Lotus have revealed the first images of their 2011 F1 car which is now called the T128.
The car was originally supposed to be called the TL11 which, according to the team, was to “simplify what could have been another point of contention” with Renault over the use of the name’Lotus’.
When asked by F1 Fanatic on Twitter about the change of name Tony Fernandes said:
Because we are continuing with history. We are a new dynasty but tradition continues.
Tony Fernandes
One of the most striking features on the car is the use of a ‘blade’ roll hoop with a split air intake. However the central part of the ‘blade’ has to be thicker because of the change in the 2011 rules.
Mercedes pioneered the design last year but the first picture of their new W02 shown yesterday indicated they are not using such a layout this year.
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Joe Szpara
31st January 2011, 5:13
Isnt the airbox similar to the one of last years Mercedes which was banned?. Or is it just my eyes. it is quite hard to tell..
31st January 2011, 6:23
it is.. but not sure if it was banned.
Hare (@hare)
31st January 2011, 8:04
there were regulations brought in, which most saw as a ban, but Lotus have worked a way around it, and theirs is 100% legal.
matt90 (@matt90)
31st January 2011, 11:16
I thought the main point of that airbox was that it allowed it to be lower and slanted, although the Lotus’s is still upright.
Patrickl (@patrickl)
31st January 2011, 8:07
The merc “blade” roll structure was indeed banned. The rules where changed to have a minimum thickness for the roll structure. That sort of negates the advantages of the “blade”. Guess Lotus still though it was worth it.
From the regulations:
15.2.4 The principal roll structure must have a minimum enclosed structural cross section of 10000mm², in vertical projection, across a horizontal plane 50mm below its highest point. The area thus established must not exceed 200mm in length or width and may not be less than 10000mm2 below this point.
31st January 2011, 5:13
Ermm, those sidepods are how thin?
ForzaLaScuderia (@)
31st January 2011, 5:14
Interesting that they have opted to use the MGP airbox design from last season…while MGP dropped those plans.
Joe Szpara
31st January 2011, 5:15
Yeah thats what i noticed. I thought that kind of design was banned?
Lord Stig (@lord-stig)
31st January 2011, 5:17
I don’t think it was banned. The only thing banned coming into this year is the F Duct.
Joe Szpara
31st January 2011, 5:18
and the double diffuser? :)
Hare (@hare)
31st January 2011, 8:06
The airbox design is legal, although regs came in which effectively banned the previous incarnation, and most took to be a ban. The Exhaust Blown Diffuser is technically banned too, but don’t be surprised to see variations on that.
Scribe (@scribe)
31st January 2011, 9:37
The EBD is in no way banned, what is banned is holes creating a cross section in your diffuser, meaning the double diffuser is banned. That’s about 2seconds per lap of performance since the start of 2009 done away with.
However it is not illegal to blow gasses over your diffuser, nor is it illegal to release exhaust under the car. However, it’s probably illegal to split your exhaust pipes.
The blade thingy was semi banned because the FIA was uneasy with the design, felt if the car fliped the blade might stick in and not roll the car sactisfactorily. Can’t say I don’t have the same fear about that design. Hopefully it’ll work, don’t want to see it tested.
31st January 2011, 5:19
New regs mandate a minimum cross section for the roll structure, and the Lotus “blade” looks thicker than last year’s W01 so possibly legal within the new rules?
ForzaLaScuderia (@)
31st January 2011, 5:18
Yeah the fact that it was banned was probably a rumor spread to explain why the MGP W02 didn’t have it in the rendering that we saw today.
Joe Szpara
31st January 2011, 5:17
+ Keith the official name is the T128 not the TL11 :D
31st January 2011, 5:20
As stated above. Remember reading is fundamental.
topdowntoedown (@topdowntoedown)
31st January 2011, 9:37
But look at the pretty pictures!! ;)
31st January 2011, 19:53
so true lol!
31st January 2011, 5:18
Ben Curly
31st January 2011, 9:20
The car looks good, very aggressive an light, although there are few things that I’m worried about. First is the airbox, a little bit too Mercedes like, second is the nose, not enough Red Bullish ;)
But seriously, I’m really worried about the hype. People expected a lot from this team, and now the statements from Lotus raise the bar even higher. They want to create a new legend, they are pushing the boundaries, they create a basis for future cars, they aim to embarrass older teams and Trulli wants to score points from the first race. Guys, don’t you aim just a little bit too high?
Don’t get me wrong, I wish you all the best. I want it to work out for you, but it’s just your second year. Raising people’s hopes is a straight road to disappointment. I expect you to score some points this year, just like Force India did in their second year. But challenging the midfield? I think it’s not realistic. Not yet.
31st January 2011, 5:19
no, are TL11..
DavidS (@davids)
31st January 2011, 5:20
Pity the pictures are pretty bad renders. Apart from the Mercedes style intake, there isn’t a lot you can tell from them. Hopefully, some proper photos are taken tomorrow.
Ben Curly
31st January 2011, 9:46
The pictures look pretty bad, especially when you compare them with those released last year, at the launch of T127. They were really nice, wallpaper worthy, high resolution photos.
Sangeen Khan
31st January 2011, 5:22
A ‘proper’ shot,not rendering
Hare (@hare)
31st January 2011, 5:29
quite, the 3d render here, is a bit… blah.
Hare (@hare)
31st January 2011, 5:40
it’s been updated.. before anyone jumps in and insists we check our eyesight.
SeattleChris (@seattlechris)
31st January 2011, 5:24
It isn’t a real car because it probably isn’t built yet LOL! I agree it is a really dark photograph and it is hard to see much from it. I think the intake is legal and the only reason Mercedes dropped the idea is because it didn’t work… I believe what we can take from this is that the Lotus will not be a midpack contender in 2011… still, it will probably be faster than last years now that the Cosworth motor is gone.
31st January 2011, 8:00
“I believe what we can take from this is that the Lotus will not be a midpack contender in 2011”
How in any way is that a reasonable assumption? Because of its air intake? Just wait for the racing to start, then we’ll see. They probably also wont expect to be challenging the mid pack until mid season themselves, so I think you’re jumping the gun a little bit.
31st January 2011, 8:01
Williams showed that the Cosworth was competitive.
Hare (@hare)
31st January 2011, 8:07
It was the gearbox that was letting the teams down, particularly the hydraulics.
31st January 2011, 9:21
the Cosworth motor wasn’t a problem last year, it was the X-Trac gearbox. Williams were very complimentary of the Cossie. The main benefit they’ll get is from the Red Bull transmission and back end. Superior packaging particularly thanks to the pull rod suspension!
31st January 2011, 5:25
sry official T128..
Sangeen Khan
31st January 2011, 5:26
To be honest im disappointed.It looks too weak,with those thin and wierdly shaped sidepods.It looks they went conservative again on the nose.Was expecting a lot more.
Scottie (@scottie)
31st January 2011, 5:36
I dunno… those sidepods say to me the renault (read championship-winning) engine needs less cooling than other engines, allowing less wind resistance… it’s not all in the nose.
For the teams second ever car, I think they’re doing a great job!
Hare (@hare)
31st January 2011, 5:44
Ditto. We’ll have to wait to compare it to the HRT and the Virgins. (HRT and Virgins in the same sentence conjures up images of old maids… just me? ok move on )
They want to be mid field this year, so we’ll see how it goes, but I think for the second year, it’s beautiful.
I do have a bit of resentment to them nicking peoples name though. Lotus Notes is a software from the 90s ;)
31st January 2011, 18:00
I spotted the “Lotus Notes” link. Although it is something that Noah found in the Ark…
31st January 2011, 6:18
Or its because they are the least powerful engine on the grid if you as Christian Horner
31st January 2011, 7:26
It looks “too weak”? That’s a racing car, not a tank. It’s supposed to go fast, not to look beefed up like some guido.
Hare (@hare)
31st January 2011, 7:39
hahahaha :)
bosyber (@bosyber)
31st January 2011, 8:53
Well, I guess if you are thinking of Belgium where Alonso could just drive on to a sad end in the barriers after being hit by Barrichello – tanking up seemed to have helped the Ferrari :-p
Jose Teixido
31st January 2011, 13:05
OMG Dau you crack me up LOL!
31st January 2011, 5:27
Lotus press release with actual photos. f
Hare (@hare)
31st January 2011, 5:29
it’s just jealous! :)
31st January 2011, 5:30
Full PDF of their release, including real photographs at http://cdn.skive.co.uk/TLN_LaunchIssue.pdf
Hare (@hare)
31st January 2011, 5:41
good work :)
31st January 2011, 6:02
Interesting to note that there isn’t any big “Team Lotus” branding on the side of the car as they had last year with “Lotus Racing”. Only references to Lotus on the car that I’ve spotted are small Team Lotus logos on the nose tip and driver’s headrest.
Are they trying to preempt a possible switch to a non-Lotus name in case they lose the legal fight in court?
31st January 2011, 7:35
The way I see it, the Lotus Racing logo was a placeholder as they couldn’t get Air Asia to come over and leave Williams a year early.
Now that Air Asia is around, they will get very prominent placing (engine cover & rear wing).
31st January 2011, 7:45
Wasn’t AirAsia already on the front wing endplates of the T127 midway through last season?
31st January 2011, 8:05
Considering the guy who owns air Asia is the boss of Team Lotus, I don’t think it would have been an issue.
ajokay (@)
31st January 2011, 8:16
Pretty sure it only said ‘Lotus Racing’ last year beacuse there was no paying sponsor to fill that space.
It is a pretty standard procedure after all. Sauber had their logo on the engine cover last year, HRT had theirs on the sidepods until they started naming their cars after their drivers (all of them).
Although obviously Red Bull manage both as their team and sponsor are one-and-the-same.
And Ferrari only slap their logo big on the side because their whole car’s worth of advertising space is sold off illegally to Marlboro who then sell it on like some sort of cancerous middle-man.
bosyber (@bosyber)
31st January 2011, 8:55
And of course, the “ferrari” logo is coincidentally exactly the same as the, also Marlboro sponsored, Ducati team. Ie. that’s Marlboro’s logo except in name.
Scribe (@scribe)
31st January 2011, 9:41
It is still quite incredible that Ferrari are allowed to continue with various forms of subliminal advertising and a publicised connection to Tobacco.
Scottie (@scottie)
31st January 2011, 5:44
Fascinating front suspension! no pushrod that I can see!
US_Peter (@us_peter)
31st January 2011, 5:52
I noticed that too. Must not be installed in that picture. The rear is pullrod, which I was expecting with the RB gear box.
The Renault logo is its proper color on this car, unlike on the Renault car…
31st January 2011, 6:35
More fundamentally, there doesnt appear to be a steering arm either!
Aside from that I’m happily impressed with how aggressive the design looks over last years car. At the start of last year the emphasis was on reliability (specifically with cooling), now they have a year of data (+info on the Red Bull/Renault package?) they’ve trimmed down the sidepods to a minimum. I’m almost concerned they might have taken it a step too far!
Hare (@hare)
31st January 2011, 7:41
Well they’ve avoided the worry of KERS.. so they’ve given themselves a bit more space compared to some other teams.
McLaren have given themselves a bit more space too, an extra 10 days.
bosyber (@bosyber)
31st January 2011, 8:59
In the rendering you can see a push rod – it connects just behind the foremost top wishbone arm of the suspension. Of course, that could be inaccurate, but there is a hole on the side of the nose in that spot.
BasCB (@bascb)
31st January 2011, 18:46
That Renault in black on the yellow band on the back of the engine cover is a really great idea, looks good in the right colors.
31st January 2011, 5:46
I really like the car, i mean for being one of the newest low budget teams i beliebe it looks good, im wondering about their livery contest i saw the wiinner at it doesnt look like this one, but i believe overall is a nice desing we will see how they do at the track im expecting a lot from them with that Renault Power and RedBull Gearbox!!!
US_Peter (@us_peter)
31st January 2011, 7:30
The only thing that’s slightly traditional looking is the nose. Everywhere else it looks pretty agressive. I’m a bit surprised it doesn’t have a bit more of a Red Bull style nose. Even Mercedes is headed that direction with the W02 nose. It’ll be interesting to see what the Renault and McLaren noses look like.
Hare (@hare)
31st January 2011, 7:43
I suspect McLarens nose is a little out of joint from last year..
bosyber (@bosyber)
31st January 2011, 9:02
I wouldn’t be surprised if the team decided that the Red Bull nose was just a bit too advanced to try – and after all, we saw that Ferrari stopped using it this year.
The T128 nose is really rather high until the tip, with the Red Bull ridges and having to fit the driver’s legs, maybe they couldn’t get it high enough to use the big undercut they have for those sidepods.
Scribe (@scribe)
31st January 2011, 9:45
Well, Merc went more Redbullish, Ferrari went more McLaren like. Shows that Redbull’s solution must have benefits and drawbacks.
TBH, I’m glad Lotus stuck with Brit racing green. Ten time’s prettier than the JPS, an fun historical livery. The JPS is a ridiculous historical livery because of the tobbaco connection. Last years Renault wasp livery was just excellent.
sw6569 (@sw6569)
31st January 2011, 7:45
I believe that one lotus will be mocked up in the livery from the livery contest – but because it was a JPS livery, they can’t race with it.
Car looks awesome, i love that paint scheme!
Hare (@hare)
31st January 2011, 8:11
If that were the case, then Group Lotus Renault, wouldn’t be running with Gold and Black. No it’s because Bahar’s outfit announced they were going to go with Black and Gold, Team Lotus chose to stick to Green and Yellow, although they were pretty ticked off with it..
see for yourself : http://twitpic.com/3v36ca
sw6569 (@sw6569)
31st January 2011, 13:31
Apologies, I meant that but I didn’t make it clear. Its because Renault decided to use the JPS livery, as you say
31st January 2011, 5:48
Yeah, my B&G ”Air” livery was in the Lotus Notes! Top right corner with all the other ones ;)
31st January 2011, 5:49
Looks really different, they have achieved their intention in packing the rear very very tight. I doubt they’ll be introducing KERS this year, unless the Renault system is smaller than I imagine.
Those sidepods are really agressive.
Hare (@hare)
31st January 2011, 5:52
Great quote from the Lotus Notes (not the software, another legal suite) magazine, two of MG’s (or TF?) dogs are talking to each other while playing, we pick up mid conversation:
US_Peter (@us_peter)
31st January 2011, 6:02
That’s cold. But funny.
bosyber (@bosyber)
31st January 2011, 9:04
LOL, mean, but funny.
US_Peter (@us_peter)
31st January 2011, 6:08
Not having KERS could be what keeps them out of the midfield. I think most if not all of the midfield cars will have it, and with the minimum weight increase the gap between KERS and non-KERS cars should be more dramatic as there’s no real advantage to not running it.
Prisoner Monkeys (@prisoner-monkeys)
31st January 2011, 6:11
Nick Wirth put it best: KERS is worth two to three tenths at best when the new teams need to find two to three seconds. If all goes well – particularly for Virgin and Lotus – they could invest in KERS about half or two-thirds of the way through the season.
Hare (@hare)
31st January 2011, 6:20
Lotus say in their Lotus Notes magazine ( which I’ve been reading ), that they may end up the season with KERS, depending on how things go.
Scribe (@scribe)
31st January 2011, 9:48
Sounds like rubbish to me, wouldn’t expect them to have designed possible KERS into the packaging. THey might have it next year, but why bother this one?
Solo (@solo)
31st January 2011, 9:52
Kers might only be 2-3 tenths but it’s also a few positions in the start. They could out-qualify Toro Rosso for example and be all happy and then lose the place immediately at the start of the race.
Prisoner Monkeys (@prisoner-monkeys)
31st January 2011, 6:08
I’m not really a fan. The livery just ruins it. Especially that yellow streak at the back. And those dark and moody backgrounds destory any chance of making out the details.
It’s funny, though. I thought the narrow Mercedes-esque rollhoop was banned for this year.
31st January 2011, 6:30
Not if it’s thick enough, apparently. The rules have a requirement about the minimum cross-section of the roll structure. If that’s met then I reckon it’s legal.
Prisoner Monkeys (@prisoner-monkeys)
31st January 2011, 6:41
I’m also looking at the actual air intakes, and they look like they’re thicker, wider and mounter further forward than the ones designed by Mercedes.
US_Peter (@us_peter)
31st January 2011, 7:34
Really?! That’s the best part! I didn’t like the 2010 livery much, too dark I thought, but with more yellow it’s much improved, and with no R30 on the grid this season we could do with some more yellow. I think the livery is great. Much better than the R31 with that TOTAL-ly intrusive red garbage.
bosyber (@bosyber)
31st January 2011, 9:07
I agree – that yellow streak in the back, combined with the yellow streak on the front of the rear/front wing endplates looks great. The least impressive bit of the livery is the rather cluttered looking nose.
I also think the green might be a bit lighter, but that could just be a matter of lighting (of course, the rendering is metallic green, but well, that’s just a rendering)
31st January 2011, 6:08
I have been disconnected from the whole Renault – Lotus naming controversy. I tried reading up a bit but gave up.
For 2011, my nomenclature will be having only two names – Heikki’s car and Kubica’s car. Makes things much more easier. So, is the above car Kubica’s or Heikki’s?
ForzaLaScuderia (@)
31st January 2011, 6:19
Prisoner Monkeys (@prisoner-monkeys)
31st January 2011, 6:43
Actually, it’s Trulli’s – according to the FIA Entry List that was published a few weeks ago, Trulli is #20 and Kovalainen #21.
US_Peter (@us_peter)
31st January 2011, 7:36
That’s a bit weird since Jarno placed 21st in the championship and Heikki finished 20th.
Hare (@hare)
31st January 2011, 7:49
So many Lotus’sessss around, it’s easy to get confused.
Hare (@hare)
31st January 2011, 7:48
FYI : Jarno Trulli is 21.. it’s liveried up on all the Lotus gear. Page 8 of Lotus notes for example.
31st January 2011, 6:09
Looks promising hope it is better then previous year car.
31st January 2011, 6:11
nose looks like force india vjm02 type
31st January 2011, 6:12
In total a step forward from last year’s car.The sidepod’s and the airbox above are interesting but the front suspension looks plain simple.Does they have KERS?I think they don’t.
Hare (@hare)
31st January 2011, 6:15
Another great quote from the Team Lotus Notes Magazine :
US_Peter (@us_peter)
31st January 2011, 7:39
The forces they endure every lap of every race are just nuts. I have a hard time even imagining what that must feel like.
31st January 2011, 8:17
what? when braking and Webber hits them up the ass, that would bring tears to any ones eyes.
31st January 2011, 13:51
Oh burn! Hahaha!
That is a terrible joke! But I love it!
Hare (@hare)
31st January 2011, 6:29
BTW and FYI : Here’s the Black and Gold livery that Team Lotus would have ran with if they had the chance..
ajokay (@)
31st January 2011, 8:25
I don’t understand why they didn’t use the (beautiful) winning livery design and perform a simple palette swap. Change the black to green, and the gold to yellow.
I did tweet them 3 times asking if they would/could, but for all the ‘fan friendlyness’ they promote, I got not a single reply.
31st January 2011, 8:55
Yeah, I thought the same thing. It’s a delicious livery.
31st January 2011, 13:57
That, and it actually reflected the historical livery… rather than this psuedo copy.
31st January 2011, 6:45
I think having no KERS could be advantage when it comes to weight, if they have less weight in the car like the Braen did they have a chance to show some improvment.
US_Peter (@us_peter)
31st January 2011, 7:41
Nope. The FIA increased the minimum weight for 2011 so that you couldn’t benefit from omitting the KERS, so presumably the disadvantage of not running KERS will be greater than it was in 2009.
31st January 2011, 7:52
Probably more of packaging decision given the relatively bulky KERS units – look at how slim and undercut the T128’s sidepods are.
31st January 2011, 12:59
As much. It still takes up weight that could be put using ballast lower in the car, and in better positions to tune the handling.
Prisoner Monkeys (@prisoner-monkeys)
31st January 2011, 6:46
It’s talk like this that makes me dislike Team Lotus.
31st January 2011, 6:56
What in that article makes you dislike the team?
The headline sounds a bit harsh, but like most headlines is slightly out of context, no-one says they’re aiming to embarrass the established teams, just that if they do start beating them then it could be embarrassing for them, which it probably would be.
Otherwise it just sounds like they’re very ambitious.
31st January 2011, 7:08
blame it on autosport editor for putting that kind of headline when the whole context of the article is about Team Lotus and their aim for 2011 season…
it’s seems like autosport has some kind of beef with team lotus
US_Peter (@us_peter)
31st January 2011, 7:45
They’ve been blatantly pro-Bahar ever since the announcement of Proton’s Renault sponsorship.
Hare (@hare)
31st January 2011, 7:28
That’s spot on. If I was Torro Rosso, and Team Lotus come along and beat us in their 2nd year, I would be embarrassed! I’d also fear for my job, because something is clearly wrong.
To be honest, the Editor has done his part to make a sensation to get more hits, and sell more units. Whats new?
For such an intelligent guy PM, I’m a little disappointed you’re so easily influenced in this particular instance.
David A
31st January 2011, 12:03
Luckily Toro Rosso know their job isn’t to be competitive, and that they are afiliated with the current world champions.
31st January 2011, 6:48
Not really important, but the stripe going up the nose looks horrible with all those logos interrupting it. I wonder if they will make it more pleasing to the eye before the first race.
Prisoner Monkeys (@prisoner-monkeys)
31st January 2011, 6:55
What looks worse is the way the space around each ogo is a noticeably different shade of green to the rest of the car.
McG (@mcg)
31st January 2011, 7:35
Yeah it’s a far cry from some of the other liveries isn’t it. I still love the traditional green and yellow though.
31st January 2011, 7:49
On closer look it appears that the logos on the nose of the launch car (Naza, Tune) look like stickers that were placed over the stripes at the last minute. The final version should have a more consistent shade of green as per the CGI renderings.
ajokay (@)
31st January 2011, 8:34
Indeed, they are stickers. But that doesn’t escuse the fact that it’s pointless having a racing stripe down the centre of your car when all you’re going to do it break it up every 3 inches with a sponsorship logo.
It just treads muddy boots all over the design philosophy and makes it look amature at best.
bosyber (@bosyber)
31st January 2011, 9:10
I do hope that was just for the photo and they will be able to fix it before it races – I agree that seeing that the sticker has a different colour rather ruins the livery.
BasCB (@bascb)
31st January 2011, 19:02
To me it looks like that car was finished late (part of the front suspension not installed) and the sponsor stickers were just put on right before the pictures were taken as they did not manage to get this chassis properly painted beforehand (or were not sure which logo to put where on the nose before yesterday?). A bit shabby.
31st January 2011, 7:15
ok nice…front suspension is really interesting, how do they plan to steer the car?
Hare (@hare)
31st January 2011, 7:32
I”m gonna shoot from the hip here, and say ‘steering wheel’.
The four non-perpendicular rods steer the wheels.
Hare (@hare)
31st January 2011, 7:54
Although I’m a touch tentative on that. My reason for calling that one is the following quote :
31st January 2011, 7:28
They clearly hiding the T128 suspension details.
31st January 2011, 7:48
Wow – have to still see how it’ll look in real life, but the sideshot rendering makes the new livery look f****n’ great!
31st January 2011, 7:55
the suspension look like a rapid prototypes material, not a real one and the rear end lack of drive shaft. I think the real t128 is on the way to Valencia.
bosyber (@bosyber)
31st January 2011, 9:12
The rear end also seems to miss a bit of floor – we should be able to see some of it between the rear wheels – especially of the diffuser? I think they just didn’t bolt it on, considering the missing front-suspension details too.
31st January 2011, 11:03
Yup..maybe this is only a show car. I think there is not real gear box at the end of the car, they maybe just used the mock up…or maybe this is the new “lotus technology”, no push/pull rod, no drive shaft, no diffuser, no steering arm. WOW!!!
Sameer Cader
31st January 2011, 8:13
the car looks horible
Funkyf1 (@funkyf1)
31st January 2011, 8:20
Personally I like it, it looks lean and clean, I wish them well :)
31st January 2011, 9:00
After all that Keith, they’ve changed the name! ;-)
Looks very very nice and like it could be up in the midfield this year. I’m not sure about them dropping KERS but it’s not a huge advantage, Brawn and Red Bull won without it in 2009.
Faraz (@faraz)
31st January 2011, 9:13
The thing that makes me laugh is the fact that the team this team are feuding with is going to supply them engines this year. Engine Failures anyone?????
jsw11984 (@jarred-walmsley)
31st January 2011, 9:22
I think that that Lotus is a very good looking car and I am very pleased they stuck with the Green and Gold because I don’t think the Gold and Black would have worked as well
topdowntoedown (@topdowntoedown)
31st January 2011, 9:38
Here we go then… Team Lotus getting their car out second after Ferrari?
Bring it on. I really hope these guys can get the job done this year. Never mind the controversy!
31st January 2011, 9:47
Crapy presentation, and sticker of sponsors with different colours that the robe. In a hurry ?
I am disappointed !
31st January 2011, 9:59
Looks good :) could have done with a bit more gold/yellow on it though
alot less ‘bath tub’ looking compared to last years car. I got a feeling its going to be a vast improvement..
Catalina (@catalina)
31st January 2011, 11:15
didn’t liked it :( , hope its a grower
melkurion (@melkurion)
31st January 2011, 11:34
First impression is, wow, are those some extremely undecut sidepods! Must eb that with them no running Kers, and the renault engine not needing so much cooling, the had a lot of spare room around the middle area…
31st January 2011, 11:39
love it!
looks like a real racer!
31st January 2011, 12:14
The way of working reminds me of Toyota: There Gascoyne also started with a very ‘boxy’ car and went from there to a rounder (and better) car. Who knows what would have happened there if he got along with the management?
I think at Spyker/Midland the budget was just too crappy to start all over, because I can’t remember a ‘boxy’ first car. Or maybe the problem for Gascoyne was that there already was a car.
However, here he started again with a clean sheet and hence I expect his words to become true. Now we just have to see which established teams Lotus can fight. Toro Rosso? Williams? Sauber? …Renault?
Oh, that would be massively entertaining: if Lotus’re capable of challenging Renault!
box this lap (@sebashuis)
31st January 2011, 12:44
Still don’t get the reason why they want to bring a old team back into F1 but Fernandes is doing it 10000 times better, and finally some decent Air Asia logo’s!
AndrewTanner (@andrewtanner)
31st January 2011, 13:18
I like the look of it! The airbox does look a little on the small side however..
The curve is very nice.
31st January 2011, 13:23
I find it funny that the newsletter (or whatever it is) is called “Team Lotus Notes”. I got confused with IBM’s email software. :D
Nice car. I hope it’s fast.
electrolite (@electrolite)
31st January 2011, 13:55
Those sidepods are intriguing… The livery also looks great from the side, with that thick strip of yellow.
31st January 2011, 14:04
This Lotus-Renault is prettier than the other Lotus-Renault.
I hope its faster too…
Fixy (@)
31st January 2011, 14:30
Apart from the fact the logos on the front are clearly stuck on top as they are of a different colour, I don’t like the yellow stripe being interrupted so many times by sponsors.
31st January 2011, 17:21
The car will look fantastic if it is quick out on the track.
Younger Hamilton
31st January 2011, 19:05
The Front Wing Plates looks very similar to the RB6’s anyway nice look but once again does it have the Performance to build on from Last Year.
Calum (@calum)
31st January 2011, 19:49
The aero looks 100% better than 2010 Lotus Racing car, so hopefully performs by the same margin!!
Aesthetically it looks sweet, I’m glad they have BRG, and hopefully the sponsor logo placemnt will be refined – they look like cheap stickers at the moment.
The energy juice called EQ8 is pronounced Equate – I just noticed! :P
And finbally I think the MP4-26 (Mclaren 2011) will have the roll hoop blade. I have a hunch… ;)
31st January 2011, 19:52
Horrible paint scheme, especially up back.
Car looks ok, but don’t expect much of it.
Gazza should zip it with his beating most of the field comments, it sounds loco, focus on beating HRT and Virgin again first.
Cole (@cole)
31st January 2011, 23:25
Weird they have Red Bull provided gear boxes and suspension, and they are sponsored by EQ8….
AndrewTanner (@andrewtanner)
1st February 2011, 0:22
Looking forward to seeing some proper images of the T128. The renderings are good but nothing like the real thing!
The fin looks fantastic, hope it proves beneficial.