Miami International Autodrome, 2022

2022 Miami Grand Prix TV Times

2022 Miami Grand Prix

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Here’s how to watch the 2022 Miami Grand Prix live in the UK and USA:

2022 Miami Grand Prix: Friday 6 May – Sunday 8 May 2022


Day Session Channel Session starts Session ends
Friday Miami Grand Prix first practice live Sky Sports F1 19:30 20:30
Friday Miami Grand Prix second practice live Sky Sports F1 22:30 23:30
Saturday Miami Grand Prix third practice live Sky Sports F1 18:00 19:00
Saturday Miami Grand Prix W Series race one Sky Sports F1 19:10
Saturday Miami Grand Prix qualifying live Sky Sports F1 21:00
Sunday Miami Grand Prix qualifying highlights Channel 4 08:30
Sunday Miami Grand Prix W Series race two Sky Sports F1 15:20
Sunday Miami Grand Prix live Sky Sports F1 20:30
Monday Miami Grand Prix highlights Channel 4 00:30

USA (Eastern)

Day Session Channel Session starts Session ends
Friday Miami Grand Prix first practice live ESPN2 14:30 15:30
Friday Miami Grand Prix second practice live ESPN News 17:30 18:30
Saturday Miami Grand Prix third practice live ESPN News 13:00 14:00
Saturday Miami Grand Prix qualifying live ESPN 16:00
Sunday Miami Grand Prix live ABC 15:30

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Other races this weekend

8/5/2022: GB3 round 5: Silverstone
8/5/2022: GB3 round 6: Silverstone
8/5/2022: GB4 round 8: Silverstone
8/5/2022: GB4 round 9: Silverstone
8/5/2022: French F4 round 5: Pau
8/5/2022: French F4 round 6: Pau
8/5/2022: Euroformula Open round 5: Pau
8/5/2022: Formula Regional Europe round 4: Imola
8/5/2022: Italian F4 round 2: Imola
8/5/2022: Italian F4 round 3: Imola
7/5/2022: GB3 round 4: Silverstone
7/5/2022: GB4 round 7: Silverstone
7/5/2022: French F4 round 4: Pau
7/5/2022: Euroformula Open round 4: Pau
7/5/2022: Formula Regional Europe round 3: Imola
7/5/2022: Italian F4 round 1: Imola

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2022 Miami Grand Prix

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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12 comments on “2022 Miami Grand Prix TV Times”

  1. QLF (like with COTA, but Montreal & Mexico City) is late.
    However, I wish 14:00 local were the race start time instead, as with this season’s other three North American races, or at the very least 15:00 to achieve full consistency with all races starting on the hour.
    Sprints commencing 30 past is one thing & something that has happened, without an exception, thus far, but all actual races should begin on the hour as they’ve always done except for 2018-2020 when 10 min past was the standard, but even this happened wholly consistently.
    Otherwise, always on the hour until last season’s SA GP with 20:30 locally, although this season’s 20:00 should’ve equally been okay.
    Such detailed messing around with timings is just pointless – zero reason for differing from standard practice for one race per season or any race, for that matter.
    I, of course, will survive with 15:30, which means 22:30 for me.
    I merely wish for full consistency in general but especially on some matters.

    1. Next year with Las Vegas the race start in the evening so 3-4 AM for us. But in the past i had to get up at 5 – 6 AM to watch the GP of Australie and Japan.

      1. Oh, I loved the Australian and Japan GPs early in the morning (still night actually). No one awake, not a single distraction, those were the days :-)

      2. @macleod The LV GP timings in Europe will match the Australian & Japan GP equivalents.
        8 AM for me. I prefer this considerably over the evening ones, i.e., the other NA events + Brazil & SA.

        1. @jerejj – Depends on how late they start if they start 9PM then it’s 6am (7am for you) I was searching for times but they said night.. November they could start at 8PM which means 5AM (6AM) for you. If they plan to make it a real night race 10-midnight that would be 7AM-9AM (8AM-10AM)
          But as they are ahead this is a monday for us that is a miss for me

          @miguelbento – Those were the times indeed :) But las Vegad is 9 hours ahead of me so if they start 8PM sunday that would be 5AM monday for me…..

          1. @macleod 10 PM is already confirmed, so 6-8 AM in European zones.
            The only thing still unconfirmed is the specific date, although all signs & references point towards Thanksgiving weekend.

          2. @jerejj – Thanks for the link and luckly on Saterday 10PM otherwise i would miss it but when is practice and Qualify.

            !0PM is 7AM for me that is fine for me

          3. @macleod Nothing on practice & qualifying timings yet, but one possibility I’ve thought about is FP1 & 2 on Thursday at 19:00-20:00 & 22:00-23:00 local, respectively, with FP3 & qualifying on Friday also 19:00-20:00 & 22:00-23:00. Another is FP1 22:00-23:00 on Thursday & FP3/QLF same, but FP2 earlier on Friday.
            The former would be better as all practice sessions would be floodlit & thus fully useful for QLF & race.
            We’ll find out the remaining session timings eventually.

    2. Monday 0100 hrs for race which compared to COTA(sunday 2230 hrs) is far too nonsensical and going to skip.

  2. Yes (@come-on-kubica)
    2nd May 2022, 19:27

    Be interested to see the ratings for this. I have a feeling it will be a disappointment.

  3. I know I mentioned this before @keithcollantine but is it possible to link the tv times in the F1 2022 menu at the top for each race like always used to happen? Save us searching for it. Thanks! :)

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