Start, Albert Park, Melbourne, 2019

FIA officially approves record-breaking 22-race 2020 F1 calendar

2020 F1 season

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The 2020 F1 calendar has been officially ratified by the sport’s governing body, the FIA.

A record-breaking 22 races will take place next year, including a brand new event in Vietnam and the return of the Dutch Grand Prix for the first time since 1985. The two new additions to the championship, which will take place in April and May respectively next year, are listed as “subject to homologation” of the circuits.

The German Grand Prix is the only round from this year’s schedule which has been dropped.

Vietnam Grand Prix Corporation CEO Le Ngoc Chi told RaceFans last month she is “absolutely confident we are on track and schedule in accordance with our plan to deliver our first grand prix on 3-5 April 2020.”

Seven pairs of races will run on consecutive weekends: Australia and Bahrain, the Netherlands and Spain, Azerbaijan and Canada, France and Austria, Belgium and Italy, Singapore and Russia, and finally USA and Mexico. However there will be no run of the three consecutive race weekends seen last year.

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2020 F1 calendar

Round Race Date Forum
1 Australian Grand Prix Mar 13-15 Forum
2 Bahrain Grand Prix Mar 20-22 Forum
3 Vietnamese Grand Prix Apr 3-5 Forum
4 Chinese Grand Prix Apr 17-19 Forum
5 Dutch Grand Prix May 1-3 Forum
6 Spanish Grand Prix May 8-10 Forum
7 Monaco Grand Prix May 21-24 Forum
8 Azerbaijani Grand Prix Jun 5-7 Forum
9 Canadian Grand Prix Jun 12-14 Forum
10 French Grand Prix Jun 26-28 Forum
11 Austrian Grand Prix Jul 3-5 Forum
12 British Grand Prix Jul 17-19 Forum
13 Hungarian Grand Prix Jul 31-Aug 2 Forum
14 Belgian Grand Prix Aug 28-30 Forum
15 Italian Grand Prix Sep 4-6 Forum
16 Singapore Grand Prix Sep 18-20 Forum
17 Russian Grand Prix Sep 25-27 Forum
18 Japanese Grand Prix Oct 9-11 Forum
19 United States Grand Prix Oct 23-25 Forum
20 Mexican Grand Prix Oct 30-Nov 1 Forum
21 Brazilian Grand Prix Nov 13-15 Forum
22 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Nov 27-29 Forum

2020 F1 season

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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28 comments on “FIA officially approves record-breaking 22-race 2020 F1 calendar”

  1. May…

    May. Show. By the sea
    May. Snow. You will see
    May. Cancel. Some GP

    1. Zandvoort might be Pirelli’s long-awaited chance to introduce their winter range tires, codenamed “C-“

      1. Or pirelli p-subzero

    2. GtisBetter (@)
      5th October 2019, 5:44

      Not sure if you are familiar with the latitude of Zandvoort and the location to the sea, but both things will make sure it won’t snow. If anything construction will cancel the Dutch GP. Not weather. Even in the weekend the freak snow happened at Spa there was no snow in Zandvoort.

    3. @dallein Although I agree that start of May is not the best scheduling for Zandvoort, chances of it being canceled are very very slim

  2. I still wonder how are they going to be able to run the French GP on the same weekend next year’s Tour de France commences, given that it’ll take place in the same area/region/part of the country where the Paul Ricard circuit locates. It might be quite a big logistical nightmare having two such high-profile events take place on the same weekend.

    1. BTW, I just noticed that the order of the US and the Mexican GP is different from that in the earlier draft-version that came out around the time of the Belgian GP. Back then, the US GP had the 25th of October as its race day for next season, and Mexico the 1st of November, but now it’s the other way round, i.e., the same as this season. I guess the Mexicans don’t care about having the race weekend activities taking place during the Day of the Dead-period as much anymore as they used to care, and this season’s scheduling is already an indication of that.

      1. A further update: Another site shows US GP on 25.10, and Mexican GP on 1.11, so I’m not sure which one is correct anymore, LOL.

        1. Well the official Says its US GP on 25.10 & Mexico 1.11, so I think that’s probably correct.

    2. Makes no sense to have 2 weeks between Vietnam and China.

      1. @megatron To my knowledge, it’s because the Vietnam GP is a ‘first-time’ event although the Russian GP, the US GP at COTA, and the Azerbaijan GP each took place on subsequent weekends with another venue on their respective ‘debut’ seasons, but I guess F1 has learned from those experiences, and thus, decided not to do that again.

  3. Tight but tidy calendar.

  4. It makes no sense at all to have 2 weeks between Vietnam and China.

    1. Agree and only one between Australia and the back track to Bahrain

    2. It makes much less sense to put Azerbaijan and Canada back-to-back races.

      1. @f1mre Yes, it’d be better to pair Azerbaijan with either Hungary or Russia later in the season, but F1’s approach over the years for a long time has seemed to be this: The more sense doing something makes, the less likely it is for that to happen, and this applies to more or less every single matter, not only race calendar-matters.

        1. Azerbaijan should not be paired with any other venue. More European races could be back-to-back. If we moved all GPs from Canada to British one week later, we wouldn’t have that strange CAN-AZE pairing.

          Maybe there are other events in those countries that prevented this to happen.

          1. @f1mre Why not? Pairing it with Hungary should be a viable option given the distance between them, or Russia. Either one of these would most definitely be a better alternative logistics-wise. Moving all races from the Canadian GP to the British GP, on the other hand, wouldn’t work, though.

          2. @jerejj, when you say “Pairing it with Hungary should be a viable option given the distance between them.”, I don’t think that you’ve quite grasped quite how far it is from Hungary to Azerbaijan and how that would still be a major logistical challenge.

            A freight journey from the Hungaroring to Baku in Azerbaijan is in the order of 3,300km – geographically, it’s the equivalent of saying that you should pair the Russian and Belgian GP together, because it is actually a quicker and shorter journey from Spa to Sochi than it is to travel from the Hungaroring to Baku (only 3,200km and 2 hours shorter by road).

          3. Hungary and Azerbaijan are not even close.

            Barcelona and Le Castellet are close. Budapest and Spielberg are also very close.

            The European part of the calendar is very far from logistically optimal. It is going to cost unnecessary money for the teams. But yeah, the are going to have budget caps so FOM can make it as expensive as the wish… Hypocrisy at it’s finest.

          4. @anon Who claimed the travelling between Budapest and Baku would have to be done via road instead of via air? Yes, the teams use their custom-made motorhomes in Hungary, and not in Baku, but that shouldn’t be a problem since the travelling, as I pointed out above, could be done via air-line instead of via road as is the case between any given two European venues on back-to-back weekends.
            @f1mre ”Hungary and Azerbaijan are not even close.” – true, but neither are Baku and Montreal, nor Melbourne and Bahrain, nor Spa and Sochi.
            Baku-Budapest distance: 2,575.31 km by air
            Baku-Montreal: 8,937.32 km (by air)
            Spa-Sochi: 2,652.25 km (by air)
            Melbourne-Bahrain: 12,111.53 km (by air)

            As I pointed out before, travelling straight from Baku to Budapest (via air) would be better logistics-wise than straight from Baku to Montreal, or from Melbourne to Bahrain due to the distance-gap. Baku to Sochi (912.89 km by air) would be an even better alternative.

          5. @f1mre The Spa-Sochi one was originally brought up by @anon just to be clear. The other back-to-back venue comparisons are more relevant here.

          6. @f1mre I forgot to include the Singapore-Sochi distance, which is 7,847.34 km by air.

          7. @jerejj, with regards to the logistics, even for the long haul events on the calendar, no team ships everything by air freight. The most critical components are air freighted, but a significant chunk of the equipment and tools used in the garage is still transported by either truck or by cargo ship – part of the reason why the teams often have duplicate sets of garage equipment is so they can send kit out to several of those venues in advance.

            Even in the best scenario, air freight isn’t going to be a panacea – you’re still going to have to transport at least part of that equipment via another means, and that probably will be via road in that instance.

    3. Makes perfect sense if you’ve ever tried to move freight…

  5. When was the last time the Monaco GP not held on the last Sunday of May?

  6. This aged well.

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