
Video: Schumacher cutting the track to hold up Hamilton

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  • #131425
    Keith Collantine

    Schumacher was reprimanded for impeding Hamilton during final practice last weekend. Here’s what Hamilton saw:


    This video – which I didn’t see over the race weekend – shows Schumacher’s onboard and gives a bit more insight why he was hauled before the stewards:

    (Edit: See video from @Kingshark below)

    Rather silly driving from Schumacher there. Considering the penalties dished out at Hungary in 2006 he was lucky not to get something stronger than a reprimand.


    It was clear that Schumacher did it on purpose.


    Silly and stupid if you ask me.


    I’m very surprised about that. I can’t quite believe he didn’t get a grid penalty.

    Fer no.65

    That’s just stupid. He was punished for less at Hungary 2006…

    That kind of attitude should be penalized heavily, as there’s NO WAY to argue he didn’t do it on purpose…
    and people been excluded from races for less. I think they should give him a one race ban, at least a suspended one.


    That’s the real Schumacher showing himself. I’d started to feel sorry for him as he struggled with his comeback but these sorts of incidents have reminded me what a piece of work he is. His legacy was already tarnished in his original racing career – since his comeback he’s just doing more and more damage. Couldn’t happen to a nicer chap. PS Damon sends his regards.


    @Kingshark I cannot see the video, seems like there is a problem in embedding as it says URL not found. Got a link so I can check it out? Thanks


    The first thing I thought of when I saw that on the F1 Show was it looks like one of the Force India drivers could be in-line for a promotion next year?


    I’m not even in the slightest bit surprised by this. Schumacher’s a great driver, but this isn’t even close to being out of character for him. I have minimal respect for him as a sportsman and if I’m completely honest, I wish he’d never returned to F1. Despicable.


    From that video I can’t even understand why Schumacher was angry with Hamilton. It was a bad weekend for Michael in Spain, I really hope we never get to see this behaviour from him again.


    Stupid behavior from Schumacher. And I too am not very surprised at this latest incident. I didn’t see the previous move by Hamilton that provoked Michael, but it was petulant and childish at best! He really should retire again, he’s done relatively little since his comeback. I accept his criticism of the tyres to a certain extent however he conveniently forgets that he had bespoke tyres at the peak of his dominance…


    I don’t understand how this deserves a reprimand, and running out of fuel at the end of qualifying when you’re 5 tenths faster than anyone else (maybe carrying 1 tenth less fuel than everyone else) deserved a demotion to the back of the grid. Unjust.


    That kind of driving puts him dangerously close together with what Maldonado did in Spa last year. He really should be happy nothing more happened and he did not get a grid penalty for that. Thanks for the video’s


    Argh.. Am I the only person who see’s this page with a URL not found instead of an embedded video?


    Alonso’s brake-test in Hungary and Maldonado’s flick in Spa were actually dangerous. This was very low-speed, Hamilton could see him coming and there was no collision.

    I would have understand a penalty, but just saying there’s a distinct difference between the situations.

    And Andy92, do yourself (and us) a favor and start to understand the rules (technical illegality = DSQ), so you won’t ruin the rest of your year with a badly-motivated grudge.


    Search: Spain 2012 – Schumacher’s Weekend on Dailymotion.
    Sadly, I don’t think there’s another place online where that Video is found.

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