Very few Formula 1 folk had been in the paddock longer than Charlie Whiting; none had worn more caps over the years than had the 66-year old, whose passing in Melbourne ahead of the season-opening Australian Grand Prix sent seismic shock waves and outpourings of genuine grief throughout the sport.
@DieterRencken pays tribute to a giant of Formula 1, a man he respected absolutely, both professionally and personally.
Contemporary wisdom has it that no person is indispensable. But Formula 1 is be about to discover that the opposite can hold true as the sport grapples with replacing Charlie Whiting and delegating the long list of activities and duties so capably he carried out with a rare mixture of in-depth knowledge, sheer determination and calm aplomb.Yes, eventually all bases will be covered – even if not in Charlie’s quietly but methodical manner – but the governing body may find it virtually impossible to find a single individual able or even willing to work Charlie’s 25-hour days and eight-day weeks.
It would be surprise if the FIA was to discover it needs to spread his job description amongst two or even three heads: race director and safety delegate; FIA F1 delegate on bodies such as the Technical and Sporting Working Groups, F1 Commission, World Motorsport Council and Strategy Group; and the go-to guy for regulatory question raised by drivers, stewards, teams personnel, promoters or pesky journalists.
Mercedes head of motorsport Toto Wolff revealed how the difficulty of covering Whiting’s workload was beginning to dawn on those around him. “I think his shoes are impossible to fill. I had a chat with [F1 managing director] Ross Brawn on the way to the photo and minute of silence [held to remember Whiting and the New Zealand terror attack victims], and he said they just discovered how much Charlie was doing.
“‘Trivialities’ like cameras in dangerous positions, and a bunch of other tasks. I didn’t have any [discussion] with the race director during the race, but certainly there will be tougher decision to take in the future.
“I think it’s impossible to replace Charlie. But whoever takes up that job, we need to support him.”
“I think we always have to remember him being one of the big ones in this sport to make it what it is now. We never have to forget. We can show up here, have a good time, have a good life out of this, because of people like Charlie. So a lot of respect to him.”
While “race director” was the job description Whiting was most commonly referred to by – and understandably so, for that was his most visible function – that understates the scope of his responsibilities by a factor of at least four, so many other crucial duties and responsibilities did he carry out. It was clear his passion for the work was rooted in his love of F1.
Brawn estimated that Whiting’s race weekend duties may have made up only five percent of his workload. “[His passing] will leave a massive hole on a personal as well as a professional level,” he said.
In a pressure-packed environment in which very few genuine friendships survive, the standout mark of the man is that Charlie had real friends and, tellingly, no enemies. That takes skills and traits far beyond merely checking out cars or deciding when flags should be waved.
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Even with the benefit of hindsight and results of subsequent investigations, not a single aspect of his presentation has been disputed – although measures have been put in place. On that day my admiration for a man whom I respected immensely grew enormously, and nothing he said or did after that Friday has diminished my esteem for Charlie.
That his race director/starter role was quickly filled after his passing was down to two factors: a) foresight by the FIA in selecting and training understudies; according to sources this programme commenced over a year ago, and b) a touch of fortitude.
Two extremely capable candidates were selected: Scott Elkins, IMSA and Formula E race director – most recently of the Hong Kong round of the electric championship, held the weekend before Melbourne – and Michael Masi, an experienced Australian Supercar deputy race director and motorsport administrator.
Masi was ideally placed to step into the role in Melbourne at short notice, being right on the spot. Clearly, though, there were no doubts about his proficiency as evidenced by a glitch-free race despite the massive upheaval, which was a relief for all concerned. The last thing F1 needs is a hangovers from unresolved controversies.
That said, there never were any doubts about his ability to make the right decisions given his similar role in (primarily) the domestic Supercars, a championship as emotional and contentious as any on the planet. An Australian journalist who has known Masi for 20 years spoke highly of him, adding his decisions – though not always popular in a partisan series split 50/50 between Ford/Holden fans – ultimately proved correct.
US-based Elkins, too, has made good calls during his long career, so there are no doubts about his credentials, either. It is envisaged they will rotate duties based on logistics and other commitments for the foreseeable future, with one or the other eventually receiving the full-time gig. Who knows, one (or both) may withdraw given F1’s hectic calendar and even heavier schedules kept by Charlie – but, whatever, F1 is well-served.
As regards the various governance processes Charlie contributed to so diligently of late – F1 is well provided for by a similar combination of foresight and fortitude: F1’s post-2020 regulations well advanced, such that FIA president Jean Todt announced in Melbourne that a package comprising technical/sporting regulations, proposed governance processes and budget cap outlines will be presented on March 26th in London.
Arguments and counter-arguments can be expected, but the bottom line is the bulk of legwork had been put in by countless TWG and SWG meetings chaired by Charlie. True, there were valuable contributions from FIA technical / sporting departments – plus exhaustive data from Liberty following studies led by Pat Symonds (technical) and Steve Nielsen (sporting) – but Charlie played crucial roles in advancing the processes.
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In Charlie’s book safety was absolutely non-negotiable. Many were the times he took unpopular decisions, on occasion, it’s said, standing up to pressures from promoters, broadcasters and those who really should know better. Invariably his calm, considered approach was vindicated. HANS was introduced during his watch. Deform-able structures too. Cockpit foams – ditto. Halo – check. That is far from the full list.
Every circuit on the trail has benefitted from his inspections, whether during initial construction, upgrades or both. Countless venues applied for Grade A licences in the hope of eventually making it to the F1 calendar and all were treated even-handedly regardless of location or politics. Charlie’s role was not to decide whether circuits should host grands prix, it was to judge whether they could.
In fact, it became a standing joke between us during flyaway races: “Where did you detour to this time?” Although he was too discrete to divulge specifics, he seldom attended a race without detouring before and/or afterwards. Thus trips to Japan doubled as inspection opportunities in, say, Vietnam or China. Brazil provided a perfect excuse to check out Argentina.
I recall visiting Kyalami in my native South Africa during F1’s summer break about three years ago, only to be told I’d missed Charlie’s visit by a day. When next I saw him, I mentioned the trip – “Yes,” he said with his trademark grin, “I had a few days off due to the break, and they asked me to inspect the circuit…”
We first met at the 2000 Australian Grand Prix. It was my first full season, and a six-time South African F1 champion of my acquaintance, Dave Charlton, had been extended a guest pass for the event by Charlie, and for convenience had asked me to collect it on his behalf at an agreed time.
I make no pretences: I was terrified. It was my first full season, and all accreditation dealings I’d experienced during that Max Mosley/Bernie Ecclestone era had been nerve-wracking. Still, I asked for ‘Mr Whiting’ at the control tower office, and almost immediately he appeared, shook my hand as he smilingly handed over the envelope, then asked that I convey a message to (the other) “Charlie”. Nice guys did work in F1, after all.
As my years in F1 piled up, so did my dealings with Charlie. The FIA operates to strict protocols, and thus I seldom contacted him directly, preferring to work through the correct channels. Still, on the occasions I did text or email him, Charlie’s responses were as complete and comprehensive as he could provide at the time, with nuances providing unwritten hints. Any delays (understandable given his schedule) were apologised for.
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During these debrief Charlie displayed great patience and good humour, even on occasions when journalists asked him to explain some or other stewards’ decision that seemed unfathomable (or even inconsistent), particularly when these were taken in the heat of the moment.
Charlie’s initial responses to such questions became a standing joke: “I’m not a steward, so I can only tell you what I think they thought…’ then proceeded to explain what he believed to be their reasoning. He was, of course, scrupulously correct: His job was not to referee, but rather to provide guidance to stewards and officials, who would in turn take their own decisions after reviewing all factors.
That said, more often than not his guidance was followed, not because it came from the ‘Race Director’, but because it was founded on sound, logical sense and delivered in his trademark calm manner. It will be interesting to learn whether the Race Director’s guidance is as readily accepted under the new regime. However, the incoming incumbents have had a superb teacher, the best they could ever have hoped for.
After the final 2018 debrief, in Abu Dhabi, we walked out together, discussing the post-2020 regulatory process. He gave me an off-record steer on progress, having revealed that the FIA had decided to work to its International Sporting Code deadline of 18 months before effective date.
Long after most players had departed we debated the implications of the FIA’s decision in the warmth of that desert evening, then shook hands as we wished each other a pleasant break from track activities (if not F1 itself) and a merry festive season. “See you next year…” were Charlie’s final words to me.
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Phylyp (@phylyp)
20th March 2019, 12:18
A very nice tribute, Dieter.
Good to see that the FIA had succession planning in place as well.
Derek Edwards
20th March 2019, 12:31
Lovely stuff, and many lessons to be learned on how to go about things in the right manner, in F1 and beyond.
Thank you.
Jonathan Parkin
20th March 2019, 12:59
A moving tribute to someone who I didn’t know I was going to miss until he passed away. I may not have agreed with all of his decisions but he was every bit a ‘giant’ in the sport as those who drove the cars
Aleš Norský (@gpfacts)
20th March 2019, 13:36
I had the good fortune to know Charlie Whiting a bit for over ten years, although I would not be so bold as to declare that we were friends. But I can certainly testify to the fact that Charlie always found time and patience to respect everybody…even someone removed from the F1 Golden Circle by many layers. I received a brief e-mail from him a week ago…and then woke-up to the dreadful news the next day.
Jere (@jerejj)
20th March 2019, 16:12
@gpfacts Just out of curiosity, may I ask how did you get to meet and know him to a certain extent in the first place when you did if you don’t mind? Not that I wouldn’t believe you, quite the opposite actually, but again, just out of curiosity. Have you been working in F1 in one role or another, or some other way/something else that led you to get to know him?
Phylyp (@phylyp)
20th March 2019, 16:21
@jerejj – IIRC, he runs the Twitter account
Jere (@jerejj)
20th March 2019, 16:25
@phylyp Oh, I see. I get it now.
Aleš Norský (@gpfacts)
20th March 2019, 19:46
@jerejj Hi Jere. It is slightly complicated (surprise, surprise) but he actually reached out to me, if you can believe it…talk about mindblowing! I fancy myself to be a F1 statistician, but my status is rather obscure, so I never had any position in F1 at all. But we developed a correspondence based relationship that lasted some 11 years, during which time I met Charlie only once…at 2016 Canadian GP.
Jere (@jerejj)
21st March 2019, 8:33
@gpfacts Nice stuff.
Michael (@freelittlebirds)
20th March 2019, 14:44
A very nice tribute – there’s no doubt that he saved many lives in Formula 1 as race director.
They should honor him by naming something permanently after him.
Jere (@jerejj)
20th March 2019, 16:23
I still find it somewhat difficult to believe he isn’t among us anymore partly due to how out of the blue the news came from without any indications beforehand, etc. R.I.P.
Phylyp (@phylyp)
20th March 2019, 16:50
@jerejj – good point. In a sport where many people (drivers, team staff, team leadership) are almost in and out in a revolving door manner, Charlie was a fixture of the sport. So to no longer have him around is definitely saddening.
BasCB (@bascb)
20th March 2019, 16:29
Thank you Charlie for all that you have done to make this sport safe to watch, reasonably safe to participate in and more or less run to fair rules over the years.
Sush Meerkat
20th March 2019, 19:49
Did you ever have lunch with him?
Dieter Rencken (@dieterrencken)
20th March 2019, 19:57
Not lunch, but more than a few coffees in the FIA hospitality or his office.
squaregoldfish (@squaregoldfish)
20th March 2019, 20:40
There aren’t many people whose autobiographies I’d want to read, but Charlie’s would have been one of them. Alas.
Just knowing that he and Fake Charlie Whiting became friends gives a measure of the man.
DB-C90 (@dbradock)
20th March 2019, 22:00
Thanks for such a moving tribute.
One wonders whether or not it would be wise to replace his position not with a single individual but a team given the demands of extremely long seasons and travel now required.
Perhaps the next safety issue that will need addressing is that of working hours for all involved, be it officials like Charlie or mechanics and other on track team members.
22nd March 2019, 12:05
Honestly I didnt know what he did other than race director until all the info was elabkrated upon after his passing, with articles like this. He did a lot for the sports and genuinely seems to love it.