Lewis Hamilton, Mercedes, Hungaroring, 2023

F1 movie crew can get some filming done despite strike – Hamilton

2023 Hungarian Grand Prix

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Lewis Hamilton says work on a movie about Formula 1 racing which he is co-producing has not stopped entirely despite an “unprecedented” strike by writers and actors.

The film, which does not yet have a title, is based around a fictional F1 team called ‘APX GP’. Brad Pitt has been enlisted to play one of their drivers.

The crew and actors appeared during the British Grand Prix weekend at Silverstone. Garage space was set aside for the fictional team and filming was done between F1 sessions as well as on the grid before the race.

However America’s motion picture industry has been disrupted by strikes arranged by the Writers Guild of America union, which began in May, and the Screen Actors Guild American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, which followed earlier this month. Hamilton said some changes had to be made in order to allow work on the picture to progress.

“Firstly there has been the writers’ strike now so that definitely changed the way we had to work on the script,” he explained in response to a question from RaceFans. “And then there was the actors’ one. So it’s an unprecedented time, I think, for the industry.

“But [I’ve been] reading through it and speaking to everyone and trying to understand it more and more.”

Documents issued by the FIA indicated the APX GP garage installation seen at Silverstone will also be in place this weekend. Hamilton said they plan to do some filming at the Hungaroring.

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“Fortunately for us you can see the team is here, APX is here, and we’re still filming luckily with the drivers that we have. So hopefully we can continue to still get some important parts of the filming done.”

APX GP filming cars on-track, Silverstone, 2023
Filming for the movie took place at the British GP
Hamilton said it was “really amazing to see” the positive reception the project has had since their first experience of filming alongside a live grand prix weekend at Silverstone.

“This sport, when you introduce something new, when you bring something new to them, everyone gets really nervous,” he said. “There’s all this push-back whether it’s within your team or wherever it might be.

“Now we’re seeing these changes, now people are starting to see the benefits, and I think it’s been really great to see all the teams embrace APX and the team that we have there. To see them on-track now it’s so cool.”

He said he was encouraged by his first impression of the footage they were able to gather from the two cars that were running at Silverstone.

“I’ve seen all these images from some of the filming with Brad, the different scenes that we had read through where I just had a vision of what it would look like. But now I’ve seen some of those scenes and it’s made me more and more excited about the end result.”

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Keith Collantine
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14 comments on “F1 movie crew can get some filming done despite strike – Hamilton”

  1. Never cross a picket line.

    1. Indeed. A bit of a shame Hamilton who has always pointed to his humble birth feels fine finding a “workaround” around the strike using some drivers and UK personnel to continue production of this movie.

    2. Andy, I may be wrong but I thought it was the American script writers who were on strike. Are you saying that any script writers working elsewhere in the world should also be coming out on strike in support of the Hollywood writers?

  2. Coventry Climax
    20th July 2023, 16:20

    You would think him to be backing those on strike; they’re doing it for a good reason.
    But all he says is he’s trying to understand. That can’t actually be very hard.

    1. Meaning you were appointed to begin with. But what can you expect?

  3. Will you allow us to watch old movies in the mean time?

  4. So his social awareness is as long as his investment …
    Very disappointed in Lewis.

    1. Oh so you bought all that virtue signalling? Nobody’s fault but yours.

  5. Makes sense, there’s only so many times they can film at a Grand Prix weekend and a lot of that non-specific footage can be used and put in the right place once the whole project is back on track.

  6. Ironically, they will probably resort to using AI for both writing the script and for generating content for the movie, which is a significant portion of what both strikes revolve around. The other significant portion of the strike is about fair compensation for content that appears on streaming services, like Apple TV, which will be the distributor of the movie.

  7. So, Lewis Hamilton is a scab, and his social justice tears are of the crocodile variety. thanks for clarifying.

    1. Yes and bears () in the woods

  8. Fred Fedurch
    21st July 2023, 0:41

    If you didn’t see this coming I honestly feel sorry for you.

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