No improvement in Bianchi’s condition

2014 Japanese Grand Prix

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Jules Bianchi’s family has issued an update on his condition over a month since he was brought back to France.

Bianchi, who suffered severe brain injuries in a crash during the Japanese Grand Prix, remains unconscious but is still breathing without assistance.

Despite the lack of development in his condition, Bianchi’s family say they “take a great deal of comfort from the fact that Jules continues to fight, as we knew he would, and this has enabled the medical professionals caring for him to commence the planned, but very painstaking, programme of rehabilitation therapy”.

Bianchi family statement

As we reach the conclusion of a difficult year for our family, we wanted to take this opportunity to provide a further update regarding Jules’ medical situation, per our pledge to communicate continued information, when appropriate, to his many fans.

It was a significant and very comforting step for us to be able to bring Jules home to France last month, to continue his rehabilitation surrounded by his family and friends. This is very important for Jules and also for us.

Since that time, Jules has received the very best treatment in the Intensive Care Unit of Le Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nice (CHU) and now at the CHU’s rehabilitation centre for this kind of trauma.

Jules’ neurological status remains unchanged; he is unconscious but able to breathe unaided. Whilst there is no significant information to report, we take a great deal of comfort from the fact that Jules continues to fight, as we knew he would, and this has enabled the medical professionals caring for him to commence the planned, but very painstaking, programme of rehabilitation therapy.

As we reflect on the events of the past few months, we would like to acknowledge once again the overwhelming warmth and affection shown towards our son. These continue to be challenging times for our family, but the knowledge that he has touched the lives of so many people all around the world has helped us through.

We would also like to acknowledge the respect and support shown by the media towards our family during this time, for which we are extremely grateful.

We will continue to provide information when it is possible to do so and our sincere appreciation to everyone who continues to pray for Jules.

2014 Japanese Grand Prix

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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20 comments on “No improvement in Bianchi’s condition”

  1. #ForzaJules

  2. Hang in there Jules!

  3. No wonder grown people don’t believe in father Christmas anymore.. Guess there won’t be much miracles regarding his state from now on.. :(

  4. very painful to hear the updates on Jules Bianchi and Michael Schumacher…

    We can only hope for the best…..

  5. Not good, as it’s known, with any brain injury, the longer it is, the more likely the person is unable to make a full recovery. I hope we see Jules back in action soon. I hope the same for Schumacher too.

  6. I read this to mean that he is no longer in intensive care – that must be a comfort to his family at least. Still hoping for the best outcome possible.


  7. Sad news but not entirely unexpected. Keep fighting Jules, and Michael as well, really hoping for a recovery for you both.

  8. The fact that Marussia are now all but gone makes the situation all the more tragic.

  9. #CourageJules

  10. Damn it.

  11. I am still annoyed about the secretive, insider-stuffed FIA ‘investigation’ which leaves F1 with cranes running around in runoffs while cars circulate. Car speed is not the only issue.

    Anyway now we can only hope Bianchi will wake up one day.

  12. Thanks to the family for being open with us.

    Keep fighting bud.

  13. Tous avec Jules #17

  14. Sweet dreams Jules, and remember to come back to us.

  15. There was a poll in a recent issue of Road & Track magazine that asked whether, in light of Jules’ accident, F1 cars should have closed cockpits. 90% of those who answered the poll question said yes.
    #ForzaJules Keep on fighting.

    1. The FIA investigation stated that a closed cockpit would have made no difference to the outcome of this particular incident.

      A significant contributor to the seriousness of his accident is going from 130+mph to 0 in about a 2 metres, the massive deceleration force involved in that basically slammed his brain into the front of his skull.

      Closed cockpits are a good idea for other reasons but they need to be executed correctly to avoid creating further hazards in the event of the need to get out of the cockpit as soon as possible, a driver trapped in the cockpit of a burning car could be far worse than open cockpit.

      1. That, and a closed cockpit doesn’t protect marshals. Bianchi’s accident was the result of an operational error or lack thereof. The FIA is amending this with the addition of the Virtual Safety Car – it should’ve been implemented long before Bianchi’s crash…

        1. Yes, about the time Martin Brundle were inches away from having the exact same crash in the same spot. Tragic how blindness and stupidity from governing bodies can ruin lives like this. Absolutely gutted.

      2. Here’s one idea on how the closed cockpit idea could work: Use a lexan canopy, like on a fighter jet or the Red Bull X Series cars (except the X2014 Junior) from Gran Turismo 5 and 6. They could certainly protect the driver from flying debris and prevent a repeat of what happened to Felipe Massa at the Hungaroring in 2009.

  16. I think the Bianchi family is handling the interest and press a lot better than the Schumacher one by revealing information like this every once in a while instead of trying to keep all knews hidden making reporters trying crazy things or speculating and launching at any silly news.

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