Marc Gene drives Ferrari in Rotterdam demo

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Gene at Rotterdam City Racing

Marc Gene did a demonstration run in a F10 in Rotterdam yesterday.

The team sent the car to participate in the annual Rotterdam City Racing event at the request of sponsor Santander.

However he had to switch to a 2009-specification F60 after breaking the suspension on the F10 hitting a barrier.

Gene, who does many such events for Ferrari, was impressed with the course laid out between the between the Willemsbrug Bridge and the Hofplein square.

He said: “Compared to my previous experiences this is the longest track that I have ever seen at a road show – and also the most twisty.

“Usually at this kind of event you see long straights which you drive down in both directions, but here the layout of the track reminds you of a real circuit and allows you to really test out the speed and braking areas.

“So I must pass on my compliments to the city of Rotterdam and to the organisers of the event, who knew how to design such an interesting circuit on these streets that are normally reserved for city traffic, thus offering the fans the chance to see a Formula 1 car in real live action.”

Video: Ferrari at Rotterdam City Racing

This video shot by a fan shows how Gene broke the suspension on the car during a spin-turn:

Pictures: Ferrari at Rotterdam City Racing

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Image © Ferrari spa/Ercole Colombo

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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20 comments on “Marc Gene drives Ferrari in Rotterdam demo”

  1. Jack van den Berg-Hider
    22nd August 2011, 10:43

    I am sorry Keith. But Rotterdam is most Definatley not the Dutch capital.

    1. Sorry – that was a stupid mistake. Changed it.

      1. UKfanatic (@)
        22nd August 2011, 22:20

        Gene, who does many such events for Ferrari, was impressed with the course laid out between the between the Willemsbrug Bridge and the Hofplein square.

  2. DeZ from Rotterdam
    22nd August 2011, 10:45

    …..yes we would love to have our own Formula 1 street circuit here in Rotterdam! Over 500000 spectators on each event for the last six years so let’s compete with Valancia! We sure can beat them on atmosphere and track layout!

    1. But I bet if they priced it EUR 90 and more it would get the crowd down seriously, just as it does everywhere in the world.

      Thats what the Hosting fees do for a race.

      But at least you had this great event to see the cars up close!

      1. DeZ from Rotterdam
        22nd August 2011, 11:24

        Guess you’re right on that one

  3. Why do they always have full wets at these events?

    My hunch is so that they only have to take one set that will work (to some extent) but I always think it’s a shame they’re not on some old set of slicks at these events.

    1. Probably because need to keep the temp in them? Wets are the quickest to heat up and considering all they use it for us burn outs, they dont really have to worry about the wets wearing out at any time.

    2. Tyres used at these events are not any type of race tyre – not even full wets. They are a special, super-hard tyre designed specifically so teams do not gain any useful information from running demonstrations

      1. Thats why there are grooves – slicks work completely differently so combined with the Superhard compound they can’t go doing any filming days.

      2. Ah – thanks for the info :)

  4. Is it also the wet tyres that makes it harder to do burnouts and doughnuts? What I’ve seen from this video was not that impressive (quite apart from the fact that Gene apparently damaged his first Ferrari in a doughnut attempt).

    1. Sorry, skimmed over the grooved tyres comment above to quickly.

  5. Formula One cars will be racing on the streets of Dublin next year

    Sounds fantastic… but they won’t be racing, that’s a little bit of a fib there.

  6. They had a spare car! Great organisation.

  7. F1 on the streets of Dublin next year!! Will be brilliant!!

  8. I thought they had to use cars at least 2 years old for these demonstrations?

  9. Loved it, The bit at 1:03 in the first was right in front of me. The gap was between us and the course was maybe 3 meters and when a Ferrari takes of like that from 0… B-E-A-utiful!

  10. UKfanatic (@)
    22nd August 2011, 22:24

    After that mistake the trip could have ended much more costly than it should, expensive publicity for Santander, they insited that Gene was good for this type of events… maybe not surely not.

  11. Good to see Ferrari out and about in countries with no direct F1 influence, even if it is all down to sponsorship, it’s still something for the cars.

    That prang really demonstrates just how delicate these F1 cars are.

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