Make your 2016 Russian Grand Prix predictions

F1 Fanatic Predictions Championship

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Which of the Mercedes drivers will come out on top this weekend? And how close are Ferrari in Russia? It’s time to make your race predictions.

There are chances to win every race weekend and at the end of the season for the top scorers. The F1 Fanatic Predictions Championship is free to enter. You will need an F1 Fanatic account to place so sign up here if you haven’t got one.

Enter your predictions for each race using the form below, and scroll down for more information on the prizes and the rules.

Make your predictions

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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3 comments on “Make your 2016 Russian Grand Prix predictions”

  1. Quite depressing: I’ve been predicting
    1. Mercedes driver who’s fastest in final practice
    2. second Mercedes driver
    3. Vettel
    4. Raikkonen
    5. Ricciardo
    every race …

  2. An article titled “Make Your Prediction for the Russia GP” leads with: “Which of the Mercedes drivers will come out on top this weekend?”

    I guess that pretty much says it all, no?

    For the record, I “predict” Lewis will come out on top.

  3. Mark (@melmgreen)
    1st May 2016, 15:41

    Where can I see my prediction for the Grand Prix after the race??

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