Williams 2019 F1 livery launch

Williams to launch new FW44 F1 car next week

2022 F1 season

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Williams has become the final team to confirm its launch plans for the 2022 Formula 1 season.

It will hold an online event to launch its new car on February 15th at 1pm GMT.

The team, which was sold by the Williams family to Dorilton Capital during 2020, has previously indicated it will retain its traditional naming convention for its cars. The new machine will therefore be called the FW44.

It takes its initials from team founder Sir Frank Williams, who died in November last year.

Nicholas Latifi will start his third season with Williams this year. Following George Russell’s departure to Mercedes, former Red Bull driver Alexander Albon will return following a year away to drive for the team.

All 10 teams have now confirmed their launch arrangements. Haas was the first team to reveal images of its car last week.

The rest will present theirs before pre-season testing begins at the Circuit de Catalunya on February 23rd, with one exception. Alfa Romeo will formally reveal their new car on February 27th, after running it in a special testing livery in Spain.

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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3 comments on “Williams to launch new FW44 F1 car next week”

  1. Strange vorms under that blancket nice tease…

    1. Albon and Latifi are crouched under that blanket waiting to jump out.

  2. RandomMallard
    8th February 2022, 16:39

    I’m kinda hoping for some kind of tribute to Frank. Doesn’t have to be the whole livery, but they’ve already got their Senna tribute that has been there since 1994, so I hope they come up with something for Frank

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