F1 TV Pro will allow fans to watch the races live via the world feed or any of the 20 drivers’ onboard cameras plus other streams. It will include coverage of all F1 races plus practice sessions and qualifying, and support races including Formula Two, GP3 and the Porsche Supercup.
Another product, F1 TV Access, will be available to a larger number of countries. This product will not include live race streaming but will feature never-before-seen footage from past races, live race timing and video highlights from the race weekend.
List of countries where F1 TV Pro will be available at launch
Antigua And Barbuda
British Virgin Islands
Caribbean Netherlands
Cayman Islands
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
Saint Barthelemy
Saint Kitts
Saint Lucia
Saint Martin
Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
Sint Maarten
South Tyrol
Trinidad And Tobago
Turks And Caicos Islands
United States Virgin Islands
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2018 F1 season
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Christopher Rehn (@chrischrill)
28th February 2018, 15:54
Quite the impressive list of countries there. Germany, France, and USA the standouts. With Sweden’s current pay-to-watch premium deal about to expire at the end of 2018, I’m hoping we will join this system for the 2019 season!
28th February 2018, 18:45
Most impressive is the country of South Tyrol :p
Srdjan Mandic (@srga91)
28th February 2018, 21:22
Not available in Italy, but it is in South Tyrol 😂
1st March 2018, 15:32
So, as an italian, if I will move within South Tyrol area (which is a region of Italy and not a country) I will be able to watch F1 TV Pro…I’m really curious to know how they will manage it differently from Italy, since data networks are the same to my knowledge…
falken (@falken)
1st March 2018, 21:12
There’s a common market in the EU. It’s illegal to not sell something to me in the UK just because of that fact if it’s on sale elsewhere in the EU.
This should be fun…
Miroslav Hržica (@mhrzica)
2nd March 2018, 13:49
Except for Intelectual property :(
I live i Croatia and streaming services have less channels than rest of Europe.
EU Commison have 2 years to analyze if this pracitice will remain legal or not :(
Bruno von Niman
12th March 2019, 11:16
Hej Christopher,
It’s already available in Sweden in 2019! Costa around 1.000 SEK or €110ish.
C G Chiang
16th March 2019, 4:17
Malaysia no access…. Oh no
Miltiadis (@miltosgreekfan)
28th February 2018, 15:58
Hey @keithcollantine ,you are really quick in uploading articles ;)
No UK, no Italy, no Holland, no Greece, no Brazil, no Australia …
Big F1 Audiences wont get the platform for 2018, but hopefully this will change for 2019…
Nick (@theawesomefish)
28th February 2018, 16:27
I highly doubt the UK will get access to the OTT service until 2025, Sky will almost certainly put the kibosh on that while their exclusive contract is still in operation.
Cheers for that last punch to the collective gut, Bernie.
Miltiadis (@miltosgreekfan)
28th February 2018, 17:04
They might(-will) find some kind of a solution, coz the audience in Britain is really high & Sky numbers are extremely low…
Vaios (@vaiosp)
28th February 2018, 20:35
I would ditch CosmoteTV (payTV) in a blink of an eye if Greece was in the list.. Coverage sucks.. You get to see every session live but that’s about it..
Miltiadis (@miltosgreekfan)
28th February 2018, 22:46
Ι have to stick with ERT which is the definition of horrendous coverage…F1 TV Pro wouls solve our issue,but we will have to wait….
22nd March 2018, 5:57
@miltosgreekfan – In Australia alone, I think its because of the FOX Sports deal with Ten that was rushed in late last year, till the end of the 2022 season. Just my thoughts why its not available into Australia.
Will Wood (@willwood)
28th February 2018, 16:06
FOM confirmed for Beach Boys fans.
VoiseyS (@voisey)
28th February 2018, 16:36
This is where Bernie will be spending his retirement….haven’t you heard!? ;)
ferrox glideh (@ferrox-glideh)
28th February 2018, 17:30
Cocomo, but not Canada…
David Not Coulthard (@davidnotcoulthard)
28th February 2018, 16:07
well…..the Netherlands gets F1 TV Pro then
Apparently the FOM is part of a movement trying to get South Tyrol to return to Austria :p
28th February 2018, 18:51
Half of those countries if not more are islands in the Carribean, some are actually the same island divided in to two.
Usa is the major audience here. The rest amount to maybe a third of USA by itself? Take out France and Ukraine, it is small fry.
hahostolze (@hahostolze)
28th February 2018, 16:16
5m subscribers from this list of countries? Now that is optimism.
GeeMac (@geemac)
28th February 2018, 16:30
There are 325 million people in America, so they could probably get 5 million people just from there!
1st March 2018, 0:51
i doubt it. they may get 325 total in the usa
TFLB (@tflb)
28th February 2018, 17:44
@hahostolze USA, France, Germany, Mexico – I wouldn’t say it’s overly optimistic at all. That’s over half a billion people in those countries alone.
bosyber (@bosyber)
28th February 2018, 18:33
I for one an very interested, living in Germany. Only minus is when I am in NL, I’ll have to now make a VPN connection from Berlin to our Dutch business, instead of the other way for to access work stuff!
28th February 2018, 18:53
VPN works both ways. That’s not a problem.
Just ask the techies to change were to access the www from your VPN.
Or set up a VPN to your homebase in Germany (and invite some friends to share the costs).
Mike Dee (@mike-dee)
1st March 2018, 13:17
@bosyber From 20 March 2018, the regulations in the EU will change. If you travel to another EU country (e.g. for holidays or a business trip), streaming services can no longer block you from accessing the content you subscribe to in your own country. This is only for temporary travel – if you move to another country, you will have to subscribe for content available in your new home country. Not sure how temporary is defined, but you should definitely not have any issues when travelling between NL and GER.
bosyber (@bosyber)
2nd March 2018, 20:02
Hm,and then I read German RTL are doing German commentary,and some enthusiasm evaporated. I sure hope we can choose our language,I’d prefer English,if only due to that bit of knowledge!
28th February 2018, 18:45
5m subscribers might be an easy task, depending on the pricing.
Don’t be so negative about everything.
28th February 2018, 22:39
To be fair if Kubica would get a drive at Williams they would get 5m from Poland alone.
NewVerstappenFan (@jureo)
28th February 2018, 16:42
Making a list, checking it twice, F1 TV is pretty nice…
After streaming F1 illegally for now 7 years… (Lack of local coverage, and when we had it incompetent sole comentator) I can finally do it legally.
I hope commentary is good.
But let me repeat, watching onboard entire race from view of one of my many favorite drivers for 12€ per month just seems totally worth it.
I hope this service gets like 1.000.000 subscribers in the first year. Or atleast some very high number, to stick it to the Pay Wall.
28th February 2018, 18:47
@jureo “to stick it to the paywall”? How is this different than a paywall?
Optimaximal (@optimaximal)
1st March 2018, 0:17
It’s still a paywall, but one that the owner is interested in actively promoting & doing well, rather than being an after-thought on a service whose price keeps rising skywards to fund it’s obsession with overpaying for foot-to-ball games.
NewVerstappenFan (@jureo)
3rd March 2018, 12:07
Exactlly. Its a service worth buying. 12 bucks of your currency for commercial free racing woohoo!
28th February 2018, 16:56
Slovenia, wow! Given that we don’t even have a coverage… wait, hmm. This is on the computer? And… free or not?
28th February 2018, 22:07
Yes, computer at first with Apple and Android apps on the way. It suppose to cost between 8-12 $ a month.
28th February 2018, 17:04
So, two most popular countries – India and China are skipped
Two countries that provide 9 of the 10 F1 teams – UK and Italy are skipped.
What sort of a thinking is this?
Todfod (@todfod)
28th February 2018, 17:27
I’m pretty sure that Liberty has done their research and realised that India is the fasting growing mobile OTT market in the world. Guessing their research has indicated that we are the country with the 2nd highest number of smartphone users in the world. Pretty sure they remember that we also have a team named Force India currently on the grid.
I’m guessing it’s regarding the commercial arrangements with current broadcasters that needs to be settled in the UK, Italy and India.
Pratyush P (@pratyushp276)
28th February 2018, 17:31
I did have an attitude of indifference to this as I’d be able to continue watching F1 on the free-to-air, but I realized Star Sports broadcasts Channel 4’s content. I’m screwed :x
28th February 2018, 18:09
Also if there are mutliple football matches on air at the sametime as F1 then, F1 broadcast is culled and there are no repeat telecasts except for US, Mexico and Canadian GP which are at mid night times for us. Also its not free to air, Star sports are paid channels.
Todfod (@todfod)
1st March 2018, 4:13
I actually watch it on hotstar. I’m constantly confused about which star sports channel they broadcast it on. As Chaitanya mentioned it takes a back seat to football on many occasions. I also get fed up with the worst possible timing of ads on Star Sports.
Nitzo (@webtel)
1st March 2018, 6:17
The ads actually come at regular intervals–once in 7 laps (approx). And its mostly one or two ads (one for liquor and one for a bike)that keep repeating over and over again !! This can be taken as a marker for the interest F1 has in India.
F1 is taking the safe route by not indulging into the premium model right away. There is a genuine lack of interest–unless someone like Arjun Maini makes it big, i don’t see people will show any sort to willingness to sign up. For all we know, even that may not be enough (eg: WWE)
F1 had more fans in India during the Schumacher era but they barely knew anyone outside the top 6 + Narain Karthikeyan. Very little was done to promote F1 as a sport post his first retirement.
Nitzo (@webtel)
1st March 2018, 6:18
@todfod Forgot to tag
28th February 2018, 17:30
They already have exclusivity contract with local tv broadcasters
28th February 2018, 17:55
Have you ever heard of exclusive tv/streaming rights? Apparently not.
For example Sky has exclusive rights in UK. In the end, FOM is the one other party who signed the contract, but that was before this service. They need to live with the contract or try to re-negotiate the contract.
Phylyp (@phylyp)
28th February 2018, 21:18
Given that Star TV already offers OTT via Hotstar (though it is purely the practice sessions, qualifying and the race, no other extras), it wouldn’t have been as straightforward for Liberty to come to an arrangement in this short time.
Do this – the Formula 1 site had an article announcing F1 TV. At the bottom, you can register interest, by giving your email ID and country. Do that, so FOM see there’s enough interest in it from India.
Todfod (@todfod)
1st March 2018, 4:09
Thanks for the tip of registering interest. Will do that.
Kiran (@kkanumuri)
21st March 2018, 18:00
@todfod ,India was not listed in 40 country list :( i have opted for ‘register interest’. Hope in India the subscription will be available
28th February 2018, 17:45
Ukraine is included in the list. Hooray! No need to wait for torrents or search for low-quality broadcasts with 2 minute lag.
28th February 2018, 17:57
> United States Virgin Islands
Is that United States AND Virgin Islands, or just Virgin Islands?
Keith Collantine (@keithcollantine)
28th February 2018, 20:18
Both (USA is listed separately).
2nd March 2018, 21:23
yes, but improperly written… should be all caps
Michael Brown (@)
28th February 2018, 18:09
Please give Canada F1 TV Pro. Lance Stroll can pay for it.
MtlRacer (@mtlracer)
28th February 2018, 21:46
One more reason to despise Bell. If we’re not getting anything in Canada it’s because of the existing contracts with TSN and RDS, that are owned by Bell.
Daniel Vary
28th February 2018, 23:20
The current TSN/RDS deal was only signed until the end of 2019. Given that TSN seem to do little in way of online coverage, hopefully F1 can wrestle back those rights from them after that time. Also a shame since it seems without the full F1 TV pro, GP3 and F2 won’t be available, and those don’t get shown here in Canada anyway… *sigh*
schooner (@schooner)
28th February 2018, 18:50
I think that the possibility of a service like this coming on line is one of the main reasons that we lost NBC as our F1 provider here in the US. I wasn’t all that excited with the prospect of ESPN simply airing (along with scads of ill-timed commercials) the SKY broadcast, and now it appears there will be a much better, commercial free, and reasonably priced option. I assume it will still be the SKY broadcast?
Fer no.65 (@fer-no65)
28th February 2018, 19:28
Yayyyy! ARGENTINA! But not Spain and I plan on moving there…
matiascasali (@matiascasali)
28th February 2018, 20:56
No more Tornello fir THIS guy! 🤘🤘🤘🤘
Monosodico (@monosodico)
28th February 2018, 21:25
i consider ourselves lucky that we have Tornello back instead of that spanish lady of Canal F1.
matiascasali (@matiascasali)
1st March 2018, 3:11
i didn’t care a lot for her (even though, she has WAY more knowledge in modern F1 than Puente o Tornello), but having her, and not the dinosaur Tornello with all his ignorance, is a small price to pay…
ruliemaulana (@ruliemaulana)
28th February 2018, 20:03
No Indonesia, Malaysia & Singapore! That was stupidly disregarded 300 million people there.
Todfod (@todfod)
1st March 2018, 11:39
No India and China either…. Good move to skip 40% of the planet
Rhys Lloyd (@justrhysism)
1st March 2018, 11:55
Must be existing commercial agreements in place, or they are still sorting out the agreements.
It will come.
In Australia I will have to wait until the Fox deal expires at the end of 2022 :(
banana88x (@banana88x)
1st March 2018, 11:56
I don´t think they skip these countries just to annoy people there ;)
28th February 2018, 20:42
Interesting Japan is not on that list as well.
28th February 2018, 22:11
Very happy Croatia is on the list! Since in Croatia to watch F1 you have to have a certain internet provider + their basic IPTV package + Sport package!
DaveD (@daved)
28th February 2018, 22:12
Hello @keithcollantine. I signed up to go ad free and help you fund the site. Not a big deal because I did it to help sponsor the site rather than get rid of ads…but I AM still seeing ads LOL
I logged out and logged back in but no luck…maybe it takes a while to update in your database???
DaveD (@daved)
1st March 2018, 0:07
Nevermind! I just had to be patient for a few minutes and I got the email confirmation and it all started working great! Thanks!
Minardi (@gitanes)
28th February 2018, 22:36
Illegal streaming will continue for Canada then. Thanks Bell.
Tenerifeman (@tenerifeman)
1st March 2018, 0:07
Colombia, yippee, having paid an annual subscription to a satellite provider who provided nothing, this comes as a very pleasant surprise.
Eastman (@eastman)
1st March 2018, 0:26
I had asked for this for ages. Like so many I had been scavenging illegal streams for over a decade to escape poor, commercial-riddled coverage. At a great price point, I am beyond thrilled to be offered Stateside access.
Now to be greedy, I’ll pay extra for access to the back catalogue. Even if it is just selected 5, 10 or 20 year anniversary seasons, because then I’ll be back year over year. Let’s have ProPlus!
KimiRaikkonen1207 (@kimiraikkonen1207)
1st March 2018, 4:05
Can somebody please explain to me why none of the commonwealth/UK influenced areas can have this program? I am rather naive on the matter of TV rights…
Rhys Lloyd (@justrhysism)
1st March 2018, 11:56
Existing commmercial deals. Thank Bernie.
1st March 2018, 5:31
No India, Singapore,Australia, Brazil,Indonesia…..what the hell is wrong with this panel of stupid heads??
PT (@pt)
1st March 2018, 6:54
So in future can I hope to get this service in India? Will the other countries be covered in future?
sbannamalai (@sbannamalai)
1st March 2018, 7:25
so, can’t Indians watch live races on F1 TV??
njsgdsza (@njsgdsza)
1st March 2018, 8:10
No China apparently, guess I’ll just use F1 TV Access…
Puffy (@puffy)
1st March 2018, 8:17
*sigh* knew I shouldn’t get my hopes up, as usual we end up paying way more for way less. Was looking forward to being able to watch F2 and GP3 again (which is no longer broadcast on the service I have to pay 7 times more per month for)
Krommenaas (@krommenaas)
1st March 2018, 8:54
I think I’m gonna keep watching on my big screen TV and put my laptop next to me to see a driver’s POV.
Rhys Lloyd (@justrhysism)
1st March 2018, 11:58
Looks like I’m going to have to get creative with networks to access the feed from one of those listed countries.
1st March 2018, 20:41
I know they’ve said they will honour the Sky contract in the UK (up to the 2024 season!) but I sincerely hope they’re looking at ways to get out of that or agree with Sky that they can run their streaming service here at the same time. Maybe a partial rebate to Sky for the large sum they would have paid for the contract.. just something. I wonder how profitable the F1 really is for Sky overall given their viewership is pretty small.
I can’t believe we finally get a great sounding adfordable streaming service, modern, customisable etc, but F1 viewers in the home of F1 won’t get access but instead have to pay exorbitant amounts to get Sky coverage.
javier javier (@j3d89)
1st March 2018, 23:58
Omg love this, Dominican republic!!! Yesssss, Grazie Ragazzi!!
2nd March 2018, 1:53
No Canada????
luigismen (@luigismen)
3rd March 2018, 13:34
Excited and very much surprised…
9th March 2018, 11:21
I hope they include the netherlands soon, i hate the dutch commentary.
Tom Penney
18th March 2018, 22:07
so is there a link where you sign up before Melbourne? trying not to watch ESPN ruin the Sky feed with a gazillion commercials
Brian (@flyinglapct)
20th March 2018, 14:44
Exactly. I only need to know two things – who do I send my money to and how can I watch it on my TV.
Lauri (@f1lauri)
19th March 2018, 18:47
In Estonia (and Latvia and Lithuania) we just found out that Viasat, who has broadcasted F1 will not do so in 2018. Sad thing to see is that Estonia is not in the country list either so there’s NO official way to watch F1. I wonder how that happened or will Liberty add Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to the list before Friday…
No broadcaster and no access to the new F1 TV Pro…
22nd March 2018, 12:43
Viasat Motor will broadcast races ;)
Aleksei (@aleksei)
4th August 2018, 19:20
Well, this didn’t age well. Only broadcaster in 2018 is German RTL: no HD, but tons of commercials. Hope it’ll change in 2019.
daniyyel (@oji)
20th March 2018, 6:20
I am actually impressed, Romania is in the list. Well… goodbye retarded Romanian commentators, welcome Sky (legal) feed.
21st March 2018, 7:43
A bloody big joke.
First Fox buys out free to air in Australia,
and now there is a streaming service Australia
is excluded from that too.
The Australian GP will be the last we in Australia
till 2019 when we get the same chicken feed again
Australia will give F1 the Big Flick as the ordinary F1 fan
is not going to pay Fox’s exorbitant prices to watch it.
17th April 2018, 4:17
As an Aussie I’m getting sick of getting screwed over. Little wonder interest in F1 is dying here. Same with every sport Fox is locking up behind their overpriced paywall.
21st March 2018, 12:43
In the Uk Sky F1 channel is £18 month. I am not paying that much for it. Sky’s F1 channel was originaly released as a FREE channel for anyone who took out the HD package.
F1 TV not available in the UK because of Sky? Yet again Sky has screwed UK public over.
As it stands I still love F1 but if it’s not on a free channel and live I will not be watching as I am not paying £18 a month for it on Sky.
17th April 2018, 4:16
Looks like the Aussies will have to keep on using illegal streams.
11th May 2018, 10:52
Why Lithuania are not in the list?
Ross Strachan (@tororosso)
11th May 2018, 15:33
Anyone figured a way around the payment card geotagging? Not having any joy searching on google.