Toyota having a car boot sale

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Toyota are clearing out their F1 parts bin and flogging it all on their website.

You can buy a part from one of their F1 cars for as little as �200 (?����?�228/$322). And if you’ve got a few thousand to spare you could get front noses, rear wings or even an entire engine cover.

Brakes, light alloy wheels and suspension parts are also up for sale.

Is Toyota having a car boot sale another sign they are planning to quit F1 (like, for example, their F1 circuit dropping off the calendar)?

Or do they just need a bit more storage space at their Cologne base?

Whichever, here’s some pictures of the goodies up for grabs:

Images (C) Toyota

You can buy the parts from the Toyota F1 shop.

If you do buy a Toyota part – or if you already own a part from an F1 car – please send in a picture. You can upload images to the F1 Fanatic, or get in touch with me via email or Twitter.

Author information

Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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25 comments on “Toyota having a car boot sale”

  1. Out of interest how much for an engine, Keith? (If they`re selling one, of course)
    I ask because I`d like to make comparisons with an 051 F2002

    1. I don’t think they are selling one but here’s a thought – can you buy all the parts you need from Ferrari and Toyota to build your own F1 car? And perhaps Renault as well, they sell parts occasionally…

  2. cheaper than you’d think

    1. i was expecting much more for an engine cover, bargain!

  3. Probably more sensible just to buy the whole car, Keith.
    I know Ferrari sell theirs (they get raced in the Corse Clienti Historic Challenge) but I`m not sure which other teams do.

    1. The newer cars are under F1 Clienti, of course.

  4. Is Toyota having a car boot sale another sign they are planning to quit F1?

    Not at all, Keith.
    As you can see, those are the last year’s (or older?) chassis elements. There’s no use in them anymore, so selling them is the most sensible thing to do. They free their storage space and boost their economy [That’s a catchy phrase nowadays, isn’t it?]

    1. Actually, those parts are from the TF105, the 2005 challenger…

  5. I suggest we all chip in and buy enough parts to build a car and enter Keith as Team Fanatic – then we won’t have to worry about Nakajima or Piquet spinning out first ;)

  6. Frank from Oz
    31st May 2009, 11:53

    Great idea Rabi!
    And then have a contest to choose which f1 fanatic will drive it first.

  7. I tried to buy the double plain front wing, but alas, their payment system seems broken. If anyone else manages to buy something, can you let me know? I want to start on my Ferrari/Toyota hybrid a.s.a.p! Muchas gracias!

    1. Its a naf e-commers website however at the top of the f1 parts page it says

      Prices are quoted without VAT and freight costs. To order please contact us via email: [email protected] or by telephone: +49 2234 1823 4746

  8. Shame they’re not selling the double diffuser….

  9. Didn’t Clarkson on Topgear buy a Honda rear Wing, and attach it to that renault or something during one of the episodes, I think I might just try the same idea with these attachements!!

    1. Flying Wombat
      31st May 2009, 16:11

      Didn’t Clarkson on Topgear buy a Honda rear Wing, and attach it to that renault or something during one of the episodes, I think I might just try the same idea with these attachements!!

      If I remember rightly, it actually made their car slower. Mind you, it was from a Super Aguri…

    2. and Hammond had bought it… but those Super Aguri parts were on sale after the scuderia lost his place in F1. They sold everything they could…

  10. Purhams Mclaren could buy these bits and spray them and add them to their car

  11. Is this a scheme to recoup some of the money they have spent over the years, before they bail out of F1 altogether??

    That’s what I first thought when I saw the headline.

    Maybe I’m wrong…..

  12. i would buy them if it were from Ferrari, Mclaren or Renault… but not TOYOTA, i dislike them very much, (not to say i hate them!).

  13. Maybe they plan on using the proceeds to fix their crappy website!

  14. I think Toyota should give these parts away in regular competitions…

  15. Heh…funny…you’d think of all teams, Toyota don’t need the extra money.

  16. Not a bad thing to pick up if you’ve got the money- it’s not a Ferrari or McLaren component to display, but interesting nonetheless.

  17. David Smith
    2nd June 2009, 20:41

    If the parts are from ralf’s 2005 car wont they all be sold as seen due to damage..

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