Coulthard is buying a Valkyrie and a Project One

RaceFans Round-up

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In the round-up: Former F1 driver David Coulthard has ordered one of each of the forthcoming hypercars developed by Formula 1 teams.

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Comment of the day

F1 needs to keep raising its game with its Virtual Grands Prix, says Stephen:

We’ve only had two e-races so far, and there was a big improvement between the first and the second. Hopefully there will be more improvements this weekend.

As with many other products, the presence of competition creates a desire to improve a product. So far F1 seems to have stepped up their game.

There are lots of improvements that still need to be made to get F1 2019 from being something that was intended to be sold to the average person to something intended for broadcasting a simulated race. Some of those improvements, like getting more current and ex drivers involved, should be a priority.

Codemasters should be getting feedback from the drivers: What improvements do they want to see? Also, how difficult would it be to have all the current advertising on each team’s car?

As a thought, maybe McLaren need to have a backup driver ready to take over if Lando Norris’s computer still doesn’t want to be part of the team.
Stephen Crowsen (@Drycrust)

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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18 comments on “Coulthard is buying a Valkyrie and a Project One”

  1. Former F1 driver David Coulthard has ordered one of each of the forthcoming hypercars developed by Formula 1 teams.

    Wow! I couldn’t care less!

    1. I suppose that’s your prerogative, but it does seem fairly relevant to an F1 news site — particularly with no actual racing taking place…

    2. Cared enough to comment…

      1. Wow! I couldn’t care less!

        I now feel exactly the same, @pironitheprovocateur.
        And somebody else will have the same emotion when reading my comment :p

    3. Personally, I quite like the idea of a former F1 driver and genuine racer buying hyper cars, rather than footballers, rappers or geriatric oil barons who will either let them sit unused as part of a “collection”, or parade around London at 20mph once or twice a month…

    4. You obviously could care less.

      1. I’m getting the impression everyone is starting to feel a bit grumpy. I’ve been reading a few interactions on here that are getting way more fractious and tetchy than they really should. I know there’s no racing and lockdown is very dull, but let’s all stay friends, no?

    5. Hey, at least you used the expression correctly! Anyway, I clicked on the article for the cars, not for DC :)

  2. Hopefully @Drycrust you saw the V8 Supercars race yesterday, because it was so much better than anything else so far in this eSport marathon we’re having.

    The broadcast, the interviews, the format, the drivers involved, the races, the software… so far above everything else i’ve seen. Even Indycar.

    The first race at Silverstone and the second in Barcelona were incredible in every sense.

    1. Yup they were behind F1, Indycar and NASCAR in terms of timing, being the last to hold an eRace. But they’ve clearly gone about it the right way and instead of rushing something to market they have produced the best product to date by far. Clearly lots of effort and proper planning and it shows.

      I’ll be watching the whole series, great fun and proper racing.

    2. @fer-no65 Thanks for the Heads Up. Unfortunately while I did see that it was on I was busy, so I didn’t look at it. I’ve just had a look on Youtube but I can’t find it. Hopefully a link will pop up in the next day or so.

  3. Thanks for telling us I guess Dave.

    1. I suppose when he was asked about it, he could have just stared blankly at the interviewer instead of answering…

  4. Eduardo Stark
    16th April 2020, 4:39

    as Danny Ric have said his mind about his 5 underrated peers, let’s speculate what he has in mind about the overrated guys. my guess (in no particular order): Verstappen, Vettel, Rosberg, Raikkonen, well can’t think about the fifth name… maybe Ocon?

    1. In order: Vettel, Hamilton, Fangio, Hill and Hill

  5. I wonder how long is he going to keep on staying in Dubai? He’s been there for about a month now, although I personally wouldn’t mind doing that because of the temps except for the hottest months of the year.
    Surprisingly, he still hasn’t really got any suntan despite the amount of Sun-exposure.

    Savage-words in the virtual-race, as well as, cuteness in the image from (I presume) either 2005 or 2006, though.


    Promoter Spa Grand Prix has announced that because all mass events in Belgium have been banned until August 31, the Spa race – scheduled for August 30 – cannot go ahead as planned.

  7. Wow Formula E completely nails it with the sim racing. All the real drivers participate and ONLY the real drivers, gamers get their own separate race, and it’s a real championship with points.

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