2017 Monaco Grand Prix and Indianapolis 500 TV Times

2017 Monaco Grand Prix

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Join us on F1 Fanatic Live throughout every session of the Monaco Grand Prix weekend. Look out for the live page on the site during every session and follow all the action with your fellow F1 Fanatics.

We will also be keeping an eye on Fernando Alonso’s progress in the Indianapolis 500 on Sunday, plus all the support race action from Monaco including Formula Two and the Formula Renault Eurocup.

Here are the details of Sky and Channel 4’s coverage of the 2017 Monaco Grand Prix in the UK:

Thursday to Sunday 25th to 28th May 2017

Day Session Channel Coverage starts Session starts Session ends
Thursday Monaco Grand Prix first practice live Channel 4 08:55 09:00 10:30
Thursday Monaco Grand Prix first practice live Sky Sports F1 08:45 09:00 10:30
Thursday Monaco Grand Prix second practice live Channel 4 12:55 13:00 14:30
Thursday Monaco Grand Prix second practice live Sky Sports F1 12:45 13:00 14:30
Friday Formula Two Monaco feature race Sky Sports F1 10:25 10:25
Saturday Formula Renault Eurocup Monaco race one live BT Sport 3 08:00 08:10
Saturday Monaco Grand Prix third practice live Channel 4 09:55 10:00 11:00
Saturday Monaco Grand Prix third practice live Sky Sports F1 09:45 10:00 11:00
Saturday Formula V8 3.5 Jerez race one live BT Sport 3 12:30 12:55
Saturday Monaco Grand Prix qualifying live Channel 4 11:55 13:00
Saturday Monaco Grand Prix qualifying live Sky Sports F1 12:00 13:00
Saturday Formula Two Monaco sprint race Sky Sports F1 15:05 15:10
Sunday Formula Renault Eurocup Monaco race two live BT Sport 3 10:00 10:10
Sunday Formula V8 3.5 Jerez race two live BT Sport 2 12:15 12:35
Sunday Monaco Grand Prix live Channel 4 12:00 13:00
Sunday Monaco Grand Prix live Sky Sports F1 11:30 13:00
Sunday IndyCar Indianapolis 500 live BT Sport ESPN 16:30 17:21

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Find times for every F1 session this year and all the 2017 race dates with the F1 Fanatic Google Calendar.

2017 Monaco Grand Prix

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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9 comments on “2017 Monaco Grand Prix and Indianapolis 500 TV Times”

  1. Was it because of the safety car start last year that Keith had to use an image from 2015? Because in Monaco the only time when cars are together is at the start… :p

  2. I don’t have BT Sport and so as soon as i finsih watching the Monaco GP, I plan to walk a mile to the town pub where they have guaranteed to show Indy 500. There has been a lot of interest this year for obvious reasons.

  3. 3:21 in the morning for the Indy 500…oh dear

    1. Actually it’s 1:21. Not too bad, then

      1. Actually it’s 1:21

        Where in the World are you? Oz?

  4. Indy 500 USA : May 28 ABC, 11am-3.30pm

    1. 1630 – 2100 on BT Sport ESPN

  5. For us who are stateside, could you post the equivalent east coast times? Please please.

    1. John s Like you can’t figure them out yourself. It’s easy: 14 pm CET equals 8 am ET, and furthermore if he was to add the NA time zone times then he should add the time zones in the far east (Asia/Australia, etc.) as well.

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