Formula One’s youngest driver exchanges a few words with Formula One’s oldest anything.
What sweet nothings was Bernie Ecclestone whispering into Max Verstappen’s ear? That’s for you to decide in this weekend’s Caption Competition.
Post your funniest suggestion for a caption in the comments below.
A selection of the best will feature in a future edition of the F1 Fanatic Round-up.
Caption Competition
- Caption Competition 261: Champions’ chat
- Caption Competition 260: Bed Bull
- Caption Competition 259: Ferrari’s new employee
- Caption Competition 258: Selfie time
- Caption Competition 257: Farewell to Franco
Browse all Caption Competitions
sethje (@seth-space)
5th November 2016, 11:56
Take Rosberg out in the first corner and i will be very grateful
Sravan Krishnan (@sravan-pe)
5th November 2016, 11:57
First thoughts!
Timo (@omit)
5th November 2016, 18:16
just.daz (@nemo87)
5th November 2016, 12:00
KFCs secret recipe is..
hahostolze (@hahostolze)
5th November 2016, 13:25
Think you’re confusing Colonel Sanders, Bernie Sanders and Bernie Ecclestone here mate ;-)
just.daz (@nemo87)
5th November 2016, 16:49
Hahaha brilliant!
Keith Collantine (@keithcollantine)
6th November 2016, 20:47
@hahostolze Haha, very good!
Fudge Kobayashi (@)
7th November 2016, 10:26
You have my vote!
5th November 2016, 12:02
[In a soft voice]: Cut a corner again, and I’ll cut your neck.
Antoon van Gemert
5th November 2016, 13:03
This picture was taken before he ‘cut the corner’…..
5th November 2016, 21:42
Yes because that is the point of the caption competition *rolls eyes*
5th November 2016, 12:12
Who cares what Fernando thinks, I still love you.
SaturnVF1 (@doublestuffpenguin)
5th November 2016, 12:12
“Good. Use your aggressive feelings, boy. Let the hate flow through you.”
5th November 2016, 12:55
..haha….the best for me….
pastaman (@)
5th November 2016, 13:21
Christos (@christosts)
5th November 2016, 15:31
Haha nice!
OmarRoncal - Go Seb!!! (@)
5th November 2016, 15:31
5th November 2016, 16:23
+1 Definitely the winner!!!
Mayank (@mjf1fan)
5th November 2016, 18:43
dragoll (@dragoll)
5th November 2016, 19:29
this just about does it for me :P
Wesley (@)
5th November 2016, 20:58
Brilliant! I’m not even going to try and top that.
6th November 2016, 1:26
Terrific!! Bernie Palpatine (Vader he isn’t)
ruliemaulana (@ruliemaulana)
6th November 2016, 9:38
I’m gonna steal this.
Fudge Kobayashi (@)
7th November 2016, 10:27
Oh wait I +1’d the KFC comment above but THIS is too good! Bernie Palpatine I cant deal…
American F1
7th November 2016, 13:34
Perfection! You win the internet today.
5th November 2016, 12:12
Max just wait until we have had our money’s worth out of Hamilton then i will do the same for you…. Wink!
Charles King (@charleski)
5th November 2016, 12:15
Join the club, HMRC said I’d cut corners as well but things will be fine in the end.
Chris Harris
5th November 2016, 12:29
“Stick with me son and I’ll make you a star”
glynh (@glynh)
5th November 2016, 12:36
Come and give grandad a kiss…
marcus (@wombat1m)
5th November 2016, 14:28
That’d be Great Grandad at least given the age gap, and how Jos is….
Christos (@christosts)
5th November 2016, 15:24
Hahaha good one!
CarWars (@maxv)
5th November 2016, 12:38
Let me kiss you for all the money you make for me.
Derek Edwards
5th November 2016, 12:43
Smells like teen spirit…
John H (@john-h)
5th November 2016, 16:58
Nice nod to two years ago :)
5th November 2016, 12:45
“And then you hold Seb like this and kiss him….”
5th November 2016, 12:46
“Before you think of speaking out against me like you did against other drivers and f1 rules, Let me tell you that Formula 1 didn’t even existed when I was of your age and your dad was in still in nappies when I came at helm. I am Formula 1”
5th November 2016, 12:47
*still in
Philip (@philipgb)
5th November 2016, 12:53
Bernie Ecclestone takes a leaf from fellow billionaire Donald Trumps playbook on how to behave with teenagers.
Chris (@tophercheese21)
5th November 2016, 12:57
Ecclestone: “Keep moving under braking and we can take this to third base…”
5th November 2016, 13:31
Eric (@fletch)
5th November 2016, 16:14
5th November 2016, 16:25
5th November 2016, 13:00
“Max, without you F1 was dying quietly”
Selbbin (@selbbin)
5th November 2016, 13:00
Should have gone to specsavers…
5th November 2016, 13:04
Can you block my daughters accessing my wallet?
Gerulf Dösinger (@)
5th November 2016, 13:05
“Transferiamus! And I exhale my soul into your young body so I can take revenge on them and claim my throne again in days to come!”
Retired (@jeff1s)
5th November 2016, 13:06
Ecclestone: “Kiss grand daddy”
Rahman (@arahman93)
5th November 2016, 13:11
Could you delay the drivers’ championship till the last race?
Antoon van Gemert
5th November 2016, 13:12
“Make them mad, Max. It’s good for the show!”
Todfod (@todfod)
5th November 2016, 13:12
Bernie – “A 100 quid if you make this race interesting”
Mahesh (@m47e57)
5th November 2016, 13:12
Luke, I am your father…
James Brickles (@brickles)
5th November 2016, 13:15
“Don’t worry Max, I’ll tell the stewards to go easy on you”
Fer no.65 (@fer-no65)
5th November 2016, 13:19
“Max, make F1 great again!”
Robbie (@robbie)
5th November 2016, 13:22
BE: Seb just told me you’re the worst, brake testing, corner cutting bleep bleep n bleepn’ kid on the grid.
MV: He did, did he? That does it…I’ll show him I’m the best at it.
BE: That’s my boy.
beneboy (@beneboy)
5th November 2016, 13:27
Don’t worry about the penalties, there’s a few £million waiting for you if you can make this season worth watching till the last race.
Robbie (@robbie)
5th November 2016, 13:29
BE: Nico just told me to tell you your mother wears army boots, and your father smells of elderberries.
Roth Man (@rdotquestionmark)
5th November 2016, 13:33
“One of us needs our nappy changing.”
5th November 2016, 13:36
Charlie will spank you next time.
Johnny H.
5th November 2016, 13:36
…next year is yours!
Little_M_Lo (@pezlo2013)
5th November 2016, 13:40
This is a wet willy… right Max?
Melvin (@)
5th November 2016, 13:49
“Someday, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me.”
Captain Pie (@captainpie)
5th November 2016, 13:59
Come with me young Padawan.
Join the dark side!
deadchicken (@deadchicken)
5th November 2016, 14:06
He says: I’ll tell you a little secret. The Barcelona crash was fake and planned. Just a gift to make your beer sponsor happy.
Kevin (@kjhayes007)
5th November 2016, 14:33
To the Max !
5th November 2016, 15:06
“You said you weren’t here to finish 4th, now watch after the race who the real boss of F1 is.”
Sensord4notbeingafanboi (@peartree)
5th November 2016, 15:13
Max Emilian, I take good care of you, Max Emilian.
charliex (@photogcw)
5th November 2016, 15:25
Just a quick kiss for good luck, Max.
Eric (@fletch)
5th November 2016, 15:29
Verstappen’s quick thinking left cheek quickly recoils from the creepy old mans kiss.
verstappen (@verstappen)
5th November 2016, 15:42
You know Charlie and I go way back…”
5th November 2016, 15:58
BE Come, give daddy a kiss..
MV Get your hands OFF me you dirty @#%&
5th November 2016, 16:24
‘It’s dead simple son’
‘When you think they are about to get you, immediately do that thing I call the Court Room shuffle’
‘Screws them everytime’
‘You’ll be famous and it will do their heads in, I tell you’
alexf1man (@alexf1man)
5th November 2016, 16:37
Make the most of this year, because you’ll feel old when Lance strolls onto the grid
5th November 2016, 17:03
Lol nice
Stephen Crowsen (@drycrust)
5th November 2016, 16:48
Bernie: Next year you will be World Driver’s Champion.
just.daz (@nemo87)
5th November 2016, 16:51
Join me on the dark side and I will make you stronger than your father ever was. The rebel alliance is no match for you my young padawan..
John H (@john-h)
5th November 2016, 17:01
Max Verstappen poses with an elderly fan.
Keith Collantine (@keithcollantine)
6th November 2016, 20:50
@john-h It never gets old :-)
John H (@john-h)
7th November 2016, 11:43
Indeed :)
Monzi Sef
5th November 2016, 17:03
– I’m high as a kite
– yeah, I can small it on your breath
5th November 2016, 17:21
schooner (@schooner)
5th November 2016, 17:25
“You’re doing great kid. Take it from me…the more erratic and irrational you behave, the more everyone lets you have your own way.”
5th November 2016, 17:40
Remember that huge favour I did for you, youngest driver… Now it’s time for me to call in a favour…
5th November 2016, 17:44
You must understand: There are things only a Ferrari is allowed to do.
5th November 2016, 17:49
Keep break testing Seb Max don’t worry about Ferrari you won’t get their seat.
5th November 2016, 18:30
Your hate has made you powerful, my young apprentice.
5th November 2016, 18:39
Bernie: Aww… Let me smell 👃 your ‘left’ ear!
Mayank (@mjf1fan)
5th November 2016, 18:42
Dont you worry Max, You’re the Chosen One
PT (@pt)
5th November 2016, 19:05
I am your conscience, boy!
5th November 2016, 19:29
“Can I interest you in a second hand Mercedes? It’s as good as new, hardly used. First owner was an old lady (…well at least drove like one)”
5th November 2016, 19:33
If those other drivers try to push you around just come straight to me
Steven Holmes
5th November 2016, 19:55
…remember Max, the pedal on the right is the one you need to use….
Jon Thereyougo (@jon-thereyougo)
5th November 2016, 20:22
@keithcollantine you’ve already won it yourself:
“Formula One’s youngest driver exchanges a few words with Formula One’s oldest anything.”
Robbie (@robbie)
5th November 2016, 23:44
Lol noticed that too.
Keith Collantine (@keithcollantine)
6th November 2016, 20:52
@jon-thereyougo @robbie Glad you liked it! It’s vaguely nicked from a line in a Futurama episode: “College blernsball’s finest female hitter making her big league debut against pro-ball’s worst female anything.”
5th November 2016, 20:25
Don’t worry, your centre of gravity will be lower once your balls drop.
medman (@medman)
6th November 2016, 4:49
Don’t worry, I only use tongue with my daughters.
BlackJack (@danieljaksa)
5th November 2016, 20:49
Listen, if you want to cheat, here’s how …
bogaaaa (@nosehair)
5th November 2016, 21:33
Listen Seb, you need to be careful of young Max
11th December 2016, 3:21
Hahahaha perfect
5th November 2016, 21:45
“You want to know my secret to a long life? Drinking the blood of the young”
5th November 2016, 21:46
You seems to have the same problem with loose toths? Or you just have a huge overbite? Tell me if you need a dentist…
mark jackson
5th November 2016, 22:34
Call for equal penalties in F1 again and I’ll have your head!
5th November 2016, 22:37
Push rosberg off the track then you may marry my daughter
5th November 2016, 22:46
” Do you know what a Chazzar is, Max? It’s a pig that don’t fly straight… “
Traverse (@hellotraverse)
5th November 2016, 23:02
Max, I am your father.
BrawnGP (@brawngp)
5th November 2016, 23:29
5th November 2016, 23:41
Captured moments before Eccelstone kisses max on the cheek, he tells young Verstappen how he is the son he never had
6th November 2016, 0:33
Remember, just like I said…you can grab them by the apex.
Martin (@andone89)
6th November 2016, 1:38
“Listen up here you little punk”
Bernie sort of humour :D
6th November 2016, 2:17
Max, do you remember how you said you would do anything to win an F1 championship?
medman (@medman)
6th November 2016, 4:46
“I’ve come to suck your blood”
Sergey Martyn
6th November 2016, 6:19
By now you must know that your father can never be turned from the Dark Side. Only through me can you achieve a power greater than any Jedi. Learn to use the Dark Side of the Force
DB-C90 (@dbradock)
6th November 2016, 9:31
Damn, beat me to it :)
Sergey Martyn
6th November 2016, 6:31
<a href=""
Now your dream come true – brake test them all!
6th November 2016, 9:03
“How much for your blood, young man ?”
Steven Smith (@ragwort)
6th November 2016, 11:23
Slavica used to put her tongue in my ear. Like this. That’s why I gave her £500m when we divorced.
6th November 2016, 11:51
Ecclestone whispered quietly to Verstappen’s ear and gave him some encouragement. “Hail Hydra,” he said.
c brown
6th November 2016, 12:06
Presidential suite at the Marriott. After dark. Wear red.
6th November 2016, 14:31
“Trust me on this one, kid: ALWAYS wear fresh diapers!”
John Steed
6th November 2016, 16:26
Who’s your daddy?
6th November 2016, 17:03
Have you watched that movie, Mad Max?
D Winn
6th November 2016, 17:13
You don’t have it all yet ! Go back to school and learn how to swear.
6th November 2016, 19:00
Something, something, dark side, something, something, complete.
mark jaskcon
6th November 2016, 19:17
“Next time I get to be on top…”
James Bond (@jamesbond)
6th November 2016, 19:30
Banging wheels with Rosberg is OK but don’t dare doing that with lewis.
budchekov (@budchekov)
6th November 2016, 19:34
Don’t worry kid, I’ll get you fake ID for Mosley’s after race party..
Jonathan (@jonny705)
6th November 2016, 20:33
Max Verstappen wasn’t entirely convinced that Chinese Whispers would spice up the show pre-race.
Mark Thomson (@melthom)
6th November 2016, 23:11
Tamara, you smell strange..have you seen my new glasses by the way?
7th November 2016, 0:17
Bernie Ecclestone and Max Verstappen share a laugh over .. well everything.
Broke84 (@broke84)
7th November 2016, 6:16
Sweeties……lollipops……All….free… today!
Placid (@placid)
7th November 2016, 6:40
7th November 2016, 6:48
Max I am your father
Mark Thomson (@melthom)
7th November 2016, 7:46
And so I did this when my mother-in-law came back, pretending I cared..
7th November 2016, 11:30
Mark my words !! I will be in F1 long after you are gone