Start, Autodromo do Algarve, 2020

2021 Portuguese Grand Prix TV Times

2021 Portuguese Grand Prix

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Join us on RaceFans Live throughout every session of the Portuguese Grand Prix weekend. Look out for the live page on the site during every session and follow all the action with your fellow RaceFans.

Here’s how to watch the 2021 Portuguese Grand Prix live in the UK and USA:

2021 Portuguese Grand Prix: Friday 30 April – Sunday 2 May 2021


Day Session Channel Session starts Session ends
Friday Portuguese Grand Prix first practice live Sky Sports F1 11:30 12:30
Friday Portuguese Grand Prix second practice live Sky Sports F1 15:00 16:00
Saturday Portuguese Grand Prix third practice live Sky Sports F1 12:00 13:00
Saturday Portuguese Grand Prix qualifying live Sky Sports F1 15:00
Saturday Portuguese Grand Prix qualifying highlights Channel 4 18:30
Sunday IndyCar Texas 300 live Sky Sports F1 00:00
Sunday Portuguese Grand Prix live Sky Sports F1 15:00
Saturday Portuguese Grand Prix qualifying Channel 4 19:30
Sunday IndyCar Texas 375 live Sky Sports F1 22:00

USA (Eastern)

Day Session Channel Session starts Session ends
Friday Portuguese Grand Prix first practice live ESPNU 06:30 07:30
Friday Portuguese Grand Prix second practice live ESPNU 10:00 11:00
Saturday Portuguese Grand Prix third practice live ESPN2 07:00 08:00
Saturday Portuguese Grand Prix qualifying live ESPN2 10:00
Sunday IndyCar Texas 300 live NBCSN 19:00
Sunday Portuguese Grand Prix live ESPN 10:00
Sunday IndyCar Texas 375 live NBCSN 17:00

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RaceFans readers in the USA, Mexico, France, Belgium and many other countries can watch all sessions live on F1 TV Pro.

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Other races this weekend

01/05/2021: Euroformula Open round 1: Autodromo do Algarve
02/05/2021: Euroformula Open round 2: Autodromo do Algarve
02/05/2021: S5000 round 4: Eastern Creek

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2021 Portuguese Grand Prix

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Author information

Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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13 comments on “2021 Portuguese Grand Prix TV Times”

  1. Ben Rowe (@thegianthogweed)
    26th April 2021, 10:10

    Why is this site not showing channel 4 times this year? With it being the most expensive year so far (without any deals) for users that don’t always use sky, this year they are even more likely to watch the highlights in the UK.

    I’ll do my bit:

    Qualifying: 18:30 – 20:00
    Race: 19:30 – 22:00

    Really disappointing that they are not shown any more as if sky has totally taken over. Botht this year and last channel 4 have been allowed to show a larger percentage of the race highlights which is why their program is now 2 and a half hours rather than just 2, so there is enough content in this to make it worth mentioning here!

    1. @thegianthogweed I always come here looking for the channel 4 times as that’s all I’ve watched for the last few years as I refused to bow to sky’s monopoly.
      As with you I find frustrating that they’ve totally been ignored this year. It’s as though they want us to forget there is a free option out there if you’re willing to wait a few hours post live times.

      Please keep posting the channel 4 times for future reference. Thanks.

    2. Got to agree with Ben.
      Keith, if this is now a Sky influenced site and no longer fully independent, please have the courtesy to say so.
      If it is still an independent site then it would be nice to have an explanation why Ch 4’s times are no longer listed.
      You have normally been very good at explaining when this site takes a particular point of view.

    3. Thanks Ben. I always thought Race Fans supported free-to-air coverage but this decision to ignore C4 times flies in the face of that belief, as well as being properly inconvenient. I suppose that’s one less page to visit the site for.

      1. @thegianthogweed @jimn Hi all, thanks for your feedback. I stopped running the Channel 4 highlights times as I didn’t think anyone was using them. Clearly you are! So as you can see I’ve added them back in.

        1. Ben Rowe (@thegianthogweed)
          26th April 2021, 22:20


          I now feel sorry for such negative feedback, but it soon was updated and the comments were listened to, so many thanks for that!

          I still would question why people would not be using the channel 4 information. Not everyone will want to pay for sky.

        2. Thanks Keith!

  2. +1!!

  3. James Darlington
    26th April 2021, 12:24

    Totally agree with previous comments regarding C4 coverage. I found this feature very useful last year and i wont be visiting this website in the future if C4 coverage times continue to be omitted.

  4. Thank you for including the times for Eastern Standard Timezone.
    This weekend is going to be fantastic for motorsports. WEC at Spa, Indycar at Texas, MotoGP at Jerez, and F1 at Algarve.

    1. @mittens He’s done that since Bahrain 2018. For some reason, he treats Eastern NA differently from every other time zone, North American, or elsewhere in the world, though.

  5. C4 is the only way I can watch the races.

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