2009 F1 testing notes: January 24th

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Nick Heidfeld spent a second day testing the BMW F1.09

BMW completed the first test of its F1.09 in Valencia today. The team has now completed a greater distance with its 2009 F1 car than any of its rivals have with theirs.

Here’s some notes and pictures from the test.

Nick Heidfeld spent his second day working on the F1.09 at the Ricardo Tormo circuit in Valencia.

The team did not release any lap times. Heidfeld completed 91 laps, taking the total distance logged on the F1.09 up to 1,887km – more than Ferrari’s F60 (around 1,500km) and McLaren’s MP4-24 (690km, much of it in the wet).

Managing director Walter Riedl said:

We have already used the 2009 version of the V8 engine with its rev limit of 18,000 rpm, as well as employing KERS. Overall we are very happy with the testing, particularly with regard to the high reliability of the new car. Now we are naturally very keen to see where we stand in terms of the competition, but we will have to wait for the next test to gain a first impression.

That test will come when BMW joins Ferrari and Toyota in Bahrain from February 10th. See the F1 Fanatic salendar for more test dates.

Pictures from today’s test

Thanks to Becken for the test distance data

2009 F1 testing

All images (C) BMW ag

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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6 comments on “2009 F1 testing notes: January 24th”

  1. The anticipation and excitement is slowly becoming tangible. Roll on Melbourne…

  2. Overall we are very happy with the testing, particularly with regard to the high reliability of the new car.

    If they can maintain last year’s reliability they should be just fine. Why didn’t they release the lap times as no-one else is testing in Valencia?

  3. Test distance data (up date)

    FERRARI: ………………………………..1.500km

    BMW: ……………………………………..1.887km


    RENAULT: …………………………………446km

    WILLIAMS: ………………………………..696km

    TOYOTA: …………………………………..560km

    1. Thanks Becken :-)

  4. I strongly wish for four teams, i.e. Ferrari, McLaren, BMW and Renault, having equally competetive cars, all fighting for the wins.
    Hamilton, Massa, Raikkonen, Kubica, Alonso – when was the last time we had 5 guys fighting for the championship, huh?

    I just hope we won’t see a repetition of 1998, when one team took advantage of the technical changes in F1 and dominated the field :/

  5. That helmet is bad man!!! Wish Nick could live up to his nickname this year atleast and not blame tyre warming, pressure, grid girls (LOL) etc etc

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