Driving the F1 simulator which gives teams “the best way to cheat”

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Up to three people can sit in the Cruden Hexatech racing simulator

F1 drivers will get their first runs in their new cars at Valencia in two weeks’ time. Actually, that’s a lie – they started driving them months ago.

The increased use of simulators in F1 means that while the FIA puts ever greater restrictions on testing mileage, teams are relying more heavily on virtual testing to develop their cars – and their drivers too.

Last week I sampled one of the simulators used by F1 teams to find out how they do it.

Once the 2010 F1 season gets started at Bahrain on March 14th the teams won’t be able to test their cars at a circuit until the championship is over eight months later.

Despite that the development race goes on – the cars will still have updated parts at more or less every Grand Prix. And the teams will already know more or less exactly how the new components will change their cars because they’ll have tested them in the simulator.

One simulator used by a number of current F1 teams – they wouldn’t tell me who or how many – is Cruden’s Hexatech IV which we featured on F1 Fanatic last month. I sampled the technology at the Autosport International show last week and had a chat to the company’s commercial director Frank Kalff.

More than testing

The first advantage simulators have over real-world testing is that the driver doesn’t have to be in there on his own. The latest version of the Hexatech has three seats, meaning he can bring a pair of engineers along with him. Kalff says:

Because the engineer is sitting there with the driver they can talk about what the car is doing in each different corner and how it can be made better.
Frank Kalff

The three-seat arrangement means the simulator can be used for more than just car development:

Teams use it for driver development as well – a driver can go into the simulator with a driver coach who can talk to him as he’s going around the circuit.

They use them for setting cars up for different tracks and working out race strategies.

And, of course, for simulating race distances. In fact we did a full 24-hour race once, with three drivers swapping turns. The only problem was every now and then we’d run out of memory and have to clear the buffers.
Frank Kalff

Car development presents one of the greatest challenges for simulation, however, as it needs to be able to emulate the car so accurately that changes to its set-up also have the correct effect:

The engineers have to ‘tune in’ the simulator so it models the car and any changes to it accurately. Once they’ve got a baseline where the car’s handling is realistic they then have to program in how it behaves when you change something on it.
Frank Kalff

As we talk a show-goer is strapped into the simulator, which is pushing and pulling him in every direction. It looks bit over-the-top, though – as if the simulator is exaggerating the effect going around a corner would have on a driver. Kalff explains why:

The system can be configured in a range of different ways. Racing drivers are very sensitive to car behavior, and if we set the simulator up to be as realistic as possible the average person wouldn’t feel an awful lot of movement.

At the moment we have this unit configured more for entertainment – the movements are a bit more exaggerated.
Frank Kalff

Behind the wheel

I get to experience that for myself first-hand when it’s my turn to sample the Hexatech. An assistant wearing a Cruden T-shirt bearing the slogan “The best way to cheat” directs me up the half-dozen steps towards the cockpit.

This model is fitted with an ordinary set of pedals mounted fairly low – in an F1 car they would be much higher. The steering wheel, however, feels very realistic, requiring a lot of force turn-to-turn. I move the seat into position and do up the full racing harness.

It’s running Cruden’s bespoke software which today features the easy-to-learn Elkhart Lake track (which would be my first choice of venue for an American Grand Prix) with Ferrari F430s. As the lights go out I stamp on the throttle and lurch backwards – as the simulator mimics the effect of heavy acceleration.

The first corner at Elkhart is a right-hander so I get on the brakes roughly where the computer cars do and yank the steering wheel. Now I’m being tilted and pressed into the side of the seat, and beginning to wonder if I should have done up the belts more tightly than I did.

But it’s remarkable how quickly you absorb the sensations of being pummelled from side to side and use the feedback to modify your driving. Mash the throttle too eagerly in a corner and the back end wriggles realistically.

The motion effect does fell a bit over-the-top and I’m keen to try the ‘full realism’ mode. Unfortunately there’s a queue forming behind me.

Six degrees

The Hexatech commands a price tag of �120,000. That’s a lot of money if you’re just buying one to play “Forza Motorsport 3” but small beer to an F1 team.

It uses six pistons to move the driver in every direction in a configuration called a Stewart platform. The technology was developed early in the 20th century for tyre testing, and simulators for other industries such as aviation have used the same principle for many years.

It allows the driver to experience six degrees of freedom – the full range of movements an object can move in.

Simulation will probably never replace real-life testing entirely. But it offers teams new ways of testing their cars as well as developing their drivers and honing their race strategy. As the technology improves future simulators will be able to perform even more of a team’s testing workload.

For me, the only thing it failed to simulate accurately was my name. ‘Kieth’? E before I next time, chaps.

Cruden Hexatech IV simulator pictures

Cruden Hexatech IV simulator video

Read more: �120K Cruden Hexatech racing simulator is the ultimate gift for an F1 fan

Author information

Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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34 comments on “Driving the F1 simulator which gives teams “the best way to cheat””

  1. The title (esp. the cheating part) annoys me. :P

    Isn’t the testing ban there to cut costs? As such, simulators (and GP2 tests, etc) aren’t cheating. Not even against the spirit of the rules.

    1. That’s Cruden’s own moto.. it’s a fair title for the peice.. (oh, ‘i’ before ‘e’?) piece!

      1. Oh, in that case I’m OK with the title! :D

    2. I think Keith’s joking mate.

  2. it does look like something from the iron man movie but i would so love to have that in my living room. £120000 you say. i better start saving!!

    1. want!

  3. That looks amazing!

    Keith do you know if the simulation software it runs is supplied with the hardware, or if the teams create their own simulation software bespoke?

    1. Cruden make their own software, but it’s all PC-based so you could run most stuff on it.

      1. While that’s technically true, it practically isn’t – the cuing and motion control has to be set up for a given simulator, and you need to get data output from the games themselves.

        My company (Force Dynamics) has unintentionally created a kinda-sorta defacto standard for driving sim motion output – it might even still be in RACER, which Cruden use; I haven’t checked. But Cruden’s software would have to be set up to use it. It’s nontrivial.

  4. Totally agree with you about Road America being a great track, I attended my first motorsport event there last year at the American Le Mans Series race and it was great, however, it seems doubtful that they could get the track up to the standard that modern F1 tracks require…there aren’t even any buildings in the paddock area except for the food stands! xD

    1. there aren’t even any buildings in the paddock area except for the food stands

      K, let’s see…track-check…racecars-check…food stand-check……….alright, works for me ! :)

      What more do we need? :)

      1. My thoughts exactly ;]

  5. If I win the lottery your all invited to my house to sample it.

    Could you load up wipEout on the thing?

    1. Haha great idea. WipEout would be immense on one of those things! :D

      1. What is WipEout?

        1. A futuristic racing game with hovercraft and laser cannons, from the people who gave us the F1 Championship Edition game on Playstation…

        2. Oh my word Macca.

          This is wipEout, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4594jgcGJE

          Its essentially Mario Kart but for manly men.

    2. wipeout sick game!

  6. If the teams start develope it at the exteme I wonder if test ban is really a decreasing cost rule…
    Anyway it looks great. It should have been a funny experience, Keith.

  7. Could you play mario kart in there?

  8. damn i want one of those real bad :]

  9. If I hit the lotto, race party at my house!

  10. Does rather make Wii Formula 1 2009 look rather pathetic, although to be honest that isn’t hard :-D

  11. There is a cheaper way to feel this power :]

    I put some info with link to James Allen post about simulators maybe this help http://ow.ly/XsaV

    BTW I’m a big fan of your blog, so many archives,, thx

  12. If the actual component doesn’t meet up with the simulated expectation, then its game over.

  13. If their intention is to use that (amazingly cool) thing to train rookies, instead of sitting them BEHIND the driver, they should interlink (does this word exist?) two such toys with each other so the second unit gets all the movement from the first one, which would be the one actually driven. That would put the apprentice right in the position of the driver.

  14. “It’s running Cruden’s bespoke software”
    So what is the physics base? NKPro or Rfactor pro?
    Not the motion software…?????

  15. I am very envious right now.

  16. I tried a Le Mans simulator around Nurbering (you know which circuit)it is very easy to learn. But i think that the steering is a touch too heavy, but i might think that since i was the youngest one there.

  17. theRoswellite
    18th January 2010, 18:17

    It would certainly be interesting to hear some chief design, or race, engineers comment on the viability of these devices as a substitute for actual track time. How much confidence do they have in the feedback they receive?

    If the information the team develops through wind tunnels and CAD simulations must be incorporated into another layer of technology, that being the software program to run a simulator, in order to receive confirmation about any design or set-up changes, it is only opening up the entire process to the possibility of an erroneous conclusion.

    For example, if last years BMW team, with an extremely sophisticated CAD and wind tunnel capacity, can get the design process so wrong, as they seem to have done, adding yet more simulated input would seem…speculative at best.

    The simulator seems like a great tool to enhance driver familiarity with new tracks, but when it comes to acquiring that last tenth of one percent of car or driver speed nothing can substitute for reality.

    1. An interesting question.

      How much is “put crap in get crap out”, which all computers do (up to the human to simulate the right thing in the first place!), and how much is “simulation is hard to match reality”. The more processing power the better, which is why Moore’s Law is so helfpul in this respect.

      Some of these new teams with their “no windtunnel” philosophy will hopefully enlighten us on this.

  18. I inadvertently got my own back for Cruden mis-spelling my name by calling their commercial director ‘Franz’ instead of ‘Frank’. I’ve fixed it now…

  19. Cool simulator, I wouldn’t mind one…

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