need to work on the quali vs race balance, and improve their starts, as I put Lando’s quali vs race win record more down to that than his issues (though his mistakes definitely cost them points).

It’ll be interesting to see how different Lando might deal with pressure if McLaren get a great start and build an early lead in the championship, and Red Bull are having to chase. Max when under pressure (e.g. Hungary) is entirely possible to have his own issues, but others need to push that situation more. Same with Lewis, though I feel he’s far less likely than Max to be challenging for wins regularly anyway. There’s a lot about the new season to look forward to.
Carl Parker (@Mysticarl)

Social media and links

Louis Vuitton chief on F1 tie-up: 'Sport is part of the culture, the life of young people' (Financial Times)

'The brand’s further push into sport commences as the appeal of luxury goods, particularly among young consumers, is waning. The luxury market has shed about 50m consumers over the past two years, according to a Bain report released in November, in part because Gen Z are turned off by the recent upsurge in prices — what some analysts are calling 'greedflation' — and shifting more of their spending to second-hand goods.'

F1 driver and broadcaster Herbert joins Lola Cars (Formula E)

'His new role at Lola will see Herbert bring his interdisciplinary expertise to bear, as the company looks to build on its recent entry into the FIA Formula E world championship and expand its presence across top tier motorsport.'

Test Patterns: Prema, Shwartzman Up to Speed Quickly (IndyCar)

'Prema appears to have done its homework entering this season, even despite the quick, unexpected departure of the experienced wizard Michael Cannon as head of engineering this month before the season even started.'

ACO switches to liquid hydrogen storage for H24EVO (Sportscar 365)

'Storing hydrogen in liquid forms requires it to be cooled to a temperature of -253 degrees C, while an evaporation system and heat exchange are also needed for it to be compatible with the Symbio-supplied fuel cell. The car’s target weight remains at 1,300 kg, but now has a planned top speed of 340 kph to allow it to 'feature among the best GT3s' on pace.'

A chilly test for Oscar Piastri at Paul Ricard yesterday.

The McLaren driver sampled Pirelli's new wet weather tyres built to the narrower size demanded by #F1's 2026 regulations. But track temperatures were as low as -2C in places.

Lando Norris is at the wheel today.

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— RaceFans ( 30 January 2025 at 10:40

Johnny Herbert reacts to his departure from the role of FIA steward:

"I'm very grateful for the opportunity of being an FIA driver steward and I have thoroughly enjoyed the role I have been involved in over the years. It is a difficult job and there are tough decisions that have to be made.

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— RaceFans ( 30 January 2025 at 21:13

"As stewards, we have and will continue to treat both drivers and team personnel with the utmost respect and remain impartial at all times during all F1 grand prix weekends.

"Finally, I'm very grateful to the president and everyone at the FIA for the opportunities that I have been given."


— RaceFans ( 30 January 2025 at 21:13

RaceFans always endeavours to credit original sources. Want to share a relevant motorsport link with us? Send it in via the contact form.

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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1 comments on “RaceFans Round-up: 31st January 2025”

  1. El Pollo Loco
    31st January 2025, 11:14

    Genuinely impressed by how well Ferrari has utilized Hamilton’s singular profile to drive its brand value (its business is far more than just selling cars). Using that instantly iconic photo of Lewis posing in front of the F40 at the factory to generate roughly 400k new Instagram followers in 24 hours is pretty wild even in this day and age.

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