Chinese Grand Prix 2006 media review

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The championship battle just gets closer – in fact it couldn’t be any tighter. Have a look at the highlights from the national newspapers…

Tags: f1 / formula one / grand prix / motor sport

Headline Schumacher a master in the art of revival
Button proves his prowess in the wet with bold finish
They say “The race had earlier witnessed an impressive exhibition of seat-of-the-pants driving by Kimi Raikkonen.”
We say Good to see Raikkonen get a rare mention.

Headline Schumacher rolls on as tyre trouble weakens Alonso’ grip on title
Teutonic sense of humour leaves rivals looking glum
They say “Michael Schumacher deployed every ounce of his genius and commitment to draw level with Alonso in the battle for the World Champoinship.”
We say Strangely, the guy who dropped one of Alonso’s wheel nuts didn’t merit a mention.

Headline Schumacher in pole position as Alonso runs into trouble
They say “If Giancarlo Fisichella’s performance in China yesterday was a guide, Renault are going to be in trouble in 2007.”
We say Too right. Not that Felipe Massa was necessarily any better, though.

Headline Schumacher on the verge of history
Renault error opens door for Schumacher
Alonso’s team still confident of victory
They say “Renault team principal Flavio Briatore raged at the gods and the officials in Italy three weeks agoat the treatment handed down to his team by fate and the stewards..”
We say The irony was lost on no-one.

Headline “I’m the oldest driver in F1 but fortunately I’m not the slowest”
Honda ‘fix’ fury
They say “Move of race: Ferrari’s Michael Schumacher cut it fine as he took to the grass to overtake Renault’s Giancarlo Fisichella on lap 41.”
We say Nah – some of Robert Kubica’s were much better. Fisichella couldn’t have made it much easier for Schumacher.

Headline Lead role for Schu as Alonso fluffs his title lines
They say “Was this the day the champion’s dream of a second title slipped away?”
We say Alonso fluffed nothing – it was his pit crew.

Headline Schu just over the moon
They say “‘I had a moment,’ said Fisichella, ‘It was difficult at turn one.’ Big wages, big experience, big mistake!”
We say Thumbs up for covering the A1 Grand Prix season-opener too.

Headline Schu’s gotta lotta bottle
Honda silence the Chinese whispers
They say “To be fair to the Spaniard there was only one type of weather – drying track – that favoured Schumacher’s tyres and the gods delivered it yesterday,.”
We say Who’s to say Schumacher didn’t have more dry-weather pace and wasn’t just coasting his Ferrari home?

Headline Frustrated Alonso let down by tyres
Masterly Schuey’s class act in China
Button happy with late charge
They say “Takuma Sato was disqualified following the Chinese Grand Prix after ignoring blue flags and blocking faster cars during the race.”
We say Ironically, given the accusations of collusion between Super Aguri and Honda, this story was illustrated with a picture of Sato from last year, when he raced for Honda…

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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