Make your 2018 Canadian Grand Prix predictions

RaceFans Predictions Championship

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Will Lewis Hamilton, Sebastian Vettel or Daniel Ricciardo take their third F1 win of the season this weekend? Or will one of the their team mates become the fourth different winner of 2018?

Or could a shock winner come from outside the ‘big three’ teams? It’s time to make your Canadian Grand Prix predictions.

There are prizes to win every race weekend and at the end of the season for the top scorers. The RaceFans Predictions Championship is free to enter. You will need an RaceFans account to place so sign up here if you haven’t got one.

Enter your predictions for each race using the form below, and scroll down for more information on the prizes and the rules.

Last week’s winner

Remarkably, no fewer than 47 different players achieved perfect predictions in the previous round. All of them correctly predicted the top five race finishers in the correct order and named Daniel Ricciardo as the pole sitter.

The pole position time tie-breaker was therefore critical. The best pole position prediction of those 47 came from Saimonix666, who got within one hundredth of a second of Ricciardo’s pole time. They win a very well-earned copy of Codemasters F1 2017.

Make your predictions

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Author information

Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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1 comments on “Make your 2018 Canadian Grand Prix predictions”

  1. The Skeptic (@)
    9th June 2018, 7:23

    Kimi and Max will crash into each other just after the leaders have all pitted. Sebastian’s Ferrari will eat its tyres, and lose 2nd place on the 2nd last lap to a late braking dive from Daniel. Hartley will perfectly time his pit stop with the safety car from Kimi and Max and end up in 5th place.

    Toro Rosso will continue searching for a new driver.

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