Turkish GP team-by-team: Force India

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The usual story at Force India: points for Adrian Sutil and another disappointing weekend for Vitantonio Liuzzi:

Adrian Sutil Vitantonio Liuzzi
Qualifying position 11 18
Qualifying time comparison (Q1) 1’27.951 (-1.007) 1’28.958
Race position 9 13
Average race lap 1’32.701 (-0.927) 1’33.628
Laps 58/58 57/58
Pit stops 1 1

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Adrian Sutil

Crashed heavily at turn eight in first practice, and did only a single lap in final practice after technical problems.

Despite that, and not running the team’s new F-duct (which it calls the SRW), Sutil comfortably beat Liuzzi in qualifying, though he wasn’t able to reach Q3.

Any hopes of keeping Fernando Alonso behind were dashed by a slow pit stop, costing him as much as four seconds and allowing the Ferrari driver by along with Kamui Kobayashi.

Sutil had already passed Kobayashi earlier in the race and he did it for a second time on lap 50. Vitaly Petrov’s late pit stop promoted him to eighth,

Compare Adrian Sutil’s form against his team mate in 2010

Vitantonio Liuzzi

Opted to run the F-duct in qualifying having found it beneficial in practice. But he was a second slower than Adrian Sutil in Q1 and failed to reach Q2.

Made a good start to get ahead of the Williamses but never looked like mixing it with the cars in front. Fell so far behind Jaime Alguersuari the latter was able to gamble on a second pit stop without losing track position to him.

Compare Vitantonio Liuzzi’s form against his team mate in 2010

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    Keith Collantine
    Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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    8 comments on “Turkish GP team-by-team: Force India”

    1. liuzzi is crap they should replace him with diresta

      1. MouseNightshirt
        31st May 2010, 16:31

        Liuzzi isn’t long for this world. I think the car and Sutil’s misfortune at the earlier races has given people a false sense about him.

        1. yeah….. how about KIMI in for liuzzi (unlikely)…

          1. I hate when people slag off drivers, 10 years driving in lower formlae and karts is enough to prove that the driver should be good enough to compete!! Let him settle, honestly.
            Quiet weekend from FI but overall what they have done in their 2 and a bit seasons is great.

      2. Yeah, would be great to see DiResta competing.

    2. The only driver that seems to be as behind his partner as Luzzi seems to be is Petrov. To Petrov’s defend he is a young rookie with a team mate that is recognized as a very good driver and declared number 1 driver. But at least he still manage to prove himself on the track nice overtakes and holding of faster cars and this last race seems to manage to get closer to his team mate.

      Luzzi as far as I know is supposed to be given equal treatment with Sutil but still way slower and further behind. He sure need to step up his game or risk lose his seat especially when Delarosa manage to be faster then Luzzi in FP1 vs FP2 and manage to be as fast or almost as fast as Sutil.

      1. De La Rosa..? You mean Di Resta? Liuzzi sure needs to pull out some miraculous drives iin the next couple of races if he were to keep his seat for this season. MouseNightshirt is right, Sutil’s misfortunes in the first two races is Liuzzi’s only saving point. Its true that Liuzzi was a brilliant karting driver but his F1 career has been lack-lustre. Not a single drive this season which impressed me. Di Resta is still not ready in my opinion and FI at this moment cannot afford a rookie. They seriously need to shake Liuzzi up from sleep or get someone else, maybe Heidfeld! I’m beginning to think there’s a sponsorship issue going on with Liuzzi, might be the reason the team is clinging on to him, though I might totally wrong about this.

    3. Flippy mcSeal, jr.
      1st June 2010, 21:19

      Neel jani on chandhok could steal the seat, although mallya does not think chandhok is good but jani is also indian and tested for bmw and torro rosso

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