IndyCar confirms 17-race calendar for 2023 season


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IndyCar has confirmed its calendar for the 2023 season, which differs little from this year’s schedule.

It will consist of the same 17 races held this season, with a few minor date changes and one relocations.

The championship will begin on the same weekend as the 2023 Formula 1 season, with its usual curtain-raiser on the streets of St. Petersburg in Florida. The opening six rounds will be unchanged from this year, up to and including the 107th running of the centrepiece Indianapolis 500 on May 28th.

The following round will again be the Detroit Grand Prix, which is moving to a new location as revealed previously. The temporary course around Belle Isle is being replaced with a downtown street circuit incorporating some of the same roads used by F1 for its race between 1982 and 1988, before the CART IndyCar series took over the event.

The next five races are all in the same order and format as in 2022, including the double-header at Iowa which returned in 2022. However the Nashville street circuit will hold round 13 as the second race at the Indianapolis road course has moved back two weeks from July into August, as the series continues to share the event with NASCAR.

Just like this year, the season will end at Laguna Seca in the second week of September.

2023 IndyCar calendar

Round Date Circuit Type
1 5 March St. Petersburg Street
2 2 April Texas Motor Speedway Oval
3 16 April Long Beach Street
4 30 April Barber Motorsports Park Road
5 13 May Indianapolis Motor Speedway (road course) Road
6 28 May Indianapolis Motor Speedway (oval) Oval
7 4 June Detroit Street
8 18 June Road America Road
9 2 July Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course Road
10 16 July Toronto Street
11 22 July Iowa Speedway Oval
12 23 July Iowa Speedway Oval
13 6 August Nashville Street
14 12 August Indianapolis Motor Speedway (road course) Road
15 27 August Gateway Oval
16 3 September Portland Road
17 10 September Laguna Seca Road

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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6 comments on “IndyCar confirms 17-race calendar for 2023 season”

  1. I’d love to see a return to Burke Lakefront Airport, Fontana and Surfers Paradise.

    Or maybe I’m just after a time machine that will tale me back to Indycar in the 90s… golden times.

  2. @unicron2002 I would join you in that time machine and stop the split from happening!

  3. How do I watch Indycar in the UK? I love the US tracks I have seen in IMSA and simraced.

    1. Sky Sports F1 channel shows all Indy Car races, plus a number of qualifying sessions.
      Otherwise it’s just 5 to 10 minute highlight reels on YouTube I’m afraid.

    2. Plus, they put up 30 minute “Fast Forward” packages on their YouTube channel.
      That’s a lot better than what F1 gives away for free.

  4. Weak link to me is having 2 races on the same track, the indianapolis Road course, which is not even that great.

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