Start, Las Vegas Strip Circuit, 2024

Las Vegas GP gets earlier start as FIA confirms F1 session timings for 2025

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The Las Vegas Grand Prix will start two hours earlier this year than in previous seasons, the FIA has confirmed.

The governing body of motorsport has issued the starting times for all 24 rounds on the 2025 F1 calendar. Las Vegas is the only round with a different start time for its grand prix compared to last year.

The first race on the Las Vegas Strip Circuit in 2023 provoked some complaints over its late start time, but it was unchanged for F1’s return last year. Now the race start has been moved forward from 10pm to 8pm local time on Saturday 22nd November.

The three practice sessions and qualifying will also be held two hours earlier in the day. First practice will start at 4:30pm instead of 6:30pm and qualifying will now take place at 8pm.

F1 has faced challenges scheduling the Las Vegas race due to the limited amount of time the roads which form the circuit are available for it to use. The new start time means the race will begin at 11pm for viewers on the east coast of the USA instead of 1am on Sunday.

However for European viewers the race will begin at a less convenient hour: 5am for those in western Europe and 4am for those in the UK.

The Las Vegas Grand Prix is the 22nd of this year’s 24 rounds, as was the case last year, when it held the title-deciding race.

2025 F1 grand prix start times

Round Race Circuit Date Time
1 Australian Grand Prix Albert Park 16/03/2025 15:00
2 Chinese Grand Prix Shanghai International Circuit 23/03/2025 15:00
3 Japanese Grand Prix Suzuka 06/04/2025 14:00
4 Bahrain Grand Prix Bahrain International Circuit 13/04/2025 18:00
5 Saudi Arabian Grand Prix Jeddah Corniche Circuit 20/04/2025 20:00
6 Miami Grand Prix Miami International Autodrome 04/05/2025 16:00
7 Emilia Romagna Grand Prix Imola 18/05/2025 15:00
8 Monaco Grand Prix Monaco 25/05/2025 15:00
9 Spanish Grand Prix Circuit de Catalunya 01/06/2025 15:00
10 Canadian Grand Prix Circuit Gilles Villeneuve 15/06/2025 14:00
11 Austrian Grand Prix Red Bull Ring 29/06/2025 15:00
12 British Grand Prix Silverstone 06/07/2025 15:00
13 Belgian Grand Prix Spa-Francorchamps 27/07/2025 15:00
14 Hungarian Grand Prix Hungaroring 03/08/2025 15:00
15 Dutch Grand Prix Zandvoort 31/08/2025 15:00
16 Italian Grand Prix Monza 07/09/2025 15:00
17 Azerbaijan Grand Prix Baku City Circuit 21/09/2025 15:00
18 Singapore Grand Prix Singapore 05/10/2025 20:00
19 United States Grand Prix Circuit of the Americas 19/10/2025 14:00
20 Mexican Grand Prix Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez 26/10/2025 14:00
21 Brazilian Grand Prix Interlagos 09/11/2025 14:00
22 Las Vegas Grand Prix Las Vegas Strip Circuit 22/11/2025 20:00
23 Qatar Grand Prix Losail International Circuit 30/11/2025 19:00
24 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Yas Marina 07/12/2025 17:00

Get all the 2025 F1 race weekend session dates and times plus test and launch details on your mobile device using the RaceFans F1 Calendar

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Keith Collantine
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20 comments on “Las Vegas GP gets earlier start as FIA confirms F1 session timings for 2025”

  1. Any chance of the times in UTC, please?

    1. People should be able to easily convert in their mind.

      1. Well Jere,
        People with a computer, in front of them or in their pocket, could add a clock for the non-domestic locale.
        As of Windows 10 MS hasn’t managed to hide it too much (right-click the default clock bottom right, select “adjust time”, scroll down to “add clocks for different time zones”)
        Having said that, a sport that thinks it is global should be acting global and using UTC

        The FIA could usefully bring the race forward to a daylight hour of 15:00 (local) or better still the other direction and hold it at 15:00 (local) on the Sunday.
        That would produce a minor irritation for Euro-viewers with it being late Sunday/early Monday, and the major downside of seeing Vegas in daylight. :(

      2. Coventry Climax
        5th February 2025, 10:38

        That only starts with telling people what time zone the times mentioned are actually in. From the word soup of the text, you can only guess it’s british time mentioned.

        Without unit/reference, it’s like saying ‘this car can go 200’.
        200 what, inches? mm per hour?

  2. Occy’s whine about race start time in 5, 4, 3…

    1. Just add eight hours…..

      1. Oops, meant to respond to David.

      2. Add 8 hours to what?
        I’m pretty sure Vegas isn’t only 8 hours behind Sydney, or Christchurch.
        Then there all the other venues to do different conversions on.

        15:00 local seems a reasonable start time – except perhaps for the sandpits – so why not stick with that and publicise as whatever that may be in UTC. Everyone knows their local relative to UTC, right?

        1. Add 8 hours to what?

          Add 8 hours to the Vegas start time to get UTC, which is London time. If Vegas starts at 8:00 pm local time, it starts at 4:00 am UTC. Christchurch is 3 hours earlier than Vegas, so an 8:00 pm Vegas start is 5:00 pm NZ. And don’t forget the date line.

          1. Add 8 hours to the Vegas start time to get UTC, which is London time.

            Two things:
            1. I was pointing at the requirement for fans that are not on the local time, nor on approximately UTC, to convert to UTC and then convert to their local while not knowing whether the original time was given in local or local+DST or UTC or whatever. Far simpler to just do the announced times in UTC, so that people know for certain.

            2. UTC isn’t actually “London time” (GMT) irrespective of any seasonal adjustment of an hour, or not. Close, but mostly* not actually the same. GMT is a time zone, UTC is not. There are reasons for this, best explained by the geographical fact that the meridian runs just to the west of Paris, but the French have a different time zone (even before Euro-unity)


    2. someone or something
      4th February 2025, 14:10

      Okay, I need some swarm intelligence here. Does anyone know what “occy” is supposed to mean? He’s called me that before, and it doesn’t sound nice. But can anyone provide me with a definition or etymology?
      Have I been living under the rock, or is Simon just too far gone to realise he’s using fantasy language?

      1. Have I been living under the rock, or is Simon just too far gone to realise he’s using fantasy language?

        Simon is so far gone they’ve looped back as Simone, probably not a problem as long as they maintain the medication.

      2. There’s several meanings I can find online, but none that I can link to what simon is referring to, he calls jere like that, did that several times before.

      3. Coventy Climax
        5th February 2025, 15:05

        Spanish for ‘eastern and western’ countries respectively: ‘oriental y occidental’
        Portuguese is very similar, with e for y, and ocidental for occidental, to be specific.

        There might be other languages that use something similar.

        So I assume ‘occy’ is meant as a denigrating designation for westerners.
        Probably used by the orry’s.

  3. I had already been wondering for a little while when the session times get published as they’ve usually come by mid-January at the latest, so a surprisingly late publishing timing.
    Nevertheless, as I expected, predominantly the same session timings as last season or in the recent past, on average.
    Bringing the Las Vegas GP start times forward by two hours is something I didn’t see coming, but I don’t mind an awful lot as the race start time will be the same for me as it is for the Australian GP.
    The reluctance to have a fully consistent session start time pattern for all standard format events (FP1/FP3 sharing a start time & likewise FP2/QLF/race, which is again only the case for Jeddah & LV) is something that still baffles me, as does the reluctance to bring forward the Miami GP race start time by at least an hour, if not two, despite zero justification existing for avoiding both 14:00 & especially 15:00 local, given the other daylight North American race start times.
    The Chinese & Azerbaijan GPs again 3+ hours before sunset time, but the Australian, Japanese, & Sao Paulo GPs 4+ hours before sunset time is also an inconsistency without justification.
    I simply miss when the session start times used to follow more or less a fully consistent pattern, & even as recently as 2021, relatively many locations still had such a pattern.

    1. Jonathan Parkin
      4th February 2025, 10:59

      Me too. I liked it when the European races all started shortly after 1pm British time as you knew where you were.

      I also loved (when I could get time off) getting up early to watch the race in Australia or Malaysia.

      My greatest reason for starting all daytime races shortly after 1pm is simply a greater window for getting all of the race in. The 2009 Malaysian GP would almost certainly have gone the full distance if it hadn’t started late

  4. Yes (@come-on-kubica)
    4th February 2025, 9:29

    Couldn’t they move it back to never.

  5. Coventry Climax
    5th February 2025, 10:43

    Give a monkey a golden ring; it still remains an ugly thing.

    So I don’t give a hoot what time vegas starts.
    I used to gladly get up at 4 in the morning for the Japanes GP, but Vegas?

    1. Like I said, do one Vegas in daylight – that should kill it permanently.
      People slam Milton Keynes, but it has more appeal than Vegas visually, and you could probably create a better street circuit.

      I used to gladly get up at 4 in the morning for the Japanes GP,

      “Used to” ?? Too much changed in the presentation to make early rising worth it these days?

      1. Coventry Climax
        6th February 2025, 15:52

        Yep, used to. In my mind F1 isn’t as big as it once was. But then I’ve been following it for some 50 years already, and I’m generally not happy with the direction of change.

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