Daniil Kvyat, Toro Rosso, Yas Marina, 2019

Kvyat’s comeback was “one of my best seasons in F1”

2019 F1 season

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Daniil Kvyat says he has enjoyed one of his strongest season in F1 since returning to the sport this year.

The Toro Rosso driver claimed a podium finish in Germany and has managed eight other points finishes so far this year.

“I feel very satisfied,” said Kvyat, who rejoined Toro Rosso this season after working as Ferrari’s simulator driver last year. “To be honest I would put it in line with one of my best years in F1, so I’m pretty happy.

“Some races go your way, some races don’t go your way, but this is how our midfield works. It’s very tight and some small mistake can cost you some opportunities.

“Like myself in Brazil, for example, I definitely lost a very big opportunity there, which luckily Pierre [Gasly] managed to take for the team.

“But these are the parts of our sport. I think this year I’ve been a lot more better driver than that in my last years in F1.”

He has contributed to a strong season for Toro Rosso, which is on course to equal its best ever finish of sixth in the constructors’ championship. “Certainly it was a very strong year for Toro Rosso, I would say perhaps the best in the history,” said Kvyat.

[icon2019autocoursempu]”It’s obviously great to be able to fight for very high positions in the constructors’ championship, the highest it has been in recent years. So it’s great to be part of it and the atmosphere in the team this year.

“The team has always performed very well. Since the beginning of the year [it] was quite consistently in the points and always taking the opportunities quite well, with strategy sometimes taking the points that even weren’t there, to still get them was very crucial sometimes.

“Now at the end of the year we find ourselves in a good, strong position. So certainly it’s a very good also boost for the next year.”

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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5 comments on “Kvyat’s comeback was “one of my best seasons in F1””

  1. Good for him if he feels that way, but I am not sure he has done enough, frankly. The podium was nice, but no other top-six finish. If any younger talent somehow comes along the Red Bull system next year, Kvyat’s seat might not be so secure…even mid-season. He should look at other options in teams that provide stronger long-term opportunities.

  2. “Like myself in Brazil, for example, I definitely lost a very big opportunity there, which luckily Pierre [Gasly] managed to take for the team.”
    – But he never even was in a position where he could benefit from potential mishaps of the top-six drivers, to begin with, so I don’t get his point to the maximum extent.

    1. Kyvat must have forgotten the fact that he was miles off Gasly’s pace at a really short track where the driver makes little difference. It took Gasly no time to start outpacing Kvyat at TR.

      At least he usually avoids accidents now.

  3. really? I thought he was rather mediocre… the podium in Germany was a way more luckier result than Gasly’s in Brazil.

    1. Driving in the rain is one of most difficult things to do. He didn’t make mistakes unlike some Ferrari and Mercedes drivers. Doing great in a rain race Mediocre?? What a joke.

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