Virgin: Unlucky weekend for Glock

2011 Indian GP team review

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Timo Glock had a gearbox problem in qualifying, then was taken out at the start by Kamui Kobayashi.

Timo Glock Jerome D’Ambrosio
Qualifying position 22 21
Qualifying time comparison (Q1) 1’34.046 (+3.18) 1’30.866
Race position 16
Laps 1/60 57/60
Pit stops 1 2

Virgin drivers’ lap times throughout the race (in seconds):

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Timo Glock 116.549
Jerome dAmbrosio 108.368 99.964 97.93 96.589 96.548 95.86 96.01 95.457 97.663 95.667 95.436 95.338 95.484 95.213 95.012 95.181 94.96 95.089 95.131 95.338 95.19 98.049 116.357 94.758 95.697 94.298 94.562 94.352 93.766 94.501 94.414 93.798 94.318 94.35 93.212 94.958 94.331 93.529 94.03 92.984 93.419 92.936 95.096 92.691 95.592 92.47 93.492 92.346 92.449 93.146 91.99 92.38 92.326 93.412 95.231 114.411 94.402

Timo Glock

Timo Glock, Virgin, Buddh International Circuit
Start tyre Soft
Pit stop 1 Soft 27.378s

Glock’s qualifying session ended shortly after his first time lap when his car developed a gearbox problem. He missed the 107% cut but was allowed to start.

It didn’t get any better in the race as he was hit by Kamui Kobayashi at the start: “I just came down into turn one on the outside and all of a sudden I saw bits flying around.

“I braked a bit earlier than normal and when I turned, suddenly Kamui Kobayashi drove straight into me and I couldn’t avoid the crash. My front wing was damaged so I came back in to change it, and we realised that we also had quite a lot of damage on the left side of the car, so we decided to stop.”

Timo Glock 2011 form guide

Jerome d’Ambrosio

Start tyre Soft
Pit stop 1 Soft 22.687s
Pit stop 2 Hard 22.472s

D’Ambrosio lost time in second practice after a heavy crash at turn 12. He was out-qualified by both HRTs but penalties dropped them back behind him.

He fell back behind them at the start but ended the race ahead of them by running two long stints on soft tyres and making a late switch to hards.

Jerome d’Ambrosio 2011 form guide

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    Image © Virgin Racing

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    Keith Collantine
    Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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    6 comments on “Virgin: Unlucky weekend for Glock”

    1. It’s just so hard to judge how good D’Ambrosio is doing this year. He’s usually slower than Glock but often close. I really like him but he hasn’t really shown anything that we’d look at and think he’s championship material. I hope I’m wrong though =)

    2. You’ve got to wonder what must be going through Timo Glock’s head at the moment. Virgin don’t seem to be going forwards at all unlike Lotus (slowly). Only two years ago Glock was in a car that had qualified on the front row and was getting podium finishes.

      1. Well @smifaye, he signed a contract extension not long ago so he must feel he either has no other opportunities or Virgin will eventually improve. For me it was the wrong decision though.

        1. @smifaye @fixy Did he sign the contract after they parted with Nick Wirth? That may have bolstered his optimism about the time. They’ve had a pretty uneventful season but given the circumstances that’s probably a compliment.

          1. Yes, he did sign it after that announcement, which really seemed targeted to show him he was being listened to.

    3. It is so dissapointing, I really like and rate Glock but he is stuck with Virgin who are seemingly making no progress.
      I too believe it was a mistake to sign a new contract with Virgin, he simply deserves better

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