Start, Silverstone, 2019

2020 British Grand Prix TV Times

2020 British Grand Prix

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Join us on RaceFans Live throughout every session of the British Grand Prix weekend. Look out for the live page on the site during every session and follow all the action with your fellow RaceFans.

Here are the details of Sky and Channel 4’s live coverage of the 2020 British Grand Prix in the UK and ESPN’s in the USA:

2020 British Grand Prix: Friday 31 July – Sunday 2 August 2020


Day Session Channel Coverage Starts Session Starts Session Ends
Friday British Grand Prix first practice live Sky Sports F1 10:30 11:00 12:30
Friday British Grand Prix first practice live Channel 4 10:55 11:00 12:30
Friday British Grand Prix second practice live Sky Sports F1 14:45 15:00 16:30
Friday British Grand Prix second practice live Channel 4 14:55 15:00 16:30
Saturday British Formula 3 race one Sky Sports F1 9:20 9:25
Saturday British Grand Prix third practice live Sky Sports F1 10:45 11:00 12:00
Saturday British Grand Prix third practice live Channel 4 10:55 11:00 12:00
Saturday British Grand Prix qualifying live Sky Sports F1 13:00 14:00
Saturday British Grand Prix qualifying live Channel 4 13:00 14:00
Saturday British Formula 2 race one Sky Sports F1 15:35 15:45
Sunday British Formula 3 race two Sky Sports F1 8:35 8:45
Sunday British Formula 2 race two Sky Sports F1 10:00 10:10
Sunday British Grand Prix race live Sky Sports F1 12:30 14:10
Sunday British Grand Prix race live Channel 4 13:00 14:10

USA (Eastern)

Day Session Channel Coverage Starts Session Starts Session Ends
Friday Hungarian Grand Prix first practice live ESPN2 5:30 6:00 7:30
Friday Hungarian Grand Prix second practice live ESPN2 9:55 10:00 11:30
Saturday Hungarian Grand Prix third practice live ESPN2 6:55 7:00 8:00
Saturday Hungarian Grand Prix qualifying live ESPN2 8:55 9:00
Sunday Hungarian Grand Prix race live ESPN2 8:00 9:10

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2020 British Grand Prix

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Author information

Josh Holland
USA-based Josh joined the RaceFans team in 2018. Josh helps produce our Formula 1 race weekend coverage, assists with our social media activities and...

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17 comments on “2020 British Grand Prix TV Times”

  1. What’s the weather predictions for this weekend?

    1. Well it’s British Summer Time so we’ll have to let you know on Sunday night :)

      1. LoL. Is it really that unpredictable? Sounds exciting!

    2. What’s the weather predictions for this weekend?

      These are normally done on Thursday so the information reflects up-to-date forecasts.

      1. @keithcollantine Is there a feature you can use where you put the times in as UTC, then it can adjust automatically for the local time the reader is in?

    3. I live fairly close to Silverstone, according to my weather forecast it’ll be hot on Friday (high 20s), cooler Saturday and Sunday with a small chance of a shower on Sunday.

  2. The US appears to be two weeks behind!

  3. ian dearing
    29th July 2020, 11:18

    A Croft free weekend!!!!! Happy Days. :)

    1. A Croft free weekend!!!!! Happy Days. :)

      Ha ha indeed!

  4. What’s the point in having the FP2 commence at 15:00 when the qualifying starts at 14:00 and the race (or more precisely the formation lap) at 14:10? Why not 10:00-11:30 and 14:00-15:30 for FP1 and FP2 respectively for the sake of consistency? These types of inconsistencies appearing in some places with the FP2, QLF, and the race not starting during the same hour are something I don’t really get.

    1. It can allow the teams more time to work on the car between practice sessions.

      1. @Simon No, it doesn’t because the gap between FP1 and FP2 is the same (2h30min), while the gap between FP2 and FP3 is 60 minutes less with these Friday-session timings.

  5. Nobody tell anyone on the US east coast the result!

      1. Tommytintop (@)
        29th July 2020, 20:35

        I wonder who is going to win the Hungarian GP?

  6. I am expecting Lewis to dominate this weekend.

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