Race start, Albert Park, 2023

When and where to watch the Australian GP, IndyCar and more this weekend

TV Times

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The Formula 1, Formula 2 and Formula 3 championships all continue this weekend in Australia.

Meanwhile IndyCar heads to a new venue – Thermal Club in California – for a new non-championship event run to a special format.

Those in the UK following the action from Albert Park in Melbourne will have to brace themselves for a much earlier start than last year. The grand prix begins at 4am British time instead of 6am.

Here’s how to watch the 2024 Australian Grand Prix and more live in the UK and USA:

2024 Australian Grand Prix: Friday 22 March – Sunday 24 March 2024


Day Session Channel Session starts Session ends
Friday Australian Grand Prix first practice live Sky Sports F1 01:30 02:30
Friday Australian Grand Prix second practice live Sky Sports F1 05:00 06:00
Saturday Formula 3 sprint race live Sky Sports F1 00:15
Saturday Australian Grand Prix third practice live Sky Sports F1 01:30 02:30
Saturday Formula 2 sprint race live Sky Sports F1 03:15
Saturday Australian Grand Prix qualifying live Sky Sports F1 05:00
Saturday Australian Grand Prix qualifying highlights Channel 4 10:15
Saturday Formula 3 feature race live Sky Sports F1 22:05
Sunday Formula 2 feature race live Sky Sports F1 00:35
Sunday IndyCar Thermal $1 Million Challenge – Qualifying Sky Sports Action 00:00
Sunday Australian Grand Prix live Sky Sports F1 04:00
Sunday Australian Grand Prix highlights Channel 4 12:30
Sunday IndyCar Thermal $1 Million Challenge – Heats Sky Sports F1 16:15
Sunday IndyCar Thermal $1 Million Challenge – All-Star Race Sky Sports F1 17:50

USA (Eastern)

Day Session Channel Session starts Session ends
Thursday Australian Grand Prix first practice live ESPNEWS 21:30 22:30
Friday Australian Grand Prix second practice live ESPN2 01:00 02:00
Friday Australian Grand Prix third practice live ESPNEWS 21:30
Saturday Australian Grand Prix qualifying live ESPN2 01:00
Saturday IndyCar Thermal $1 Million Challenge – Qualifying Peacock 19:00
Sunday Australian Grand Prix live ESPNEWS 00:00
Sunday IndyCar Thermal $1 Million Challenge – Heats NBC 12:15
Sunday IndyCar Thermal $1 Million Challenge – All-Star Race NBC 13:50

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2024 Australian Grand Prix

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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10 comments on “When and where to watch the Australian GP, IndyCar and more this weekend”

  1. I still don’t quite understand the race start time because the most recent March Australian GPs (2014-2019) had 16:00 as the start time, with March sunset times within the hour of 19:00, so 3+ hours lead time, which is certainly enough under normal circumstances & especially entirely without neutralizations, even more, so these days as the current Albert Park configuration is the outright third-fastest, not to mention last year’s lengthiness was solely human-induced rather than weather, so a somewhat pointless reactionary move to keep 15:00 as the start time, i.e., unchanged from the last two editions, not that having 4+ hours instead of 3 before sunset hurts, but still one of those rare occasions I’d be happier with an hour later start time, but at least comparatively better than the Miami GP one & ofc, not as bad as in UTC & +1 zone locations.
    Additionally, the only reason the respective start times in Europe are 2h earlier despite the local start time being unchanged is because of clock change impact since the race will occur before both the last March Sunday & first April Sunday simultaneously, so merely a relative impact rather than because of changing the local start time, which would normally be the case for any given GP.

  2. Heats, like karting?

  3. What’s the track at Thermal like? I think I’ll opt for that – more likely to be a competition, cool new format and more sociable time slot than F1!

      1. @clayt yeah that doesn’t look like a great track after all!

  4. 4 am start in the UK! That’s a bummer.
    Why not make it 5am, are as quali on the Saturday.

  5. isthatglock21
    19th March 2024, 14:52

    Time change is awful. 6am was do-able for a early Sunday morning, 4am is just too much imo for a race start. But I guess it works better for the yanks…and that’s all that matters these days. Even though us Brits have long subsidied the sport by vastly overpaying for Sky & are by far still the most lucrative market. Always taken for granted, why do we pay £40-£70 a month for Sky when most of the world gets F1TVPro for like £10 a month with no wider contract? And they get live maps, timings & much more. Yet we’re screwed further when it comes to times

    1. Nothing to do with the US.

  6. First Sunday race of the year and it’s at 4am! No chance. F1 isn’t worth it in the current state.

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