‘More to life than driving in circles’ – Rosberg

F1 Fanatic Round-up

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In the round-up: Nico Rosberg discusses his plans for life after Formula One while attending the World Economic Forum in Switzerland.

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@Drmouse doesn’t think Hamilton will ‘do a Rosberg’:

I don’t see Hamilton retiring for a good few years, yet. He’s no Rosberg, doesn’t have family commitments to lure him away, and he’s at the high point of his career.

Part of the reason Rosberg retired, in my honest opinion, was because he knew he was unlikely to get another shot at the title. This season was a perfect storm for him. With other things to do (spend time with family etc), he retired as champion.

Hamilton still has the potential to win several more championships, and to remain at the top of his game for many years to come. He still loves racing. Why would he retire?

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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91 comments on “‘More to life than driving in circles’ – Rosberg”

  1. Not sure how to take that comment from Nico, almost arrogant, as if he is now ‘bigger’ than F1. It’s the sort of thing I hear people who don’t like motorscibg say.

    1. I get his sentiment, f1 isnt everything and hes probably enjoying being free of it.

      but I agree about coming across as arrogant. He always has seemed arrogant to my mind, accounts for his smaller fan base imho

    2. The “driving in circles” comment is more or less exactly what Niki Lauda said when he first retired, funny enough.

      1. He probably said that on purpose, as Lauda was critical of his surprise retirement.

        I thought it was an excellent interview, that show how intelligent and focused Nico is.

        It was the WEF, so he showed how he viewed his activity, no matter how exciting and challenging, as a job, and how it easily crushes your personal life, unless you’re an almost supernatural talent like Hamilton (he didn’t say it, but said “I don’t know how he does it”, about his team-mate celebrity lifestyle).

      2. Lauda said that when he was talking about his two unsuccessful seasons. Rosberg says it after the most successful season of his career. He’s talking about the sport as a whole and it’s an ugly comment.

    3. The guy just knocked the very sport that made him a multi millionaire and which millions of people including you and I follow religiously.
      What an ungrateful and uppity statement to make.

      1. Hamilton knocked the very team that made him a multimillionaire and which millions of people including you and I follow religiously. What an ungrateful and uppity attitude to have.

        1. Why does this have to be about Hamilton?

        2. geoffgroom44 (@)
          22nd January 2017, 23:18

          which team are you referring too, McLaren or Mercedes? Neither of these teams made him anything! His skills made them want him and pay him what they had to pay to get him.Neither of the 2 M’s are charity orgs, they are businesses…and how much has he earned for them. In 2016 for example, Mercedes got £171 million from F1, in 2015 £141 million, in 2014 £126 million. Perhaps you would like to check out how much Mercedes were getting before he joined them, just to help you get a more balanced view of….business.

    4. but he is correct, he was paid to drive around in circles at the pleasure of his sponsors. So people could look at a lot of different brand names. F1 is entertainment only, its professional racing, ameateur racing, where people are not taking tidy sums and doing it because it is legitimately interesting, is something completely different. Those guys are paid actors for your enjoyment. They are not the best of the best, the reason why F1 is so profitable, is because people believe in it. Enjoy worshiping at the temple of Mercedes and co.

      1. I understand what you’re saying but ‘paid actors’ may be true for one or two but there are clearly a good few drivers who are there purely because they love racing, they love what they do and they love formula one.

        1. petebaldwin (@)
          21st January 2017, 13:14

          I agree that they love racing and F1 and they aren’t just there doing a job like most people. Kimi is a good example – he clearly hates all the media interviews etc and could easily leave F1 as he doesn’t need the money but he’s still here.

          The “best of the best” bit it interesting though. In reality, they are the best of the 0.00000000001% of the worlds population who are lucky enough to own their own kart. The numbers who then have the cash to move on from karting are even smaller.

          I used to kart and there were some amazing drivers out there. Most of the best ones now work in offices having never driven a open-wheeled car in anger. The ones who carried on in motorsport were the ones with money – not necessarily the fastest ones.

      2. I don’t think he considers himself as greater than F1, but his fathership as greater than F1. I have a 1year old son, and I can imagine doing exactly the same thing if I were in his (financial) position. I can understand that driving a racecar in circles all over the world may seem futile compared to spending time with your child, once you have achieved your ambitions.

    5. with that comment i am happy he is gone, obviously wasnt in it to enjoy motor racing. sad.

    6. If you want to know how to take the comment, maybe you should watch the video, instead of making assumptions on a remark out of context.

    7. I think many of you are missing the point of what he said. The ‘driving around in circles’ soundbite was preceded by “There’s a time for everything.” Just by watching the entire 30 minute video, you see how intelligent Nico is and how comfortable he is within his own skin, and the decisions he has made.

      1. I watched it. It all fits together with his lack of racecraft, historical fear of dueling with Verstappen or others. And a video about his childhood years being pushed by his father Karting around the house. Main theme: all devoid of fun, more so just in to win. He didn’t enjoy it, it was a chore.

        1. Well said!

          1. geoffgroom44 (@)
            22nd January 2017, 23:19


    8. I would say that Nico’s comment was nothing more than a trick he learned from dear old uncle Bernie. Say something controversial to get more attention. Reading anything deep and significant into his statement is a waste of time because there is none. It is simply a calculated phrase to get more exposure.

  2. Michael (@freelittlebirds)
    21st January 2017, 0:20

    When you work hard to accomplish something, it has value in your eyes. It came as easy to Nico as he gave it up.

    1. After doing it for two thirds of his life he chose to go out on top. He didn’t give up until he achieved his goal of becoming the Champion of the World at his discipline.

    2. petebaldwin (@)
      21st January 2017, 13:18

      Probably a fair comment. If you are the son of a F1 champion, the whole thing isn’t as mind-blowingly exciting as you have grown up with it. You won’t have made the same sacrifices as someone who grew up with nothing so perhaps it’s easier to walk away….

      I don’t have a problem with what Nico has said or done though. It’s entirely his choice if he wants to carry on in F1 or not. If he doesn’t, then he should leave. I’d have a much bigger problem with someone staying in F1 when their heart isn’t in it just to pick up a paycheck.

  3. I think the problem with eRaces is that that sort of thing doesn’t really seem to get that much attention outside of those who are actively involved in the eSport community.

    Formula E have been doing them for a few years now & i’ve seen a few of them (As well as some of the iracing stuff over the years) & apart from the moments of hilarity where something dumb happens (Go watch the last Formula E Las Vegas eSport race) I don’t find them all that interesting to actually watch….. But then again i’m old so maybe the younger people out there do enjoy them?

    1. I think the main problem for eRacing is that it is not its own thing. It is a virtual alternative to the real thing. If you look at all the other big games played in big money tournaments then none of those really have a real life alternatives. The biggest games are dota 2, league of legends and first person shooters. While one could argue that first person shooters are virtual representations of something like a paintball in reality they are very different things. First person shooters can do a lot of things paintball can’t and as such the gaming alternative is much more popular. But more importantly both are their own things

      Other thing is how people are not just usually just interested about the sport itself but also interested about the equipment, events and venues. Both eracing and real racing fan share the fascination about cars and race circuits but only real racing can really show off that aspect. If a virtual race car in a game has 500hp and weights 200kg then nobody really cares. But if a real car has those specs then it is interesting. The technical fascination in eracing is mostly in the racing equipment and little bit in the chosen simulator software. Steering wheels, pedals and so forth. And what do all the big competitions do? They get their own wheels and pedals everybody must use. So even if there is a technical fascination aspect it is not used and as such the equipment is just seen as toys by the larger audience.

      Other issue is that real racing is very popular sport to watch. But realistic driving games are not very popular genre of gaming. Whereas there are maybe handful or racing games released per year there are hundreds if not thousands of first person shooters released in the same time. Real racing of course suffers from this too as not very many can afford a race car or to race.

      Sadly I think that for the eracing to be big it actually needs to become its own thing. I say sadly because this generally means it becoming less realistic, less pure racing.

      1. This is making me feel old, I had to look up what an erace was. I’m only 34, not that old! Formula E has e-races in addition to its e-prix, that’s what confused me.

        1. It confused me too!

  4. OmarRoncal - Go Seb!!! (@)
    21st January 2017, 0:26

    Clickbait Keith? Come on, it’s not necessary with us. We are F1 fanatics and always check your site. To put on the main site that “Pastor hoped for Rosberg chance” led me to believe he was wondering if Mercedes would consider him as an option.

    1. The link is the title of the article, and the quote underneath it is very clear.

      “After Rosberg quit, that could have created a domino situation that would have guaranteed me a good chance – but things turned out differently.”

      It tells you he’s not talking about Mercedes before you click on it.
      How is that clickbait ?

      1. That’s why it’s click bait.

      2. OmarRoncal - Go Seb!!! (@)
        21st January 2017, 13:20

        @beneboy not on this very page, on the main one (I mean, F1fanatic.co.uk) and there is the section I quoted, exactly, and you know that on this one, it’s not quoted from the article, it’s Keith ‘s choice of words.

    2. I thought the same, and chuckled to myself, then I saw the blurb under the link.

    3. You are already in F1F site. Why would Keith look to contribute to click for another site?

      1. OmarRoncal - Go Seb!!! (@)
        21st January 2017, 13:22

        Read my reply to beneboy above

  5. Hearing that Liberty are aiming to expand to at least 25 races within the next 3 years with the possibility of adding more been left on the table.

    The teams are still apparently against the idea due to the logistical complexities & increased cost of doing it. They will almost certainly have to hire additional staff to run both cars at the races as well as some extra staff to run there factories at greater capacity to ensure enough parts + spares are ready for more races.
    Also hearing that some of the broadcasters on-site crew are luke warm on the idea as like the teams means it means more travel as well as more people & equipment.

    1. Are there any new circuits being planned, or do you think the additional races would be street races ?
      I’m struggling to think of many Grade 1 circuits that don’t already host a GP that would want to, I’m guessing any new races in the USA would be street circuits, mainly on the assumption that upgrading an existing circuit could be quite expensive or impractical.

      I do like the idea of adding races in the USA, but the extra travel does appear to be a big problem, and 25 races sounds like an awful lot of time away from your family if you’re on the race crew. Some of the big teams may be able to switch crew members around, but I doubt the others could.

      1. By “want to”, I mean practically, I’m sure every Grade 1 circuit would want to host F1 in an ideal world where they didn’t have to pay extortionate hosting fees.

    2. I think it’s more down to how the races are split up with having to go backwards and forwards constantly, but I think it’d be much easier having more races if they grouped all of the races on the same continent/region together properly over a certain time period.

      It just seems more logical to have season split into continents/regions and have the season unfold in legs so like a tour of North America with all of the North American races Can,Usa,Mex then a European tour then Asia etc. Not sure how fans would react to it though but I think it would work much better logistically.
      Seems a bit silly to have races like Canada at a random part of the year having to send all of that gear over to North America just for one race then send it all back. Teams could then send the gear needed for the next 3-4 races out to one central place in advance, and have the big breaks between each section of the season.

      1. Problem is that its not always possible to group races together like that due to the local climate and/or other local events.

        Look what happened in 2000 when Silverstone was moved from it’s usual July date to April, It ended up in the middle of a period where the UK can tend to suffer a lot of rain (April showers as it’s called).
        They also try not to schedule Silverstone up against events like the Goodwood festival of speed & if they can help it the Wimbledon finals & the same is true with other races & any of that country’s local big events.

        Montreal is where it is because that time of the year is when that part of Canada gets the best weather. However you couldn’t really have COTA at that time of year because that part of Texas can be severely hot at that time of year.

    3. petebaldwin (@)
      21st January 2017, 14:02

      I’m sure anyone who cares about the sport is against it because it dilutes the importance of each race, adds cost and makes the lives of those having to travel to each race even more difficult.

      Makes the owners richer though…..

  6. Listening to that lady’s voice interviewing Rosberg is like listening to fingernails across a chalkboard.

  7. Arrogant Maldo, he could drive a Manor with a Merc engine on the hunt for points on a shuffle year, and have a lot of fun with the aditional grip and aero, but he wants a competitive drive… Go karts he should do.

    1. Manor probably would not be able to build the number of cars Crashonado needs.

    2. petebaldwin (@)
      21st January 2017, 14:02

      I’m sure he’d love banger racing……

      1. petebaldwin (@)
        21st January 2017, 14:03

        Or he could be the Senna of the Destruction Derby world!!!

  8. Waoh Nico. Keep it classy mate. What a way to describe a sport that I and many others around the world love so much! What a way to describe the very sport that gave you so much.
    My blame goes to Toto and co that did all in their power last year to reward your long sojourn with them with at least one championship.
    If the playing field had been level between you and your team mate, you wouldn’t deride Formula one in this manner.
    You just went down a lot in my view of you.

    1. Lol so Nico is not classy, but you are with your comment?

      1. geoffgroom44 (@)
        22nd January 2017, 23:27

        Of course Nico is classy, if you define ‘classy’ by ‘bling’. Unfortunately, Nico will always wear the watermark of ‘blown engine championship’ no matter how classy you wish to see him. His main rival went from 43 behind to leading to then going only 5 behind does not suggest that your fav person was exactly in control of the season.

        1. Hamilton fans will remember the so called blown engine excuse.
          Many others will remember it as the year Lewis lost his focus for a few races and lost a WDC because of it.

          1. geoffgroom44 (@)
            23rd January 2017, 11:18

            Hamilton 10, Nico 9. Some lost focus! As for the BEE, at what point do facts overtake your prejudice? How many other Merc engines blew up? Why did they change the oil spec in Nico’s car after Lewis’s engine blew? We are talking here about an org that spent over £300 million developing these 1.6 engines and cars, ergo, they are pretty expert at it,huh? So does your local car dealer put up a sign on the 20th Merc he sells saying, no guarantee, this is the engine-blow edition? (PS. as for the ‘poor starts’ it is worth checking out what Toto said about the computer glitch that was at the root of it).
            But then, I guess I just have to admit that for all the problems and so called personality issues, I remain a Lewis fan simply because I see him as probably the greatest F1 driver there has ever been.

          2. Silly of me, looking at the POINTS to determine the WDC. Tired of excuses from the Hamilton fans who can not accept reality.
            Rosberg – 385 points
            Hamilton – 380 points
            I love the FACT that Nico is Champion AND beat Lewis while he was at it.

          3. geoffgroom44 (@)
            24th January 2017, 2:10

            one swallow does not a summer make – or in this case one questionable WDC does not a great driver venerate.

  9. It was great to see an article on Pastor after ages. As usual, he never disappoints with his high levels of delusion and unintended sense of humour.

    1. +1

    2. Ben Rowe (@thegianthogweed)
      21st January 2017, 10:30

      I also liked Maldonado’s personality. But just not when he never admitted anything was his fault. I feel people remember him too much on his history from previous seasons. Many people say he was the worst F1 driver ever. He wasn’t even close to that.
      In 2015, I think there were at leased 3, maybe even 4 drivers that were worse than him overall and I don’t think he had a bad season at all that year. He had several brilliant races, one being Canada and another in Austria. Austria was in my view one of the best drives by any driver that season but people just don’t remember it because of who he is. Several of his overtakes there looked incredible. He suffered from by far the worst reliability as well as luck in 2015 which won’t have helped his score. He didn’t cross the finish line in any of the 1st 6 races and that was due to technical problems alone. And Hamilton occationly moans about how he is the only one that Has Mercedes power that has so many issues. Well, I think Maldonado had more races affected in 2015 than Hamilton did in both of the previous years put together and he had Mercedes power in his Lotus that year.

      Although 2012 was a pretty bad season overall for Maldonado, he did get a win. Drivers such as Bottas, Perez, Grosjean and Hulkenberg haven’t managed a win yet. Hulkenberg hasn’t even managed a podium in F1 which is rather surprising really. Especially considering his team mate has had 3 since they have both been at the same team. Many people still rate Hulkenberg higher than Perez.
      I don’t think Maldonado was lucky in Spain back in 2012, it was just that Williams for once got things right. Although I think 2 of the other drivers I mentioned should have got at leased one win.
      Maldonado also was GP2 world champion. Maybe it just shows that he is much better at other things.

      I wouldn’t mind Maldonado back just based on the fact that he wasn’t bad at all in 2015. His experience will help. But if Manor come back, I don’t suppose he would want to race for them.

      1. Maldonado was driving in 2015? Seems like a lifetime away.

        1. He started on a high

          2015 Australian Grand Prix

          Gets hit by Felipe Nasr, keeps the throttle open, and spins into the wall on lap 1.

          Crashtors CV:

          1. @seth-space, I have to say that, given that the author of that website immediately starts off his article with a clip that he claims is of Maldonado crashing in the World Series by Renault, when it has been repeatedly pointed out that the clip is actually of Stefano Proetto (it’s even in the comments thread of the very video he links to – and given Maldonado drove for the yellow branded DAMS team, it’s a pretty obvious error), I already have cause to question the accuracy of that list.

            True, Maldonado was incident prone, but I do feel at times that people exaggerate the situation (as with the WSR example, where they start wrongly ascribing accidents to him).

            I would be interested to see how some other drivers on the grid might fare if you had somebody going over their past with the same sort of fine tooth comb, especially if, as he has done, you extend the situation out to include incidents of running off track in practise sessions.

  10. What a wonderful wonderful interview to Nico. Just a goooood person

  11. Regarding COTD, Hamilton said yesterday on French TV (he’s in Paris these days for the ‘fashion week’) that he could retire as early as in two years time.

    1. nelson piquet
      21st January 2017, 9:17

      i don’t think so, he’s too obsessed to become the most succesful driver in history

      1. He has never said he’d like to be the most successful driver ever. He once said that Michael’s record of 7 WDC, should remain at the top of the list. Seb is more the obsessive one

        1. Obsessed to win? How dare he try to be successful!

          I guess the rest are just there to drive in circles.

    2. Hamilton leaving would leave a very big hole to fill. He may not be the most popular of drivers but he is a pure driver and the sport needs more like him not less. Far too many drivers in F1 (past and present) try too gain an unfair advantage over their team mate in the form of preferential treatment from the team, some might say this is part of F1 but I don’t like it, plain and simple.
      I wonder how many drivers there currently are in F1, that when joining the best team wouldn’t want to control who their team mate is, or instal No.1 status ?
      F1 is a sport and should be treated as such, the best driver in the best car wins, not the most manipulative driver in the best car.

      1. nelson piquet
        21st January 2017, 12:21

        i wouldn’t care about hamilton leaving. too arrogant and full of himself. great driver but an unlikeable personality that i don’t want to see winning.

        1. To be perfectly honest I’m not mad about him either but I watch F1 for the racing and I like the way he drives. What I really dislike is idea of No.2 drivers and there are plenty of drivers that expect that of their team mate, Hamilton isn’t one of them.

          1. nelson piquet
            22nd January 2017, 21:02

            i’m pretty sure kovalainen was his favorite team mate

        2. geoffgroom44 (@)
          23rd January 2017, 11:20

          I guess you could say that about,hmmm, Jackie Stewart…to name just one!

        3. This. I have started switching off races if he’s ahead after lap 1 because of his attitude that will inevitably come.

  12. “There’s more to life than driving round in circle”….

    Sorry mate, but you could still drive around in circles and explore what life has to offer away from racing.

    1. “Sorry mate?” Like you have domain over his personal choices?

      1. @robbie are you so blinded by pro-Nico bias that cogitating plain-spoken English has eluded you? In what way does the etymology, context or phrasing any given portion of Kgn11‘s observation suggest a presumption of oversight or dominion where retired Rosberg’s choices concerned?

        An astute counter is not self-important prattle. To know what the latter sounds like, delegate a voice actor read your comments to you in the tones of Boris Johnson.

    2. I understand him and respect athletes who walk away from sport while they are ahead so to speak.
      We don’t realize how much time and energy it requires. Total commitment as he says, even in the off season. This robbed him of precious time with family not to mention the inherent dangers of racing.
      He achieved his goal of winning a WDC and had nothing more to prove.
      More power to him.

    3. petebaldwin (@)
      21st January 2017, 14:09

      Does he want to “explore what life has to offer” or does he just want to spend some time with his family whilst his kids grow up?

      I don’t think anyone could say that he could carry on as an F1 driver and spend the same quality time with his family he will do this year. If that’s more important to him than being an F1 driver, who are we to say he’s wrong?

  13. Excellent chat from Rosberg. Has earned even more of my respect.

    Some have obviously only read the seven-word snippet and not listened to the interview. Typical hook-in-mouth bait-takers.

  14. Lol, mere months after achieving his lifelong driving ambition, a pinacle of championships… F1 is now reduced to driving in circles.

    1. Lol, mere months after achieving his lifelong driving ambition, a pinnacle of championships…people are so eager to slam him they assume he has reduced it to driving around in circles as his only single thought on the sport and will simply cut him off at that comment and disregard everything else he says.

  15. CotD, If anything Hamilton is fairly primadona. While Nico Rosberg retirement was shockinglly unexpected, Hamiltons wouldn’t be a suprise aswell.

    But he could also love new regs and stay for 10 more years and win 8 championships… One thing you can always expect from him… Is the unexpected.

  16. “‘More to life than driving in circles’ – Rosberg”

    And this coming from Mercedes own F1 ambassador. (Who recently ‘surprised’ the team by retiring from the sport, thereby breaking his contractual obligations).

    Doesn’t sound very ambassadorial to me!

    1. Maybe you should listen tot the complete interview.
      Only reacting on sound bites is trumplike.

      1. @seth-space It’s like you literally read my mind.

        This one sound bite is of course not representative of what Nico truly thinks, however in trump-like fashion his detractors and fans of LH will naturally ignore HIS repeated treasonous, conspiratorial jibes against his own team throughout the season.

        Whose the better ambassador?

        1. petebaldwin (@)
          21st January 2017, 14:14

          @robbie – It is taken out of context but having said that, I don’t see a problem with it anyway! I’m sure Nico loves F1 but he’s not doing it for money anymore. He could retire and never work a day in his life again and he’d be fine. That means he’d be doing it for the love of doing it.

          Is there more to life than driving an F1 car? Someone with a 1 year old daughter who has spent most of the last 12 months in other countries would probably argue that there is….

      2. @seth-space Oh but I did. The thing is though, when you are an ambassador (or a politician, for that matter), you need to learn diplomacy, which includes making a right choice of words when giving interviews or statements. Yes, I am a Hamilton supporter, but I don’t have anything against Rosberg. Regardless, in this instance I believe the choice of words was totally inappropriate coming from a World Champion and an ambassador of the sport.

    2. Seeing as how Bernie said him winning a championship would be bad for F1 and Hamilton was the “face of F1”, I can’t help but wonder why his detractors are so upset and trying to smear him as you are.
      I think many here are sore he won the WDC and wanted him to come back so Lewis could take him to the shed.

      1. geoffgroom44 (@)
        23rd January 2017, 11:25

        Yep. you got it. Nico is a good driver, a fairly nice person and sensible enough to get out whilst the going was good. However good he is, he is not a great driver.Aye, and there’s the rub for so many Lewis haters.

  17. Perhaps he’s right should have tried some real motorsport any international rallying would do. Kimi tried it and he had some previous, trouble is as was shown driving round in circles didn’t cut the mustard. I have been a fan of GP for 50 plus years but a mix of the sports disciplines amongst the protagonists perhaps proves who is the most committed. Still musn’t live in the past however great it was.

  18. Evil Homer (@)
    21st January 2017, 13:43

    Nico was obviously quoting Lauda there, funny stuff!

    Come on people lets accept Nico won the WDC and he is entitled to do what he wants now. Ayrton and Michael wanted to beat all, so does Hamilton. Nico does not.

    The guy has made a fortune in F1, got a great young family, invested well- he is happy! Lets let him be.

    If you still think sabotage, it may be time for a Tin Foil Hat hey :)

  19. “Retired”, but still grabbing every possible opportunity to hold forth on everything F1…hahaha.
    Move on already.

  20. Funny how he would still have drove in circles this yr if he did not win a WC….

    He could not hack another year of the oh you are ahead but the guy in other garage is better than you

  21. Another slap in the face to the men and women of Mercedes F1 from Rosberg.

  22. What a disrespectful man? Just because he has retired, does he think now he has the authority to make statement that is so much demeaning to the very sport that has made him what he is today. And what about people like Jules Bianchi who lost their lifes going in circles. Did he think once before he spoke? Whatever little respect I had for him I have lost it now. Doesn’t make a difference to him but even so.

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