Pantano wins after Grosjean penalised; Chandhok takes sprint win


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Romain Grosjean drove an excellent race at the Hockenheimring to beat Giorgio Pantano to the chequered flag. Grosjean followed Pantano closely throughout the race and took advantage of a heavy shower late in the race to overtake the championship leader.

But on the following lap he overtook the lapped Marko Asmer under a yellow flag. The stewards added 25 seconds to his race time afterwards as punishment, dropping Grosjean from first to second.

It’s the second time this year Grosjean has lost a win after the race had finished. He was stripped of his win in the Barcelona sprint race after he was deemed to have defended too aggressively against Kamui Kobayashi.

Pantano failed to add to his lead in Sunday’s sprint race however as he crashed into Andy Soucek early in the race.

Pole sitter Karun Chandhok was passed by Lucas di Grassi at the start but soon passed the Brazilian for the lead. Andreas Zuber also passed the Brazilian and closed in on Chandhok towards the end of the race but wasn’t able to pass.

Zuber also came under pressure from Bruno Senna, who fought his way up through ther field to take the final podium place. Romain Grosjean was fourth.

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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