The Haas Formula 1 team has confirmed Nikita Mazepin will make his debut in the championship next year despite widespread criticism of his behaviour in a video posted to his social media account.
The video appeared eight days after Haas announced the 21-year-old as one of their two drivers for the 2021 F1 season. The footage, shot from Mazepin’s point of view, showed him grabbing the breast of a female passenger he was sharing a car with.Haas swiftly and strongly condemned Mazepin’s behaviour in the video, and its appearance on social media, following its publication 15 days ago. The woman seen in the video, Andrea D’lval, subsequently took responsibility for the its publication. Nonetheless Mazepin also apologised for his behaviour.
In a statement issued on Wednesday, Haas confirmed Mazepin will make his F1 debut alongside fellow rookie Mick Schumacher at Haas next year.
“Haas F1 Team would like to reaffirm that Nikita Mazepin and Mick Schumacher will form its driver line-up for the 2021 FIA Formula 1 world championship,” it said. “As per the team’s previous statement regarding the actions of Nikita Mazepin (December 9th) – this matter has now been dealt with internally and no further comment shall be made.”
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Tango (@tango)
23rd December 2020, 13:05
Very very disappointed. I really hoped the Ferrari link would give them the means to do the right thing a also get a better driver in the process
Tango (@tango)
23rd December 2020, 13:06
Better driver and a better man too.
23rd December 2020, 13:09
Money talks.
24th December 2020, 19:34
Ferrari should just fund Magnussen as his replacement.
31st January 2021, 18:27
*Typing command:* identify_meaning wordtype_acronym cope
And this redirects to you, banned former site member?
Phil Norman (@phil-f1-21)
23rd December 2020, 13:25
Yes I agree. I thought the same.
31st January 2021, 18:27
You can’t COPE, you’re not DOPE, so the game won’t LOAD
Todfod (@todfod)
23rd December 2020, 13:11
Didn’t think Haas was going to give up the money so easily. This isn’t a Ferrucci type funds injection.. this could be a potential takeover opportunity by Mazepin Snr. and exit for the Haas team.
Anyways.. I think his addition will make the grid interesting. He’s not got the talent to beat Latifi, and he’s got an attitude problem that will make him unpopular in the paddock. He’s a perfect candidate to be mocked and ridiculed throughout the year before he exits the sport from the sheer animosity of the fans and drivers towards him.
Look forward to seeing this clown on the grid next year.
BasCB (@bascb)
23rd December 2020, 13:22
Yeah, this was a completely differen ballpark to the Ferrucci thing @todfod. Also, Mazepin Sr. is clearly not one to be easily turned away – see the FI administrators law suit.
I do think they will have given some warnings about future behaviour. They might even have included some additional rules about penalties, restrictions on behaviour and even an escalation plan that could lead to termination in case of repeated bad behaviour.
Realistically strongly worded statements was probably the best we could expect from this.
I guess now it will be interesting to see how Nikita stands up in F1, because we’ve seen enough bad behaviour on track that many other drivers would not be too keen on the guy. The snarks towards Grosjean for a few badly executed but probably well meant moves always kept following him around. And Maldonado never seemed to get much awknoledgement for his speed either. Could be a lonely career for him.
23rd December 2020, 17:07
Committee on publication ethics, errrr thanks?
Joe McGuire (@treize131)
23rd December 2020, 17:12
In some ways I’m anticipating a train wreck with him on the grid but in others it’s beyond disappointing for the sport and for Haas to take this so lightly. Based on his pattern of behavior I’m not optimistic that Mazepin has learn or will learn from this and future things. Would love for him to prove me wrong.
I’m very curious for the first “let Mick by” message and to watch how he handles it.
31st January 2021, 18:29
Please, for the love of God, delete all proud_asturian’s comments
Phil Norman (@phil-f1-21)
23rd December 2020, 13:27
F1 now has its 2021 pantomime villain. Unless he proves to be a better driver than expected I doubt his career will be very long.
Todfod (@todfod)
23rd December 2020, 16:51
He’s a Latifi at best.. maybe a Palmer. Billionaire kids have a tendency to stick around .. so maybe he might be around for a few seasons. His teammate should smash him to bits pretty regularly.. which should be fun to watch.
Tony Mansell (@tonymansell)
24th December 2020, 14:29
Bit harsh on Mick
Stephen Crowsen (@drycrust)
24th December 2020, 22:13
I disagree, his career could easily go on for years. It depends on how much Mr Mazepin is prepared to pay. If he is prepared to pay that much then Haas are going to have make a better car than they did this year or last year because he won’t be happy seeing his son sitting at the back of the starting grid.
Brett Woods (@pertwee)
28th December 2020, 22:55
Mr. Haas is hanging tough like Evel Knievel now, but what happened to all the Texas big shot friends who wanted to do an F1 team before? Now who knows where the hands will go next. Will he sell the team, or will he snorkel with no snorkel? I only know that I feel the USA has let him down so far. Interesting days ahead indeed.
Henk Westra
23rd December 2020, 13:16
So this is a big slap in the face for women worldwide and in the sports.
If there are contenders in the W-Series that consider driving in F1, they should seriously reconsider their options and choose a team wisely…..
24th December 2020, 8:53
Or the media just loves a story where there is little…
Armchair Expert (@armchairexpert)
23rd December 2020, 13:26
Oh no! Anyway…
Patrick (@paeschli)
23rd December 2020, 13:28
I’m glad that it’s still the teams choice to decide who their drivers are, instead of the Twitter mob.
petebaldwin (@)
23rd December 2020, 13:39
@paeschli – It is the team’s choice indeed. Of course, it’s not the team’s choice what people think of them and by extension, their sponsors. If I ran a company, I certainly wouldn’t want my name connected with Mazepin in any way although in fairness, looking at vast expanse of blank space on their 2020 car, it doesn’t appear many brands wanted their name connected to Haas anyway.
I imagine there are firms out there who would have loved to get their names on the Schumacher car who are now slowly backing away because of the Twitter s-storm they’ll get if they sign a deal.
bernasaurus (@bernasaurus)
23rd December 2020, 14:59
@proud_asturian Is ‘COPE’ an acronym, or are you saying the word ‘COPE’ loudly?
Jack (@jackisthestig)
23rd December 2020, 17:25
People keep mentioning sponsors’ opinions but that’s the reason the team need Mazepin’s money, they have no sponsors. Apart from Jack & Jones, who came with Magnussen, the only big logos on that car say HAAS.
petebaldwin (@)
23rd December 2020, 17:36
Awwww.. It’s cute when someone learns a new retort and thinks they’re super grown- up and clever. My 3 year old is going through that phase at the moment.
31st January 2021, 18:28
Tony Mansell (@tonymansell)
23rd December 2020, 13:40
Not too mention the pious finger pointers. Virtue signalling their way to the moral high ground. See above for a nauseating collection of ‘decency’
Aiii (@)
23rd December 2020, 14:44
Imagine holding people responsible for their behaviour, what horrid times we live in where we’re expected to treat women with decency and respect.
Thank God Justice prevailed and we can champion money over decency again, phew.
Aiii (@)
23rd December 2020, 14:51
petebaldwin (@)
23rd December 2020, 17:38
23rd December 2020, 19:48
Harry (@harrydymond)
23rd December 2020, 23:08
Pete (@repete86)
23rd December 2020, 16:55
Would be cool if you were as nauseated by predators as by people being upset by said predators.
ruliemaulana (@ruliemaulana)
23rd December 2020, 16:17
I just looked at UK trends on Twitter. The top three was about Mazepin. UK Twitter are hysterical.
Adam (@rocketpanda)
23rd December 2020, 13:41
Money over morals I suppose.
Given the fairly long laundry list of distasteful things this guy’s done and his fairly middling talent I can say without doubt if it wasn’t for his money he’d not be here. There’s at least four drivers that would be a significant step up in terms of ability and PR, just maybe not on the cash side. I hope Schumacher demolishes him.
23rd December 2020, 14:03
No-one will notice him in 21 anyway with the dog of a car Haas will have, trundling round at the back. When the team becomes Mazepin GP in 22 (as is likely with the family funds available and Gene’s apparent frustration at results) it’ll just be another also-ran outfit in F1 history.
Meanwhile, it gives everyone someone to dislike and something for the media to pick away at every race weekend…
31st January 2021, 18:24
*Typing command:* command_delete cope
Lenny (@leonardodicappucino)
23rd December 2020, 14:28
On very first glance, it does seem like a “money over morals” type of deal this, which is very disappointing. However, if Haas didn’t put a clause into Mazepin’s contract that he could be dismissed for ‘gross misconduct’ or ‘bringing the brand into disrepute’ without losing the sponsorship money then they are terrible business people, which Gene Haas is not. So, I feel like they just don’t really care. Don’t think I’ll be watching F1 while people like this are tolerated within the sport.
Josh (@canadianjosh)
23rd December 2020, 14:43
Give me a break, you won’t watch F1 because Mazepin is racing? Jeez.
Tony Mansell (@tonymansell)
23rd December 2020, 16:41
He’ll be there. Virtue signalling doesn’t have a long memory
23rd December 2020, 15:32
Pete (@repete86)
23rd December 2020, 16:17
I already cancelled my F1TV subscription and won’t be going to the two races I planned on going to.
Tony Mansell (@tonymansell)
23rd December 2020, 16:42
Yeh sure you did. What 2 races were they ? Cos last time I looked you can’t cancel. Unless you didn’t book yet. In which case, I cancel my space X trip to the moon. On principle
Pete (@repete86)
23rd December 2020, 16:47
I didn’t say I cancelled, I said I won’t be going. I would normally be buying tickets around January. Montreal and Austin. I go to at least one most years.
Tony Mansell (@tonymansell)
24th December 2020, 14:31
Cool, more left for people not living in ivory towers. You have fun wringing you’re hands won’t you. If it’s ok can you do it quietly as well.
Dave (@davewillisporter)
23rd December 2020, 14:34
I’m wondering what I have to type for proud_asturian to reply “COPE”
I’m not a fan of Mazipin Sr or Jr “Bart Simpson” flat top haircut!
Billionaires should not exist. Their existence is a demonstration of a failure of governments to properly regulate capitalism.
I’m torn between a ham and cheese toastie or a turkey sandwich for lunch.
I’m training to be a buildings insurer and have to learn construction, occupancy, protection, exposure.
Mike Davies (@nanotech)
23rd December 2020, 16:49
Hey Keith, can we have this proud_asturian yahoo “COPE” with a suspension/ban for a bit? It’s getting spammy.
AR (@inarush)
23rd December 2020, 17:35
he’s not registered, I dont think its possible to ban the user. I hope they delete though.
23rd December 2020, 18:00
Some anonymous commenter said that proud_asturian is a former member of this site who got banned years ago. We still don’t know if it’s true or if he has to come clean.
23rd December 2020, 18:23
I’m Fernando Alonso behind seven proxies neighbour
24th December 2020, 9:21
We still don’t trust you.
31st January 2021, 18:25
Banned former site member spamming COPE all the time.
23rd December 2020, 15:01
When was the last time we got a proper villain in F1? I’m fairly new to the sport and for a while I thought Max filled those shoes but he seems ok now, just a bit immature. Do any other truly unlikable drivers come to mind?
Pete (@repete86)
23rd December 2020, 16:19
Watched every race for about a decade and intermittently before that. This is on a whole other level to the traditional villains who are usually just unpleasant individuals.
Invisiblekid (@invisiblekid)
23rd December 2020, 18:42
Villains on the track I’m fine with. People/families like this? Yuk.
27th December 2020, 12:20
Hamilton. Biggest villain of all.
23rd December 2020, 15:22
23rd December 2020, 16:04
COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) is committed to educating and supporting editors, publishers and those involved in publication ethics with the aim of moving the culture of publishing towards one where ethical practices become a normal part of the publishing culture. Our approach is firmly in the direction of influencing through education, resources and support of our members, alongside the fostering of professional debate in the wider community.
23rd December 2020, 17:10
Phew, glad we cleared this up, can the frothing nationalistic pub dweller clarify his intentions?
Bruno Verrari
23rd December 2020, 16:58
He didn’t kill anyone, has apologised and the girl was proractive in spreading it by uploading it, so…move on!
Don’t you have anything else to do, than chewing on this variation to Scorpions 1979 LP cover, “Lovedrive”?!
24th December 2020, 9:04
Media has an incredible appetite and needs to be fed. They will make up the stories as they go along. The Keiths of this world will join, the crowd will fume and all will be happy. Except that what they really do is create division between nations, setting people up against eachother based on issues that werent even big before they started their rant. Why dont we just watch the season unfold? Instead of, just like with the Verstappens start bashing based on every single piece of x you can find. Oh, and F1 has clearly shown over the years to not be a democratic institution but a privately owned circus. Ofcourse they will make you believe they adhere to some code of conduct, but thats just marketing to not scare you away. In practice, they’ll do as they please. You dont have to watch, you are free to start your own competition.
Jere (@jerejj)
23rd December 2020, 17:12
As I expected. Why should Haas have let him go over something relatively small such as this matter anyway? BTW, still nothing on what number he’s going to use.
Jere (@jerejj)
23rd December 2020, 20:09
Edit: I managed to find out that he’s going to use #9, a number previously used by Ericsson in the hybrid era.
23rd December 2020, 17:53
Damn…I need to be rich too…
23rd December 2020, 18:01
Go Mick!
Invisiblekid (@invisiblekid)
23rd December 2020, 18:40
Tommy C (@tommy-c)
23rd December 2020, 20:38
I commented the other day that F1 is largely unreported in Australia, echoing what Mick Doohan stated that the general public is largely ignorant of motorsport, even Australia’s successes. You’ll be pleased to know that F1 is now appearing in our mainstream media thanks to Nikita. Thanks for bringing our awesome sport into disrepute! Surely this was a situation the FIA should be dealing with swiftly and harshly. Didn’t they just proudly announce the W Series running alongside F1? Do they not realise how bad this looks to the general public?
23rd December 2020, 21:06
He should at least get a reprimand for grabbing the wrong body parts. Remember , in HASS and F1’s country, you should grab them by the pus…
Webber fan
23rd December 2020, 22:56
Newsflash: guys have been grabbing their girlfriends breasts since the dawn of time. The only problem here is Nikita Mazepin made the mistake of sharing with the world what should have been a private moment between him and his partner.
andrewf1 (@andrewf1)
24th December 2020, 0:23
Haas should fire him for his on-track performance or lack of it.
Demanding to have someone’s career terminated before it even starts just because you’re “outraged” over a 10 second video of which you have absolutely no insider knowledge is absolutely mental.
All it showed was two young adults teasing each other. Get over it.
Jere (@jerejj)
24th December 2020, 20:27
@andrewf1 I couldn’t have put this any better myself.
25th December 2020, 19:32
This must happen!