Bianchi’s family denies reports of return to Europe

2014 Japanese Grand Prix

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Jules Bianchi’s family has denied reports which claimed he will soon return from Japan to continue his treatment in Europe.

“Although there have been some reports suggestive of plans for Jules’ treatment, at this time his fight will continue here in Yokkaichi,” they said.

Bianchi remains in hospital following his crash in the Japanese Grand Prix which left him with severe head injuries.

In a statement distributed by Bianchi’s Marussia team, his family stated they had no further information to share about his conditions following the last update, which was over two weeks ago. The driver is “continuing to fight”, they said.

“Once again, we would like to offer our sincere appreciation for the patience and understanding being shown towards our family at this very difficult time,” they added.

Jules Bianchi’s family’s statement on his condition

It will be four weeks this coming Sunday since Jules’ accident and he remains in the Mie General Medical Centre in Yokkaichi. His condition continues to be classified by the medical professionals here as critical but stable.

Although we have no new information to give, we recognise that there are a huge number of people all around the world who are supporting Jules and willing him on in his fight. We owe it to his many fans to acknowledge the continued outpouring of messages, and to provide some information, however brief it may be.

Jules does indeed continue to fight. Although there have been some reports suggestive of plans for Jules’ treatment, at this time his fight will continue here in Yokkaichi. We are taking things step by step.

Once again, we would like to offer our sincere appreciation for the patience and understanding being shown towards our family at this very difficult time. We also continue to be comforted by the knowledge that Jules is receiving the best possible care at the Mie General Medical Centre, with the doctors here remaining in constant contact with the neurosurgeons at the University La Sapienza of Rome, and Professor Gerard Saillant, president of the FIA Medical Commission.

We will provide a further update when it is appropriate to do so. In the meantime, thank you to everyone who continues to keep Jules in their thoughts and prayers.

2014 Japanese Grand Prix

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Image © Marussia

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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11 comments on “Bianchi’s family denies reports of return to Europe”

  1. Praying for you, Jules. Come on, mate, you can do it !

  2. My thoughts and best wishes to Jules and his family. I can’t begin to imagine the situation they’ve been in over the past month. Hoping he keeps fighting his was back to a full recovery!

  3. #ForzaJules

  4. WilliamB (@william-brierty)
    30th October 2014, 15:08

    F1 is very bad at some things, but the outpouring of communal spirit and well-wishing, the sustained and respectful solemnity has been perfectly pitched (certainly better that the reaction of the mass media), and hopefully has been of small comfort to the Bianchi family. I continue to send Jules, his family and friends my most sincere best wishes; tout le meilleur Jules, nous sommes tous avec vous.

    1. I would also like to add that his colleagues up and down the pit lane have conducted themselves with dignity and compassion. Particularly in the face of certain journalists asking them insensitive and intrusive questions.


  5. #ForzaJules

  6. RB (@frogmankouki)
    30th October 2014, 16:10

    We all wish the best for you and your family. Hoping you get to return home for the holidays.

  7. Nick Jarvis (@)
    30th October 2014, 16:58

    Completely lost all interest and motivation to watch F1 following the crash. It sucks so damn much.

  8. Courage Jules!

  9. #ForzaJules
    I think I can speak for most of us F1 fans and say a day doesn’t go by without you in our thoughts.

  10. Today’s developments:

    Formula 1 driver Jules Bianchi is no longer in an artificial coma and is breathing unaided, his parents have said in a statement.
    The Marussia driver, 25, suffered severe head injuries when he crashed in wet conditions into a recovery vehicle at the Japanese GP on 5 October.
    The Frenchman has been flown from hospital in Yokkaichi to intensive care in Nice, where he arrived earlier.
    However his condition is still “critical” and he remains unconscious.

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