Max Verstappen, Red Bull, Interlagos, 2021

2021 Sao Paulo Grand Prix Sprint Qualifying championship points

2021 Sao Paulo Grand Prix

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[raceweekendpromotion]Max Verstappen leads the drivers championship by 21 points from Lewis Hamilton after this weekend’s race.

F1 drivers championship after the 2021 Sao Paulo Grand Prix Sprint Qualifying

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F1 constructors championship after the 2021 Sao Paulo Grand Prix Sprint Qualifying

Team Total
1 Mercedes 481.5
2 Red Bull 479.5
3 Ferrari 269.5
4 McLaren 255
5 Alpine 106
5 AlphaTauri 106
7 Aston Martin 68
8 Williams 23
9 Alfa Romeo 11
10 Haas 0

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2021 Sao Paulo Grand Prix

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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7 comments on “2021 Sao Paulo Grand Prix Sprint Qualifying championship points”

  1. geoffgroom44 (@)
    13th November 2021, 20:11

    it’s not over yet

    Lewis Hamilton
    From 20th to 5th in 24 laps!

  2. Wow, that was like a computer game on easy mode. With a general aerodynamic advantage, a DRS aid and straight line speed advantage, the drivers were powerless to stop Hamilton sweeping through whether Alonso, a McLaren or Ferrari. It serves as a reminder of what an advantage Hamilton has had over the field over the last 8 years, a car that dominates like no other in the history of the sport.

    1. geoffgroom44 (@)
      13th November 2021, 20:37

      ” It serves as a reminder of what an advantage Hamilton has….” by being such an incredible driver.
      You may recall, he also made the decision to go to Mercedes. That decision was also good judgement,huh?

      1. Hamilton’s first choice was Red Bull.

    2. It also serves as a reminder what the effect of a new Powerunit is in these cars @brum55. Off course that is exactly why Mercedes wanted to put Hamilton onto a new engine, so that they could use the power it has of a new unit for the next few races where top speed can really make a difference.

  3. 21 points, and tomorrow starting 2nd and tenth.
    Just by finishing before Lew, Max gets to the point (or very close to it, depending on their final positions and the FLAP points) where he doesn’t need to be ahead of his rival for the rest of the races to win his first WDC, à la Nico Rosberg 2016. He still needs to take care of Valtteri Bottas, though. Only rarely in this season has VB been able to take points from Max (seriously in Turkey, and twice for a single point in this sprint race and for the FLAP in Mexico. maybe somewhere else I can’t be bothered to check, but rarely anyway).

    1. Yep, I don’t see Hamilton finishing in front of Verstappen.
      I predict the podium will look like this: BOT – VER – HAM.

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