Yuki Tsunoda gave us a glimpse of what he’s been up to during the off-season.
The RB driver, who missed out on the opportunity to join Max Verstappen at Red Bull this year, turned up at a hotel in Macau for a photoshoot.
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1st February 2025, 8:31
I’ve made my bed so now I have to lie in it…btw where’s my Teddy Bear?
1st February 2025, 9:40
Hello housekeeping? There’s lipstick on my pillow!
1st February 2025, 9:00
Yuki realised that he needs a more calm attitude to put his Red Bull hopes to bed.
1st February 2025, 9:02
« In Bed With Tsunoda », a movie without Madonna, on your screens soon.
1st February 2025, 9:04
Budget for car’s testbed is low!
black (@black)
1st February 2025, 9:28
Tsunoda was excited to hear that Red Bull had offered him the contract for the big team, however Horner was unable to disclose the exact terms and responsibilities of what that new contract entailed.
1st February 2025, 9:35
Pssst contract is under the pillow
1st February 2025, 9:36
“Hmmm… Christian said to be even considered for that RB seat, I need to have a nice cushion between me and Liam, this one will do nicely”
WhatMyMammaSaid (@whatmymammasaid)
1st February 2025, 9:43
Tsunoda working on career opportunity for 2026.
1st February 2025, 9:45
The names… Yuki … Yuki Snooznoda!
1st February 2025, 9:56
Nice one. He likes his Saki shaken not stirred too
2nd February 2025, 6:58
Jere (@jerejj)
1st February 2025, 10:09
Another alternative career option.
An Sionnach
1st February 2025, 10:09
Ever since the budget cap controversy Red Bull has stopped paying a separate wage for Horner’s butler…
1st February 2025, 10:43
They pay hush money too. In case its not Gerri staying over.
Derek Edwards
1st February 2025, 10:17
Good morning, I’m your turndown service.
Euro Brun (@eurobrun)
1st February 2025, 10:26
One role he was not turned down for
Only Facts!
1st February 2025, 11:07
Don’t you think it’s a good idea, Liam? Just in case you teammate lays you down…
Tom L. (@tom-l)
1st February 2025, 11:16
Yuki was pleasantly surprised by his team’s enthusiasm when he said he was going to get his head down ahead of the coming season.
1st February 2025, 11:43
New hotel worker insists he isn’t Yuki Tsunoda
Cyberaxiom (@dave-m)
1st February 2025, 12:19
Yuki had sadly misunderstood when he heard the way to impress Christian Horner was a spot of pillow talk in a hotel room.
1st February 2025, 13:00
Damn it, I asked for the super soft
Bullfrog (@bullfrog)
1st February 2025, 17:40
…and got the wet!
hunocsi (@hunocsi)
1st February 2025, 13:21
Yuki tried his best to earn a promotion by putting guests to good old Zzz-land, but Red Bull was looking for something New instead.
1st February 2025, 14:20
Yuki was excited for his new role joining Red Bull Racing, unfortunately that role was a housemaid to Max.
Michael (@freelittlebirds)
1st February 2025, 15:28
Tsunoda collecting incriminating evidence from Horner’s room to secure his drive for Red Bull.
spoutnik (@spoutnik)
1st February 2025, 15:41
I feel this bed promotion isn’t optimal actually.
Jeanrien (@jeanrien)
1st February 2025, 16:13
RedBull is training his drivers for community services ahead of the new swearing policy.
Ben (@scuderia29)
1st February 2025, 18:58
Yuki is often found playing inside one of his many dollhouses
Philip (@philipgb)
1st February 2025, 20:04
I hope that’s flow vis
Roth Man (@rdotquestionmark)
1st February 2025, 20:06
Blankets on Yuki, blankets on.
Urvaksh (@thedoctor03)
1st February 2025, 20:14
My bosses took it literally when I said I was good at wiping the floor with my teammates.
Bill Niehoff (@justafan)
1st February 2025, 20:54
Here you are, Mr. Marko. Will there be anything else?
Bullfrog (@bullfrog)
1st February 2025, 21:10
Yuki’s latest cunning plan to catch Dr Marko’s eye is a Mike Hawthorn race suit and lifestyle.
Alex Andronov (@alexandronov)
1st February 2025, 22:34
Yuki Tsunoda – Shaken, but not deterred.
BenjaminS (@benihana)
2nd February 2025, 1:42
Here is my new pillow that I bought to cry into since Red Bull dies not want me.
2nd February 2025, 13:19
You know when I said it’s time for a clean sheet given you’re never getting the Red Bull drive? I didn’t mean this…
Sergey Martyn
2nd February 2025, 13:45
The distance between Red Bull boy and a bellboy is much shorter than Yuki imagined…
Leo B
2nd February 2025, 14:10
Room serving. Beats F1 anyway.
myxtiom (@myxtiom)
2nd February 2025, 14:16
Bed boy, bed boy. Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they don’t promote you?
Broke1984 (@broke1984)
3rd February 2025, 11:19
Having made their bed, Yuki makes the finishing touched before RedBull lay in it.
Broke1984 (@broke1984)
3rd February 2025, 11:20
j sc
4th February 2025, 20:16
And on the other side of that cozy pillow were these words written in now dried ketchup – “Lawson was here!”