2011 Hungarian Grand Prix championship points

2011 Hungarian Grand Prix

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Drivers’ championship

Position Driver Points
1 Sebastian Vettel 234
2 Mark Webber 149
3 Lewis Hamilton 146
4 Fernando Alonso 145
5 Jenson Button 134
6 Felipe Massa 70
7 Nico Rosberg 48
8 Nick Heidfeld 34
9 Vitaly Petrov 32
10 Michael Schumacher 32
11 Kamui Kobayashi 27
12 Adrian Sutil 18
13 Sebastien Buemi 12
14 Jaime Alguersuari 10
15 Sergio Perez 8
16 Paul di Resta 8
17 Rubens Barrichello 4
18 Pedro de la Rosa 0
19 Jarno Trulli 0
20 Vitantonio Liuzzi 0
21 Pastor Maldonado 0
22 Jerome d’Ambrosio 0
23 Heikki Kovalainen 0
24 Timo Glock 0
25 Narain Karthikeyan 0
26 Daniel Ricciardo 0
27 Karun Chandhok 0

Constructors’ championship

Position Team Points
1 Red Bull 383
2 McLaren 280
3 Ferrari 215
4 Mercedes 80
5 Renault 66
6 Sauber 35
7 Force India 26
8 Toro Rosso 22
9 Williams 4
10 Lotus 0
11 HRT 0
12 Virgin 0

Detailed breakdown of the championship standings so far: 2011 F1 statistics: Championship points

2011 Hungarian Grand Prix

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    Keith Collantine
    Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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    73 comments on “2011 Hungarian Grand Prix championship points”

    1. Vet pulls further ahead :(

      1. Once Vettel has a 100 point lead Championship can officially be over :)

        1. Well if he does that next year the 10 races being shown on the BBC won’t be too bad after all.

        2. Once Vettel has a 100 point lead Championship can officially be over

          Only if that’s the case after Japan. After all, one hundred points equals four race victories. If Vettel has an attack of the Hamiltons (symptoms include frustration, over-enthusiam and a lack of foresight), someone could take four wins and steal the championship. It’s unlikely, but it is possible.

          Right now, the earliest Vettel can claim his second World Championship is in Singapore.

          1. oh no…dont tell me Vettel can claim his 2 nd title in S’pore..coz I am going to Singapore GP and I dont want Vettel celebration to spoiled my race weekend !! Well I am hoping they will fight till the end and ALonso,Webber or Hamilton will win the title….this year!!

            1. He’ll win it in Singapore if he wins all the races from now until then, very unlikely.

            2. Being at a GP where someone is crowned World Champion is something to behold. Given PM’s logic I won’t see that at Monza so you should be grateful! I know I would be.

          2. I think he’s going to clinch it in India, provided the race will take place.

          3. Or simply a resurge of last year…the over ambitious Vettels, which inclue wrecking your team mate, not being able to pass and simple mistakes rookie GP2 drivers make. Just sayin

      2. Yeah that sucks. I was spend the whole race wishing his car would break.

        1. we need 3 or 4 retirments from Vettel to make the championship closer. Isn’t it time one of his engines failed?

          1. I’d rather count on his brain failing. Not to insult Vettel of course, but he’s not the smartest nor the calmest of drivers.

            1. Vettel has matured a ton since is world championship. I thought that was obvious if you watched the races this year.

            2. I’d say you’re wrong Cyclops. He has shown himself to be an intelligent racer capable of being calm at the wheel (that’s why he held firm under pressure at Monaco and Spain, while being so good for his other four wins, he made it look easy).

            3. He kept his cool when he had huge car advantage. That’s relatively easy. Now when he’s under pressure from guys with at least equal machinery it will get really tough. I honestly doubt he will endure, although it will probably be not enough to spoil the points advantage he has. Today he failed to secure a win from pole position, unless Red Bull does something magical (again), the next step will be failing to reach the podium. Jenson 2009 scenario although Jenson, IMO, is much stronger mentally.

            4. His car advantage wasn’t that huge as you make out, and he did brilliantly. Currently (or for the last 3 races) he hasn’t that advantage- yet still, he is putting a great chunk of points on the board (2 second places and a 4th). He put the second fastest car on pole today, so deserves credit for that, rather than criticism for finishing second.

              In the final 10 races of 2009, Button was outscored by his teammate, which isn’t happening to Vettel. And I rate Mark Webber as a better driver than Rubens Barrichello. Based on the evidence we have so far, there is nothing to suggest that Vettel won’t endure the pressure, and nothing to suggest that Vettel will regularly fail to reach the podium.

        2. Me too….every race weekend I am hoping something really bad will happend to Vettel’s car. Perhaps like Shumacher ’99 when he broke his leg?he..he..coz I really think Vettel doesnt belong to be F1 champ,he just lucky to have Redbull team behind him and drive the fastest car the first half of the season.

          1. You should be ashamed. Wanting a driver to get hurt, just because the team is doing a better job than the other teams, is just stupid…

          2. I sincerely hope that me thinking that you wished someone to be hurt, is a misunderstanding on my part.

            I wouldn’t mind his car having a few whiffs of blue smoke either. Even things up a bit.

          3. COTD. With a 4 week break, the round-up could use some comedy.

        3. What a boring way to watch the race. Where’s your fight? Take your frustrations out on the other teams who just aren’t good enough.

      3. Yeah, top 3 drivers who are closer to Vettel all ended the race behind him…What a….

      4. no matter wut.. whole world knows he won world title 2010 because of luck only, red bull have great car. other tean hv to take time till half of all race for upgrading then can compete with red bull.

        1. Which world are you on then? In the real world, it’s known that Vettel had a fast car and drove it fast. He actually had BAD luck with the car’s reliability in 2010.

    2. This season is so weird. Great races but the worst WDC competition since 2004.

      1. We have a fantastic four-way battle for the second place, whereas in 2004 there was nothing.

    3. Lol at De La Rosa so high up and Liuzzi ahead of Maldonado!

    4. VET isn’t even interested in winning the races it seems! Just the championship!

      1. Err..well..yes. Winning the championship is the whole point of the exercise, isn’t it?

        Even when he’s not interested in winning (?), he still seems to be able to finish no lower than 4th place.

    5. So, a few 2nd places for Vettel and he’s champion then. Button even if he does win all those races will need Vettel to take less than 4th for the rest of the season, the others only are 20 points better off.

      1. Not even. I bet he wins with 4th and 5th because no one else is consistent.

    6. I can’t wait for Seb to put us out of our msiery and win the title :P Actually, if I’m honest, I’m still not giving up on Fernando…

      1. Even when it’s a mathematical certainty, you probably won’t give up on Fernando! ;-)

        1. I’m not giving up until the final race! We need Seb to have a few bad races then he’ll be back to where he was last year! :D

        2. Lol. I won’t GeeMac! Fernando can do the impossible :P

          1. I will never never ever give up on my religion ;)

      2. Well, me too! I hope some surprise in Monza and Spa! :D

        1. Monza and Spa are always so gloriously different from the rest of the season. I hope they both can be as exciting as last year.

      3. Haha, I’m not giving up either!! There is still that chance that he might just… wow us all.

    7. Great!! Now Red Bull is definitely losing groud!

      1. Is there going to be post of drivers who are mathematically eliminated?

        1. Well, there’s 8 races to go, a max. of 200 points to get. So I think Heidfeld could win all 8 and if Vettel wouldn’t get any mor points (he won 6 races), Heidfeld could win it. Everyone behind him can’t.

          1. That would be the most amazing end to a season ever, for Heidfeld to finally start winning like that.

            1. Finally rid of his record, getting 8 races in one go, and a WDC – Kubica would be so jealous!

            2. I’d fall of my chair…. at least eight times. :/

          2. By the way, Hamilton needs to win on average 11 points per race, Web also 10-11 every race, Alonso 11-12 points per race; as I said before, Button needs to win 12.5 points per race.

            Winning all 8 races, Webber could allow Vettel to have a maximum of 3 more 2nd places, but then Vettel can’t finish higher than 4th for the rest of the season.

            But a fight between these two would only happen if Webber won the next 5 races and Vettel got no points I think – ie. Vettel has to sink, and even then he’d be only 40 points behind with 3 races to go – not very likely, and even than it seems unlikely that Red Bull would choose to let Webber go for it. They’d say they let their drivers have an honest fight for it, making sure Vettel gets a good run.

            Hamilton and Alonso could do the same but then with Vettel not getting more than 2 2nd spots and a 3rd, and not finish higher than 4th for the other 5 races. As said above, Button would need Vettel to not get better than 4th and a single third place while winning every race.

            1. Actually, I think the good news is that if Alonso and Massa also tend to be competitive, they and the McLaren drivers with occasional help from Webber might ensure Vettel doesn’t get more than 4th very often. Of course, it would be easy if it was Alonso with the McLarens behind him on the podium – but here the no-team order on McLaren shows its risk :)

            2. Great calculation. Simply, unless Vettel fails, virtually no competition.

            3. Wow. So if all Vettel does is get on the podium the rest of the season, he’s got it no matter what the other ones do. Easy-peasy :p

    8. So Schumacher-esque: no matter the situation, getting a podium and ahead of all his rivals.

      Vettel’s won already.

    9. Yeh, not the best results for the championship fight, but so encouraging that Mclaren are right up there now. This kind of form on a ‘red bull circuit’ will hopefully be a sign of things to come for Spa and Monza – both ‘not so Red Bull circuits’.

    10. Worst possible result for the championship apart from another Vettel win. Button wins the race but is the furthest back in the championship, and lets face it Jenson is too inconsistent in dry conditions to mount a proper title challenge. Webber who is second in the championship comes last of the top 5, and Hamilton and Alonso manage to ruin excellent results by putting the supersoft tires on at the stop.

      For the gap to come down Hamilton and Alonso who are the only guys capable of being quicker than Vettel consistently need to be finishing above Vettel every time and that just isn’t happening. Webber isn’t consistently quick enough, and instead of taking points off of Vettel the other four drivers are managing to take points off each other!

      1. That’s why we need Vettel’s mistake…or should I call it disaster? Whatever. I already consider him as double champion. I just want exciting races not title battle.

      2. I’ll amend that to: Hamilton and Alonso, the only two being capable of being consistently quicker and allowed and capable of taking a fight to Vettel.

        1. Webber just isn’t as quick as Vettel, if last season Vettel had had the same reliability as the Red Bull has this year it wouldn’t have been anywhere near as close at the end of the year.

    11. That trophy is ridiculous, it’s just the ENI logo!!! In a similar vein as the Santander logo trophies, I thought there was a rule that said the trophies had to be traditional trophy shapes.

      Hungary had quite a nice classic looking trophy, certainly as recently as 2009.

      1. Yeah, Their Eastern Church style trophy was quite unique shape though I can’t say I love it. but it’s definitely better than ENI!!

      2. If you want an original trophy, check out Valencia’s – It’s just a diagram of the circuit

        1. à la Monaco

          1. Yeah, but Monaco is gold to Valencia’s iron…

            Monaco, unlike Valencia, is true stand out race that everyone really wants to win.

      3. I think I read that the rule states they have to be a certain size and they have to be transportable, but otherwise the circuits can have at it.

        As far as sponsor trophies go, at least it’s an interesting sponsor logo.

    12. Just taking a look at the points; in case anyone’s interested;
      Vettel 234
      Webber 149
      Hamilton 146
      Alonso 145
      Button 134

      Right now there are 200 points to play so it’s still very open. It’s not possible for Vettel to wrap things up by Monza either. The earliest possibility is Singapore (race 14, 5 races left, 125 to play for). Do note that in all of my calculations I put him up has having clinched the title by 1 point at least; and I don’t take into account countback as there are more races left than Vettel has already won this season.

      In order for Vettel to wrap things up by the Singapore race chequered flag; he has to, over the next 3 races, outscore:
      Webber by 41 points (13.67 average)
      Hamilton by 38 points (12.67 average)
      Alonso by 37 points (12.33 average)
      Button by 26 points (8.66 average)

      For him to do so by the Suzuka chequered, he has to outscore (over the next 4 races):
      Webber by 16 points (4 average)
      Hamilton by 13 points (3.25 average)
      Alonso by 12 points (3 average)
      Button by 1 point (0.25 average)

      By Korea, it changes the picture dramatically, as Vettel just needs to “not lose” points rather than “gain points.”
      Webber can catch him by 9 points (1.8 average)
      Hamilton can catch him by 12 points (2.4 average)
      Alonso can catch him by 13 points (2.6 average)
      Button can catch him by 24 points (4.8 average)

      By India:
      Webber can catch him by 34 points (5.67 average)
      Hamilton can catch him by 37 points (6.17 average)
      Alonso can catch him by 38 points (6.33 average)
      Button can catch him by 49 points (8.17 average)

      By Abu Dhabi:
      Webber can catch him by 59 points (8.43 average)
      Hamilton can catch him by 62 points (8.86 average)
      Alonso can catch him by 63 points (9 average)
      Button can catch him by 74 points (10.57 average)

      By Brazil:
      Webber can catch him by 84 points (10.5 average)
      Hamilton can catch him by 87 points (10.875 average)
      Alonso can catch him by 88 points (11 average)
      Button can catch him by 99 points (12.375 average)

      Now I hope I haven’t scared anyone off here; and that you all understand the numbers. Cya in 4 weeks guys

      1. sid_prasher (@)
        31st July 2011, 19:58

        Nice work!!
        I think its pretty certain that Vettel will finish on the podium a few times at least over the remaining races. I say it will be over by the Indian GP.

    13. Thinking of Alonso’s comments about how the pursuers had to rely on each other, this outcome was ironic. With Vettel facing a mass of quick pursuers that eve succeeded in separating him from his teammate, they failed again. The self-proclaimed leader of the team, Alonso, did a terrible Q3 and was behind his teammate and was out of the picture from the go. The striker on the team Hamilton clearly had Vettel beat, but stumbled on the ball and fell on his face. Massa, there to mark Vettel and hold him back, was apparently marking himself. The team leader was unable to get near Vettel. And who came through? The guy with no chance of running down Vettel at all. And Vettel increases his lead. With enemies like this Vettel doesn’t need friends.

      1. Very interesting expression. also Very impressive.

        1. I really have no idea what you’re on about. Poorly expressed

    14. Right, let’s look at the top 3:

      1 | 234 | Sebastian Vettel
      2 | 149 | Mark Webber
      3 | 146 | Lewis Hamilton

      Unless Vettel suddenly drops out of a ton of races and Mark starts dominating, we can count Webber out of the championship run so let’s look at what Lewis (or Fernando who’s also close) must avoid in order for him to claim the title.

      Hamilton has 146 points right now with 8 races to go. Assuming he wins all 8 he’ll end up on 346 points. That’s 112 more than what Vettel has right now. That’s an average of 14 points per race that Vettel needs to secure the championship or to put it another way, a whole bunch of podiums and the odd 4th or 5th place finish.

      Vettel’s current lead over Lewis is 88 points with 200 remaining. Assuming Vettel finishes first and Hamilton second in the next few races, here’s the points gap and the number of available points after each race:

      095 | 175
      102 | 150
      109 | 125
      116 | 100

      Assuming Hamilton finishes second Vettel needs 4 race wins to become World Champion, meaning the earliest he can seal the championship in this state is in Japan on the 9th of October. If Vettel wins those races and Hamilton doesn’t finish 2nd or worse, has a DNF, Sebastian can seal the title in Singapore.

      Of course, this is all assuming that Alonso (and to a lesser extent Button) don’t snatch large chunks of points out of Vettel either. Even if they do the drivers from the top 3 teams are all going to take points of each other in various ways that will stop any one competitor from seriously challenging Vettel for the title.

      Overall, the earliest Vettel can seal the title without relying on the performances (or lack thereof) of others is at Suzuka, and with the right results he can secure it even earlier than that.

    15. So last year, with the Red Bulls 1 sec+ faster than Mclaren and Ferrari at Hungary:

      Belgium: +0.2
      Italy: +0.5
      Singapore: 0
      Japan: -0.5
      Korea: -0.2
      Brazil: -0.4
      Abu Dhabi: -0.2

      So with the same development rates as last season with no Red Bull advantage at Hungary this year, we should expect Red Bull to be around this much off the best (an estimate):

      Belgium: +0.7/+1.2
      Italy: +1/+1.5
      Singapore: +0.5/+1
      Japan: 0/+0.5
      Korea: +0.3/+0.8
      Brazil: +0.1/+0.6
      Abu Dhabi: +0.3/+0.8
      India: Unknown

      1. You can’t really count Korea in that. That boat-race was hardly representative of any of the teams’ abilities. ;)

    16. In Summary: The rest of Vettel’s season is going to have to be an unprecedented disaster and just one of the four chasing drivers is going to have to dominate the other three. Just isn’t going to happen.

    17. Its such a shame Mark Webber couldn’t finish ahead of Vettel in the earlier races. The Red Bull was clearly so dominant but Vettel had all the luck and skill and Mark was left wanting. Its crazy how this years races have been so dramatic while the WDC has been so boring compared to last year.

    18. Effectively another victory for Vettel today, he extended his lead. Not as much as he would have done had he won of course, but still, extended. Nice little battle between Di Resta and Perez brewing.

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