Don’t judge new engines too quickly, drivers warn

2014 Malaysian Grand Prix

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F1 drivers have defended the sport against the criticism its new engines have received from some quarters since the first race of the season.

Bernie Ecclestone and Australian Grand Prix promoter Ron Walker were among those to complain about the quieter sound of the cars in Melbourne. Lap times were also considerably slower than last year, by over three seconds.

During the Malaysian Grand Prix press conference drivers said the cars will get quicker and the complaints will quieten down.

“I remember like when they come V10 to eight, it was quite similar headlines and after few months already everybody forgets,” said Kamui Kobayashi. “So I don’t think it’s a big problem.”

“I think for us it’s still, for a driver, it’s more challenging to drive so I’m pretty happy,” he added.

Daniil Kvyat said: “It’s quite popular to criticise Formula One nowadays I think.”

“There is always some new technologies coming and it happened for me to debut in new Formula One, let’s say. It’s quite interesting, I would say, this tendency with the new technologies, it has to change at some points and I think it’s quite interesting.

“It’s still fast, it’s going to be faster all the time. We see the end of the year how much is it compared to, or not. So it’s early days.”

Round one winner Nico Rosberg said the change was “all good for F1”.

“It’s changed the pecking order around which is definitely good for everybody because the same guy winning last year, we needed a bit of a change on that. So that’s been good.

“And the cars are great to drive, that’s fine. So I think it’s all good.”

2014 Malaysian Grand Prix

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Image © Daimler/Hoch Zwei

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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25 comments on “Don’t judge new engines too quickly, drivers warn”

  1. That young buck said it all: “It’s quite popular to criticise Formula One nowadays,” thinks Danill Kvyat.

    1. I was just thinking the same thing. We F1 fans are never happy, are we? we’ll always find something to complain about!

      1. Steph (@stephanief1990)
        27th March 2014, 10:04

        Arguably that attitude captures the essence the sport- chasing perfection. That said, F1 does have *serious* flaws but I don’t believe more people complain now than they did twenty years ago. The only difference is we have social media so that more people are aware of the complaints.

      2. Any military commander will tell you, “when the troops stop complaining, you know you are in trouble”

      3. I know complaining about F1 is the new bench racing but I gave it up years ago and just learned to enjoy the show. Of course, I had to fill the void with something, so I wager on it instead ;)

    2. Well said from the young Russian.

      DRS is in my opinion a much bigger problem than the sound the new engines make.

    3. There’s jealousy and then there’s passionate fans. I think in the end there’s lots to criticise and I hope there will always be something to say, because otherwise there would be no freedom of speech as F1 will never be perfect for one reason perfection is not real.

  2. LOL at this one from Rosberg,

    “It’s changed the pecking order around which is definitely good for everybody because the same guy winning last year, we needed a bit of a change on that. So that’s been good.

    Sure enough he likes the new pecking order, with him and Hamilton having the car to beat and being 25 points clear of Hamilton at this moment!

    But seriously, I think its good for the rookies as Kvyat seems to suggest. And I like how the drivers are finding the driving more challenging. Lets hope Fuel does not limit the racing too much this year, and tyres keep being just round things that go on the wheels.

    1. Was Seb in the room? Wow, Nico said bluntly that a new winner is a must and of course he wants to be the new winner :)

      I wonder inf he would say the same in three years time if Mercedes sets the pace for the next few seasons (which I suspect won’t happen).

      1. I don’t see where NR is saying a new winner is a ‘must’…his comment sounds a bit more tongue in cheek than that to me, and I also doubt we were hearing SV admit after 4 years that F1 ‘must’ have a new winner.

  3. the drivers are also say fuel saving is a none event,
    tyres are proving to be a lot better,
    drivers are having to drive the car because they have lost all that down force,
    power coming out of turns is a delicate balance for the drivers,
    times will increase as they learn more about how to control the new hybrid motors,
    front wings have been decreased in size, rear wings have had to be redesigned to new reg’s,
    give them time and 3secs will be cobbled up quick smart,
    they are already faster in a straight line it just takes time to sort out the balance with the new fly by wire brakes, fuel efficiency complete with fuel flow,
    for me it is the most interesting time ive seen in F1 in such a long time, i am enjoying it more than ever before.
    yes seeing someone else fight up front is a plus,
    the noise is sweet as far as i am concerned, times are changing so lets have a change, about time drivers drove the car,
    all we need now is more cars passing each other.

  4. The 3 seconds per lap loss isn’t all engines either, probably about 2 seconds of that is aero reduction and harder tyres. Have to say, i had a good laugh when Sutil complained during the first test that the tyres were ‘too hard’, Pirelli really can do nothing right can they! (in some people’s eyes at least). I’m actually amazed how well the new engines (PUs) perform, and i’m not bothered by the noise reduction to be honest.

  5. Kvyat might be young but he’s certainly saying the right things. It’s the same as in 2010 when Bahrain was dull, but then we had that fantastic race in Melbourne…

  6. A 19 years old boy doing the job a century old bloke…

  7. Honestly, if we’re going to criticise something, there’s a loooooooong list before the new engines and the sound…

    I don’t think a new engine formula changes the way F1 is. After all, we’ve seen countless changes in that area, and many other technical ones. And this one is far from being as horrible as grooved tyres or the sort. But there are some modifications that destroy the sport, which should be constantly criticised, and should be a point of discussion at every press conference. Say DRS, double points, and all that stuff…

    1. Well basically we’re back to the roots from the 1950s when F1 started with tiny compressed engines

      (and 4500 cc n/a engines, but that aside)

    2. We’re not just back to the 1950s, but back to 1906 when “fuel consumption” was introduced at 9.6 m.p.g (quite close to the 100 Kg per race today.) The Automotor Journal of 27 January 1906 reported:
      Primarily, the regulations … aim (1) at limiting the engine power that is available by allowing a certain quantity of fuel per mile to each competitor, and (2) at specifying a certain useful load (weight and shape) that has to be carried by each chassis. In this manner the regulations, therefore (3) limit the average speed which is attainable, although (4) they also award the Trophy to the car that covers the entire course in the shortest time. One particular class of car is thus defined most clearly, and so long as all the cars use the same kind of fuel and convert it into power in the same manner, they start upon an absolutely equitable basis, and one which will enable the most efficient to arrive first at the winning-post.

      Nothing new in 108 years … and even Bernie isn’t that old ;={

      1. @paul-a I’m betting Bernie’s got a fake berth certificate and he’s the guy who changed those rules in 1909 LOL

    3. @fer-no65 In addition Ron Walker is firing in his own foot, lots has been said about Melbourne Grand Prix criticized by the locals about the noise it makes and the disturbance of F1 to the city. Most city GP organizers should be pretty happy with new Formula for that point. Okay that’s not the first person F1 wants to satisfy but at least some gets what they want (and frankly I’m not sure F1 wants to satisfy anybody except Bernie)

  8. Everybody says, that new rules are good, but who said that it’s bad. Some people just complain about engines. I think there are certain things, which can improve the sound of new engines, that it’d be stronger. I saw the other day comparison of new V6 F1 engines with V6 Indycar engines and Indycar sounds way better.

    1. Indycar is a great example. Prior to their latest formula, they, too, sounded bad.

  9. Formula 1: Change the rules, tweak it to perfection then, change the rules again.I have learned to accept this.I don’t always agree with it but,I can’t stop watching.

  10. If every driver and every fan claimed the new engines sound as exciting as the previous formula, my opinion wouldn’t budge. The new engine sound is horrible in comparison. Here’s a link to prove it:

    1. Doesn’t prove jack, your opinion is just that. But you provide a link to “prove it”, clearly shows you see it as fact and not an opinion.

  11. I think that the rule-makers are facing a very tough problem if they choose to act upon the criticism of the engine sound of the new cars. Simply changing the exhaust systems for no other purpose than to sound better would be perceived as a bit silly. So, some other, more weighty, reason must be found to change the exhaust setups, with “better sound” being the secondary result. Anyone have any ideas what a primary reason might be?

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