Spanish Grand Prix team-by-team: Sauber

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Sauber achieved their second finish of 2010. But there was little else positive to take away from a race which went wrong for both their drivers on the first lap.

Pedro de la Rosa Kamui Kobayashi
Qualifying position 12 10
Qualifying time comparison (Q2) 1’22.026 (+0.301) 1’21.725
Race position 12
Average race lap 1’36.748 (+7.806) 1’28.941
Laps 18/66 65/66
Pit stops 1 1
Spanish GP lap times: Sauber (click to enlarge)

Pedro de la Rosa

Pedro de la Rosa and Sebastien Buemi blamed each other for their contact on the run towards the first corner. It didn’t look much more than a racing incident – one which both of them could have done without.

De la Rosa had to drive back to the pits on a flat tyre but even after it was replaced the damage down to his car meant there was little point in carrying on.

Compare Pedro de la Rosa’s form against his team mate in 2010

Kamui Kobayashi

Made it into Q3 for the second time in three races but banged wheels with Robert Kubica at the start and came around in 15th place at the end of lap one.

After the pit stops he was caught in a train behind the slow Nico Hulkenberg and Vitaly Petrov. Wasn’t able to get past either of them until Hulkenberg made his pit stop.

But he made it to the chequered flag for the first time in 2010.

Compare Kamui Kobayashi’s form against his team mate in 2010

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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3 comments on “Spanish Grand Prix team-by-team: Sauber”

  1. Great to finally see Kobayashi finish a race this year!

    1. Hear hear – now just need to see him add a few passes!

  2. Electrolite
    10th May 2010, 23:31

    Massive shame for Sauber so far. I liked the team so much in the build-up to the season as well – the drivers, and the design of the car, and I’m still behind them to make some progress.

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