Jean Todt is the new FIA president

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Jean Todt with team members Nick Craw, Grahm Stoker and Brian Gibbons

Jean Todt’s victory in today’s FIA election is not likely to be greeted with a great deal of surprise.

He was the preferred choice of outgoing president Max Mosley, and that clout was always going to count for a lot. Sure enough, Todt won with 135 votes to Vatanen’s 49, with 12 abstentions.

The FIA member clubs were given a choice between continuing with the status quo and embracing change. They have emphatically opted for the former which, given F1’s recent troubles, is a disappointment.

After the acrimonious build-up to the elections it remains to be seen if there will be any fall-out about how it was conducted. There has been no reaction from Vatanen yet.

A full list of the candidates elected as part of Todt’s team can be found on the FIA website.

Luca di Montezemolo, head of the F1 teams’ association as well as Todt’s former boss at Ferrari, had warm words for Todt on his election:

I have always appreciated his ability, dedication and commitment. I am sure that, under his guidance, the Federation will be rejuvenated and will restore a climate open to dialogue and constructive collaboration with the teams and FOTA, thus ensuring stability of the regulations and the whole environment.

How long will the relations between the two remain this cordial? What should Todt’s first actions be after taking over the role?

And will F1 remain without a French Grand Prix for much longer now a Frenchman is back in charge of the FIA? Have your say in the comments.

More reaction to this story in the earlier article here: The FIA goes to the polls

F1 Presidential elections 2010

Author information

Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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102 comments on “Jean Todt is the new FIA president”

  1. Why do I feel there will just be more of the same…

    1. Because you’re probably right?

  2. I actually though Vatanen could win. I don’t think he’ll be half as bad as Mosley, but the main concern is obviously whether he has total autocracy in the same way Max did or be more democractic.
    As for French gp, fine it can come back but not Magny Cours. I dislike that track. :P

    1. I like it – it has some really fast and challenging corners

    2. I don’t mind Magny-Cours too much, and we need the French GP back on the calender.

      1. The Sri Lankan
        23rd October 2009, 23:44

        i love that track

    3. There is a French GP. Monaco. ;)

      1. I know you’re joking, but for anyone else getting ideas Monaco does NOT count as France ;)

        1. I think its high time we return back to Le Castellet. Its the only decent track in whole of France.

          1. Could try Rouen? ;)

    4. Got bored of Magny-Cours, even though it’s better than some other tracks we have now and was improved before it was dropped.

      Personally I’d like to see it as Flins-Les Mureaux, although if they run it anti-clockwise it would be too similar to Interlagos.

  3. Of course Jean Todt won. What a joke. Well I think it would be dificult for Todt to be worse than Mosley. Not a good year for F1 I have to say.

    1. Got to agree with that Hallard, Fairness, and transparency are leaving by the back door…

      1. Leaving by the back door? I don’t think fairness and transparency were ever invited to the party!

  4. Well, the result is not a surprise.
    I think that if things will seem to be done differently by FIA, this will be just an illusion. People in charge generally don’t like change, unless it increases their control, and the new president will make sure that everything stays the same: the ones that must get away with dirty things will and the inconvenient characters will be hunted down every time an opportunity shows itself.
    Anyway we have to be positive and optimistic and maybe things will be better.

  5. Boooooo!!!

  6. Boooooo indeed! What’s the betting he appoints S&Max as his ‘F1 commissioner’? Pretty likely I’d say. What a joke.

    1. S&Max

      SS Max. Adolf appointing Heinrich is an apt analogy.

      1. Godwin’s law. From who else, but the blasphemer!

    2. I bet it’ll be like Russia with Putin (Mosely) really in charge & Medvedev (Todt) as the puppet.

  7. Bloody hell….

    Even as a Ferrari fan… makes me a tad nervous

  8. A more apt headline for the article would be…

    ” The sport loses as Jean Todt wins”

    1. Or how about the headline “Smelly little toad wins election” SAD day for F1(unless your a Ferrari fan)

  9. Is there a breakdown of which members voted for which candidate? And do all the clubs get an equal vote? Are Algeria’s 3 motor club votes equal to Finland’s three votes?

    1. I’d be interested to know that too. Apparently most of the big clubs like the US and Germany supported Vatanen, but presumably Todt bribed all the worlds microstates to vote for him. But why couldn’t the EU step in to prevent that sort of thing?

    2. No. One country, one vote.

      Disputed countries (dissent among clubs) resulted in a blank ballot.

  10. wonder how fair these elections were

  11. I think all the voting was done by secret ballot, in fact I think that was a disputed issue running into this week. But I can’t be 100% sure on that.

    As for who has a more worthy vote, I believe all the clubs are equal, regardless of size. That’s part of the reason why Max won the vote of confidence last year- a bunch of smaller clubs pulled for him and got enough votes, while the majority of larger clubs did not support him.

  12. BOOOOO

  13. Keith, for just this one day could you allow profanity in the comments?

    1. LOL! No, but thanks for asking :-)

  14. I don’t even know what I am really talking about, but I am a bit disturbed by the comments here…

    Is Todt all black and Vatanen all white ?
    Do you really think it will ,ake absolutely NO difference with Mosley ?

    How about we give the (elected) man a chance before destroying him, huh ?

    1. We did the same in the US. We gave the guy a chance and see how it is working for us..unemployment, money issues, businesses going under, it all great.
      We are complaining because we know it is more of the same things that have made F1 a joke for the last 3 years. Different man, same results.

      1. Yeah if people expect radical change in only a few months they are deluding themselves.

        The US economy recovering after it was plummeting at breakneck speeds, Iran willing to do deals on nuclear materials, Russia working together with the US, closing of Guantanamo being arranged, broad discussion about fixing the broken healthcare system, rest of the world doesn’t hate the US anymore. I’d say that is a huge amount of change for just a few months time.

        Amazingly people still expect more. Or rather, are told to expect more by certain groups. They expect the jobs to come back right away. They don’t know that economical recovery takes 1 to 2 years. they don’t realize that job growth is the last effect of recovery. They want it NOW!

        I guess Vatanen would have suffered the same fate. People would expect him to “change” everything. Practically on a moments notice even. Of course that’s impossible.

        1. That was a great little speech there… except none of your 2nd paragraph is true, the economy isnt recovering, guantanamo isnt closing and the health system isnt broke and it never was.
          You like so many of your ilke dont understand that the media created 95%of the BS you believe as fact.
          Take the healthcare system you say is broke.. no one repeat no one in the US regardless of citizenship, race or any other factor is refused healthcare ever at any emergency room…I should know I work in them.People from other countries come to the US to be treated because they wont be in their countries. You want to see the economy go in the toilet even further..let the government take over healthcare.
          The economic situation in the US has been festering since the Clinton administration relaxed loan regulation and people started borrowing money the couldnt afford to and then the loan companies(fannie mae and freddie mac) bundled the bad loans with good ones and created the problem and the problem was made worse by politicians from both sides letting it continue.
          As for the rest of the world liking or hating the US..I coould care less. I have been all over this world and I can tell you that I would always rather live in the US than any other country. We have more freedom(for now but that may change with this idiot) more opportunity and possibility than in any other country.
          You are so missinformed it is sickening
          I would tell you to take your head out of the sand but it is already stuck somewhere else.

          1. Nuts.

          2. Ooops, didn’t mean to post that there.

          3. Heh. A republican.

          4. As for the rest of the world liking or hating the US..I coould care less.


            thats sad.

            I have been all over this world and I can tell you that I would always rather live in the US than any other country. We have more freedom(for now but that may change with this idiot) more opportunity and possibility than in any other country.

            I am a little baffled with your comment here. Who is the “idiot” you referring to that is going to destroy your freedom? and how will they do that exactly?

            We have more freedom..

            gulp…. I hope you are right, and that continues to be the case..


            just want to tell you that every action lags with reaction.. you can not really blame the current government for whatever may or may not be happening correctly or incorrectly in the US.

            Technology continues to grow around the world, everywhere, constantly, and by that I mean good and “bad” technology owned and controlled by good and bad people. So, how can a system be imposed to indirectly regulate this madness? The approach that Obama (or his advisers) “might be” taking seems to be leaning towards something that can be accomplished, that is as far as the US is concerned. Although his Nobel piece price i must say is quite premature, and somewhat of a joke. Anyway, why I am talking about this? Because the word “freedom” you mentioned there is linked to all of this and more.

          5. Tsk, tsk, Martin, you spoiled your little rant with a silly grammar mistake – you said you ‘could care less’ (i.e. you care so much that you wish you didn’t) instead of ‘couldn’t care less’ (i.e. you don’t give a damn).

          6. Lol, he even blames Clinton. These “Faux News” viewers are such a laugh :)

          7. I love it when people say ‘we have more freedom than any other country’ – for one thing, can you tell me where you bought your freedometer? Like what, because you get to vote for candidates from two whole parties? What a crock. Racial segregation persisted legally in some forms into the 1970s in the US. Don’t get me started.

          8. This is a forum for F1 guys, go argue that crap somewhere else!

          9. We’re arguing the politics of FIA presidential elections.

            Stop whining about “crap”

  15. Well…now what?
    All we can do is wait and see.
    I did see a picture on Autosport of Michael and Jean taken right after the announcement was made. I don’t know who was kind of cradling the back of whos neck, maybe they both were. With that kind of far away look in their eyes. They looked like they were just about to give each other a great big long warm kiss. Sickening. Just wait. MS is going to be appointed to some board that has something to do with F1.
    Oh..and by the way…saw a funny tweet by fakebernie telling “little Napoleon” that Bernies people would be contacting him soon for measurements to attach the strings. Wish I had thought of that one.

    1. MS is going to be appointed to some board that has something to do with F1.

      Oh, so maybe he shouldn’t just because you dont like it? lol

      The man obviously loves F1 and there is nothing you or I or anyone can do about it, other then , maybe his haters can shoot themselves in the head now and not have to see anything to do with MS again? ;P I would not recommend it :), but i think that is your only option. Or maybe you better get used to it because I am certain he will be involved F1 again sooner rather than later. The guy is a 7 time WC whether we like it or not. And there is very very very high chance that he will own his team one day. He certainly has enough $$$ to buy even 2 of them if he wants.

      1. Sorry to say Maksutov, but F1 will be the poorer if Schumi does re-involve himself. Just an opinion, but a proven cheat would set a bad example….

        1. The question is not if he will involve himself again, but rather “when”. You better get used to it. And while you and like to rub him off as a cheat, some people can actually see the exceptional qualities he had as an F1 driver, and that cheating can not buy.

          1. That begs the question ‘why bother to cheat then?’ when you are so ‘exceptional’? sorry m8, in life you are allways remembered for what you do wrong…

          2. @Achilles

            in life you are allways remembered for what you do wrong…

            I dont doubt that. People believe what they feel to believe, and see what they wish to see. But the facts are there records and history is there that show the exceptional driving skills. I am looking at MS as a driver and not some bad English political figure. The reality is that MS never really got away with any of his personal cheats – of course that doesn’t change the fact that he attempted those things. But team orders are different – blame the team for that.

            I am not gonna bloody go through the history what happen and how he drove, everyone saw it. The reality is that MS was always competitive because he had exceptional consistency over many many years. You cant kill the truth dude no matter how much you wish you could.

  16. No surprises and yes we have too find out what todt – is like in this post – but I really do think we are proverbaly goosed with this appointment

  17. What bad news

  18. Though personally I am not a big fan of Max and his regime, I thought Max is hated a little more than what he deserved. During the FOTA FIA war I felt MAX was insane. But when BMW pulled out I started thinking “Hmmmm Maybe this guy has a point….. “. Now look at the influence he had. All he has to do is to say that he supports Jean as his successor. That is it – Jean wins with a huge majority.

    Well we really need to get the version from the pro-Jean voters also. And how sure is everybody that only developing/Non-European countries voted for Jean and European countries voted for Vatenan. If that was really the case then I feel there is a wide ridge between the European countries and the Non-European countries. As far as F1 is concerned and that is really not good for the sport.

    If indeed there is a divide, I really feel the divide is the root cause. It does’nt matter Vatenan or Jean as long as the sport does not get a regional consensus. I feel that is the most important thing.

    Look at the sad state of things. A country where the maximum cars are sold in the world USA or rather North America to be general does not have an F1 race.

    Do you think any manufacturer was thrilled about it. BMW,Mercedes, Honda, Toyota, Ferrai everybody might be feeling really sour about the mess bernie has created and no wonder Honda and BMW pulled out.

    Then there is a Bernie’s world of F1 and Max’s world of F1. It is disheartening to see the various factions and power centers which is doing more harm to the sport than any good.

    In the end it is sport. the genuine driving talents and fans who are getting affected more than anything else.

    1. I don’t think BMW were too thrilled when Max – after they were among his sternest critics for being caught in flagrante delicto – had a go at them for ‘their’ activities in the 2nd world war, as if the current BMW board were personally responsible for the Battle of the Bulge. Mind have made them think twice about sticking around and probably wouldn’t get VW rushing to sign up to F1 either :D

  19. teeb123456789
    23rd October 2009, 23:23


    in regards to the French Grand Prix, I think there will be one from 2011 onwards.

    I recently visited the company, Apex Circuit Design’ (for work experince) who have designed the new French GP circuit and they say it should be built by 2011.

    With a Frenchman as the president, then I do think that the French GP will be a secured track.

    1. With a Brit as president and another as FOM president, the British Grand Prix is far from secured.

      1. Are you saying that we will have a track that is not designed by Mr. (boring) Tilke! YES! i dont think bernie will be too please though!

  20. Terry Fabulous
    23rd October 2009, 23:42

    This is on the whole a let down. But if you think about what he did to turn around Ferrari, he certainly has the potential to turn around the FIA.

    The big issues that faced Ferrari before he arrived was a shobolic management structure where noone trusted anyone else, noone felt safe or secure and wild decision were made on momentary whims.

    He managed to turn that around and make Ferrari a functional organisation with consistent clear decision making procedures and job security. They became the model team on the grid.

    If Jean can step into the FIA and place some structures around the way races are controlled, maybe install some permanent stewards and get some consistent penalties. He will have done a great deal.

    1. You are absolutely right Terry, but I’d be a whole lot happier if the ‘company’ that Todt had turned was not a current F1 competitor…

      I’ve seen a few comments pointing out that Todt has no current Ferrari ties. Of course not, not even Ferrari could pull off having their man win the vote. Todt’s exit from Ferrari was all carefully orchestrated for this intended result. Todt’s previous (or current as the case may be) links to Ferrari should automatically have excluded him from candidacy. No ifs, buts, or maybes.

      As it is, I’m prepared to give him a chance to show me what he can do, but I won’t be at all surprised if I am on here in a years time saying I told you so…

      1. I agree with your comments. Although I would have liked to see Ari, I am either way expecting more stability and professionalism from FIA in the near future.

  21. Well, so anti-Ferrari fans can handle on to the FIA-supports-Ferrari point for 5 years more. Come on guys, come up with something new now ;-)

    Surely, this is a bad day for F1. But definitely not as catastrophic as some of the posts above make it out to be. Ari had absolutely no campaign points, his answer to every question was “sit down and talk” with shouts of “change” atleast twice every sentence. Even if Ari had won, it would have been a bad day for F1.

    Lets give Jean a fair chance, don’t forget, FOTA is still there which was primarily responsible for Max’s ouster. And very cunningly, FOTA has kept quiet through the entire election and are coming out only now. I am sure, FOTA will keep Jean in check too.

    But for now, congrats Jean. I hope (but I am not sure) you did nothing wrong to win the election.

    1. This is what our dear Sumedh had to say in a Ari vs Toad poll article a few months back

      “I don’t really think that Max Moseley should have resigned due to Spank-Gate scandal. It is his personal life. Bill Clinton was president inspite of his extra marital affair, after all.

      However, I voted for Jean Todt as he is a Ferrari man, and I am a die-hard fan of them :) Selfish choice, but so be it.

      As a die-hard fan I want Ferrari to win every championship, and whoever and whatever helps them do that, is more than welcome.

      Yes, Ferrari has got assistance from FIA, probably more than any other team. But that doesn’t undermine any of the championships they have won. It takes a different kind of skill to repeatedly gain such unfair advantage. And Ferrari have repeatedly been better negotiators with FIA than any other team. If other teams can’t do that, its not Ferrari’s fault that they get outside advantage all the time.

      Its not a perfect sport, no sport is. You have got to do everything that takes to win. Ferrari do that. Thats why I like them.

      Sumedh accepts the fact that his beloved Ferrari cannot win without outside assistance.

      Sumedh also goes on to say this:

      My logic might sound wierd and contradictory, but it is not baseless.

      Isn’t a contradictory statement is always baseless?

      Sumedh also says this:

      Its a simple give-n-take. That is how you get into the teacher’s good books.

      He is right in saying both FIA & Ferrari help each other, its called symbiosis(mutual dependence). One cannot exist without the other. So he is admitting to that fact , that too directly!! That Ferrari couldn’t have won all those championships without the help of max & FIA. Its simple “Give & take” policy isn’t it? Sumedh would call it sporting behavior, I’m sure he would, cuz he always want Ferrari to win, even if it means they don’t achieve it in a fair way. But I along with many others wouldn’t call it a sport if such a thing were ever to happen.

      At least I’m glad that a die hard Tifosi has admitted to the fact that his team cannot win without resorting to cheap tactics.

      1. I appreciate you browsing through so many old articles and finding my old comments :P, also thanks for selectively quoting me.

        I am sorry to say your post is entirely irrelevant to the article here. We are here to discuss consequences of Todt being the new FIA president. Not about what mine or any other XYZ’s views were on the topic some few months back.

        And stop being so cynical all the time. “Abu Dhabi is going to be a snorefest”, “Todt will do nothing good”, “Kimi will leave F1” – whats with the negative undertones in almost all your posts. Have you ever tried to make a sound informed judgment on anything?

        And do not always go back to “Formula 1 is a holy sport” argument. Formula 1 stopped being a sport long time ago, as did football and most recently cricket. All of them are “businesses”. People are here for profit, and it will always be so.

        Ari was too detached from the realities of Formula 1 to become FIA president. Do read any of his interviews before the polls. And read Todt’s. I am sure you will find plenty of concrete points more in Todt’s manifesto than Ari’s. Again, please don’t revert back to “Todt caused Austria 2002, you call this sporting” – That was in the past, people have moved on. Ferrari is not the same team it was in 2002. Jean might not be the same man as he was in 2002. Give him a fair chance. Does it sound something that you are capable of doing?

        1. Give him a fair chance

          I wonder if YOU or TOAD know what FAIR means :P

          Of course its seems irrelevant to you! Why wouldn’t it! You are the same guy who said you don’t mind Ferrari winning with outside assistance. I know there are many deluded souls like you who think the same. A true “TIFOSI” would want to distance him/herself from you :)

          Funniest part is that you defend Max’s sadomasochism adventure :P

          Do you have any friends?

          1. I am going to shy away from all the personal jibes you are making. I expect you to behave like a grown-up too in return.

            The reasons he should have left FIA presidency are too long a tenure, and general incompetence towards the end. His sadomasochism is a part of his personal life, which will obviously affect his performance in his professional life. His professional performance suffered accordingly. And Max should have been impeached for THIS INCOMPETENCE. Unfortunately, his rivals chose to attack him with SADOMASOCHISM instead. Thus giving him an escape route of “Its-my-personal-life”.

            That episode reflects poorly not just on Max, but also on his detractors who could not defeat him inspite of him being on a back foot.

  22. RE:Well, the result is not a surprise.
    I think that if things will seem to be done differently by FIA, this will be just an illusion. People in charge generally don’t like change, unless it increases their control, and the new president will make sure that everything stays the same: the ones that must get away with dirty things will and the inconvenient characters will be hunted down every time an opportunity shows itself.
    Anyway we have to be positive and optimistic and maybe things will be better.

  23. The FIA elections make the elections in Iran, Zimbabwe and Afghanistan look democratic. I just wish Max Mosley would just fall down a well and never escape. And Jean Todt too

    1. Well, sadly… the world is quite unfair. Bad people always escape mishaps and luckily survived, as for the Good people, luck isn’t always on their side and it’s pretty hard for them to avoid mishaps and struggling to survive… Sigh

  24. FIFA, IOC and also the FIA…. I love the sports and i hate the politics that rule those sports. the FIA wanted Todt so they have Todt…..mosley who advised to choose todt how rong can you get…….

    and don’t forget Jean todt is a manager! when Ari Vatanen was racing threw the dessert in his peugeot 405 who was his boss…..? yes mr Todt

  25. I sense a disturbance in the force.

    sorry for the Star Wars quote, but it seemed appropriate.

    Too bad the public can’t vote for the FIA president.

  26. How long have the teams signed the concord agreement for? If things don’t look good in 2010, FOTA should have the balls and from 2014 make their own championship!

    1. Somehow I always wonder why people never talk about this……

      Somehow 1998 Australia is deliberately forgotten.

      1. And people like YOU conveniently forget the fact that MIKA HAKKINEN was comfortably leading the race when Jean Toad & Ferrari HACKED into Mika’s radio & forced him to come into the pits! Did you know that fact?? If you did, you seem to have conveniently forgotten it!It was Mika’s race Ferrari & Todt tried to sabotage McLaren’s race. There was nothing dodgy about Coulthard letting Mika by.

        But the Tifosi are a clouded lot, you’ll never allow sense to penetrate your brains :P

        1. But the Tifosi are a clouded lot, you’ll never allow sense to penetrate your brains :P

          That was NOT directed at you, Tmax.

          1. Thanks mp4! I love being a tifosi! Maybe we are clouded but too a certaing extent most fans will be, especially fans whose teams were run by characters such as Todt, Briatore or Dennis. They were big characters and they have all had scandals which we could argue about all day long.
            Ferrari made mistakes, under Todt there wwere scandals and all of them were painful to watch. But Ferrari are not unique in this, despite they know probably have the biggest reputation for this.
            The example you gave was horrible a situation mp4, I won’t make any excuses for it. It shouldn’t have happened.
            Todt is president, but he will not be likely to favour Ferrari but there may be other disputes to follow anyway. Hopefully I am wrong and he will not be autocratic, thatis the most important thing.

          2. Thanks For the clarification mp4. I am a lover of the sport, love good racing and good racers.

            As far as your theory was concerned that Jean hacked into the radio. I heard the story before. But hearing for first time that it was Jean who hacked.

            I just makes me wonder the following.

            1) This was the first race of the season. Everybody started at 0 points.
            2) Schumacher was out of the race in Lap 6 and how did it help him or Ferrari anyway ?
            3) McLaren was leading 1-2 in the race. What difference will it make for Ferrari if that order changes ?
            4) Is the entire pit crew of Mclaren ill equipped that even if there was a hack by someone they can’t communicate between each other to make sure that thing are clear.
            5) Can’t Mika ask a question back to them ? Does’nt Mika understand his own boss/race Engineer/Pit Crews voice ?
            6) Williams was the chief contender against Ferrari the previous year until Mclaren emerged that year. Jacques Vill and Frentzen were following the McLaren. Unless Jean really wants to help Sir Frank Williams in some way :) Which I think will be a real big favour given their stands.
            7) Why is Jean Suspected and not Sir Williams who would stand to gain more ?

            As a matter of fact the truth is MClaren made a big goof up. In the end they too did the unsporting act by letting Mika ahead and they finally covered up the whole story by Hack scandal.

            And to add icing on the top , it adds fun if that was hacked Jean.

            I think Jean whose voice is recognized by everyone is not so stupid enough to Hack into Mika’ radio and let his whole career under stake for no apparent advantage for Ferrari. Unless he wants to do that for the sake of the BAR Williams.

            As a matter of fact I am firm believer that 2 wrongs don’t make a right and that the shameful incident of 1998 Australia in no way justifies the 2002 Austria. But Covering up one wrong and super exposing another wrong as if nothing such has happened this side is a Tad bit of Injustice IMHO.

        2. Fact? Where have you got the information for this ‘fact’? Why would they do it anyway – it wouldn’t have benefitted Ferrari at all! Schumacher was long out of the race and Irvine was way back. It would still have meant a McLaren 1-2, only with DC leading them home…

          In terms of conspriracy theories, that’s right up there with Italian gangs remotely interfering with the telemetry on Senna’s Williams at Imola ’94 in terms of ridiculousness…

      2. …there is a difference between a single event, and a demonstrated tendency, don’t you think?

        1. – that’s in response to Tmax’s Youtube link…

          1. Are you telling me that anybody who commits only one crime for what ever selfish is a good guy and only if he repeatedly commits the same crime he is guilty ?

            I would say that is another way of justifying a wrong.

            If single events are not to be punished let pat symonds and Falvio walk free…

            Did’nt Mclaren steal Ferrari data ? was’nt lewis favoured publicly to Fernando ? Did’nt they lie to the stewards in Australia ? Are these all isolated events and are we still waiting for a Demonstrated Tendency or pattern ?

            Sorry If this is going out of topic. But All I want to say is that taking the example of Austria 2002 and declaring that everything Jean did was wrong is just not correct !!!!

          2. Well, we’re not talking about crimes after all. It’s not about ‘guilt’ per se. It’s clear as day that in this sport people cut corners any which way they can. God only knows what kind of stuff goes on that we never hear about – among all teams. Besides, for me, this has nothing to do with McLaren vs Ferrari arguments.

            It’s just that for my money, and this purely my opinion, no matter which way you slice it, there was just a smell of impudent arrogance in the way that Todt ran his team in Schumacher’s heyday.

            And last, but certainly not least: the whole point is that Ron Dennis is not FIA president, but Jean Todt now is – and that is an office which is supposed to impartially regulate the sport. And nothing, but absolutely nothing that Jean Todt did at Ferrari convinces me that he is an impartial man.

          3. Maciek has said it all! He’s absolutely 100% correct. At the end of the day its Todt who’s the president, not Ron or Sir Frank or Patrick Head.

            Toad won the election just cuz of 2 things:

            1) Money power
            2) Support from MM

            What extra has he got to offer that the above mentioned men can’t?

          4. I was really trying hard not to make this look like a McLaren vs Ferrari stuff. But still somehow that tone did come up.

            Maciek I totally agree with your point on the whole that is too big a sport and it is beyond ones possible imagination as to what is really happening under the cover.

            Otherwise yeh we really need to see how Jean takes up the role. It is all in his hands to really give value to the position he is elected into.

  27. I hope Todt bring back F1 on track other than off track.
    & Yes if we have French GP next year we would have 20 races.

    He needs to find out a way to take as much as possible power from Bernie & need to work more with FOTA.


  28. oh crap.

  29. Surely the most important, and depressing, consequence of this election is that Todt will allow Bernie and his entourage to keep siphoning off billions from F1 for many more years to come. Please tell me I am wrong.

  30. And the voters are all driving spanking new ferraris…

  31. Todt is president, but he will not be likely to favour Ferrari but there may be other disputes to follow anyway. Hopefully I am wrong and he will not be autocratic, thatis the most important thing.

    The proof that Todt will be autocratic is his intent to set up racing commissioners which will give the illusion of separation between Ferrari and Todt. Of course the commissioner will report to and respond to anything Jean wishes to implement.

    My only hope is that Todt will sever all ties to Max and Ferrari (now that he no longer needs them) and truly become his own man and act in the best interest of the sport.

    If a French GP appears BEFORE a US GP Nick Craw will be tarred and feathered with his first step back on US soil. Unfortunately Bernie still makes these decisions, so I’m not sure if either venue will resurface.

  32. Why so many think this is going to be of instant gain to Ferrari? Mr Todt also managed Peugeot’s rally team in the 80’s, what’s to say they wont make a suspiciously successful comeback…

    Good luck Mr. Todt.

  33. Just more Ferrari favouritism. Rubbish for the fans.

  34. Well I don’t think anyone is surprised at the result. I didn’t want Todt to win but I will give him a chance.

    Now Todt is elected I think he needs to distance himself from the Mosley regime and look at making big changes at the FIA because the fact that it is not just Formula 1 having problems with the FIA shows it has problems.

  35. FOTA should’ve gone forward with the split…

    I think for his first term, we will see a cautious Todt demonstrating his more admirable qualities, with hints of the old order still being in charge. Then, when he’s re-elected, he’ll probably become Max Mosely the Second, and complete his agenda.

    I’m ready to see all of this proved wrong, but at least with Vatanen there wouldn’t have been any chance of things turning out this way. This isn’t a victory for substance and experience, but simply a victory for Max and Bernie, who got their way again.

  36. I also think that FOTA dropped the ball and allowed itself to be outmanouvred by Max in the long run, yet again. I have little hope that Todt will be anything other than another authoritarian partisan in the lineage of Balestre and Mosley.

    But, let’s suspend belief. How about an article, Keith, on what, specifically, Todt COULD do in his first weeks of the presidency to set things straight and signal to the world that he’s on board with real reform? For example, appointing permanent stewards might be one step. He has said it’s time for unity. There are things he can do to show it’s not just political blah. What are they?

    1. I’m surprised it wasn’t in the article itself actually, but Todt proposed to install an F1 commissioner, set up some F1 tribunal that will deal with disciplinary issues and also “fix” the stewards problem (get rid of Donnely I guess).

      Quite a lot of change (improvement) actually and it would help prevent the conflict of interest that might arise when Todt is presiding over a disciplinary hearing about some F1 offence that is related to Ferrari.

      Now the question is if he will actually go through with this, who will fill those functions and if they are puppets or real people.


        Davies has had a go already. Some good suggestions, I think, especially getting rid of Donnelly.

  37. If ferrari get to run 3 cars, schumacher wins another 5 seasons we know who is to blame

  38. Well it’s not a surprise. It certainly is a big downer for the people who already accuse the FIA of pulling for Ferrari (like me). I can only hope for a few things:

    – Less rules
    – Clearer rules
    – Most importantly: CONSISTENT PUNISHMENT. What the’re doing now is so arbitrary. One gets fined, the other gets a drive-through, again another gets 25 seconds of penalty etc. This is destroying formula 1 IMO since you never know who really has the pole position or won the race untill about 3 or 4 hours after the race. This also has to do with the clarity of the rules. Sometimes people got punished and it wasn’t clear what they did wrong. It was a little better this year (since Ferrari couldn’t win the championship anymore) but 2008 was awfull in this respect.

  39. Now the question is if he will actually go through with this, who will fill those functions and if they are puppets or real people

    Why, none other than Todt’s “Other son”, Michael Schumacher! We go from Max’s depraved perversions to Le Toad’s version of nepotism. Regardless of whoever he appoints as a commissioner of F1 they will answer to Le Toad, who no doubt will be answering to Max and Bernie.

    And the beat goes on!

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