Daniel Ricciardo’s first race for Renault didn’t go entirely to plan.
Within a few metres of the start he ripped the front wing of his car off when he hit a bump. He later retired from the race due to damage.
Can you come up with the best caption for this picture? Post your funniest suggestion in the comments below.
A selection of the best will feature in a future edition of the RaceFans Round-up.
Caption Competition
- Caption Competition 262: Ferrari family
- Caption Competition 261: Champions’ chat
- Caption Competition 260: Bed Bull
- Caption Competition 259: Ferrari’s new employee
- Caption Competition 258: Selfie time
Browse all Caption Competitions
Luke S (@joeypropane)
23rd March 2019, 11:33
Red Bull wanted it’s wings back.
Montréalais (@)
23rd March 2019, 12:51
ColdFly (@)
23rd March 2019, 12:54
Great one.
Phylyp (@phylyp)
23rd March 2019, 16:05
@joeypropane – …and the caption competition ended as quickly as it started :)
24th March 2019, 0:29
I was a little late on this one, but as soon as I saw the photo the same idea occurred to me yours Luke. However, couldn’t have put it better if I tried. Winner for me.
Have been missing these comps Keith, good to see it make a return.
Mach1 (@mach1)
23rd March 2019, 11:35
“I thought they said Red Bull gives you wings…..but what do I know….I’m just a marshal”
greg-c (@greg-c)
23rd March 2019, 11:35
Red Bull gives you wings !
Red Bull takes back its wings!
Bryan (@ruz234014)
23rd March 2019, 11:37
Melbourne race organizers implement a creative solution to impose track limits.
runforitscooby (@runforitscooby)
23rd March 2019, 11:39
“Quick lets get this back to the workshop and straighten it out… We can sell it to Williams”
23rd March 2019, 16:00
HansieSlim (@)
24th March 2019, 8:05
Good one!
23rd March 2019, 11:42
Daniel’s latest statement on why he left Red Bull.
pwaa (@pwaa)
23rd March 2019, 11:52
People were resorting to extremes to get around the Surfboard shortage in Melbourne…
23rd March 2019, 11:53
Would the crowd please refrain from throwing boomerangs on the track.
Robbie (@robbie)
23rd March 2019, 11:58
Hmmm…if they got rid of outwashing why are they taking DR’s wing out for a wash?
Robbie (@robbie)
23rd March 2019, 12:04
Look what came out from down under!
SaturnVF1 (@saturnvf1)
23rd March 2019, 12:23
♬ “I got it one piece at a time, and it wouldn’t cost me a dime… Well it’s a ’96, ’97, ’98, ’99…” ♬
23rd March 2019, 15:59
Very inventive… ;-)
SaturnVF1 (@saturnvf1)
23rd March 2019, 18:51
Thanks, mate. Don’t know how many outside the US know that song.
Gabriel (@naylamp)
23rd March 2019, 12:23
wingman. graphic description.
zomtec (@zomtec)
23rd March 2019, 12:24
Something something boomerang.
Josh Wilcock
23rd March 2019, 12:36
The BBC announces an Australian reboot of the Chuckle Brothers
sinewave (@sinewave)
23rd March 2019, 12:37
Daniel went too far in showing the world that he is not the wingman.
David BR (@david-br)
23rd March 2019, 12:43
Marshall on the left: I always thought the Bat Mobile was a bit tougher.
socksolid (@socksolid)
23rd March 2019, 12:48
Damn josh, it worked, he drove straight into it!
ColdFly (@)
23rd March 2019, 12:51
With the reduced outwash effect it’s now a lot easier for the second marshall to follow.
ColdFly (@)
23rd March 2019, 12:53
But maybe the first marshall is just checking there is no concrete path which he might have missed during his track walk.
Robbie (@robbie)
23rd March 2019, 13:27
Lol to the first one and no offence you should have left it at that. Good one.
23rd March 2019, 16:02
reg (@reg)
25th March 2019, 20:12
spoutnik (@spoutnik)
24th March 2019, 20:26
reh1v2.0 (@reh1v2-0)
26th March 2019, 13:12
Luke S (@joeypropane)
23rd March 2019, 12:54
Australia’s National Boomerang Federation takes inspiration from latest FIA regulations regarding increased wing sizes to the extreme.
ruliemaulana (@ruliemaulana)
23rd March 2019, 12:54
It took a year for the marshalls to found a long lost Renault’s lego wing and the fans are ecstatic.
Nulla Pax (@nullapax)
23rd March 2019, 13:02
Marshall at the back is thinking – ” No way can I get past him with all the turbulence this thing makes!”
Jonathan (@jonny705)
23rd March 2019, 13:02
“I couldn’t tell you how many little pieces made up the puzzle, the kaleidoscope, but I guess that crash was one of the little pieces,” said Ricciardo on his decision to move to Force India for 2020.
Coanda (@ming-mong)
23rd March 2019, 13:08
“Fatigue Kills…”Races!
Australia is plastered with these types of road signs ;)
Coanda (@ming-mong)
23rd March 2019, 13:09
“Fatigue Kills”…Races!
Jere (@jerejj)
23rd March 2019, 13:15
I didn’t expect this series to come back. I thought it ended for good a few years ago, but glad I was wrong.
georgeboole (@)
23rd March 2019, 13:22
Is this the part of the front wing Williams asked us to bring back?
Scary Terry (@hatebreeder)
23rd March 2019, 13:48
When asked, Daniel Ricciardo said, “right before the lights went out someone said, show them what you can do without wings! I might have gotten carried away…”
ADUB SMALLBLOCK (@waptraveler)
23rd March 2019, 13:58
Hurry! I’ve already got a buyer on EBAY!
Lenny (@leonardodicappucino)
23rd March 2019, 14:07
Marshalls took matters into their own hands to reduce the downforce produced by front wings.
Philip (@philipgb)
23rd March 2019, 14:08
“Daniel, the courier’s arranged for your wing, we just need you to lick the stamp”
Eltjo Nieuwenhuis
23rd March 2019, 14:08
Careful for that ditch…
23rd March 2019, 15:08
Daniel was hoping for a shoe-y but ended up needing glue-y.
Jeanrien (@jeanrien)
23rd March 2019, 15:43
Teams are exaggerating, I only feel 10kg of downforce.
23rd March 2019, 15:57
With the new wing close following is possible.
25th March 2019, 2:50
Marty Schneider
23rd March 2019, 15:58
Red Bull gives you wings.
Renault takes them away.
23rd March 2019, 16:01
There are no wings left for Ricciardo in the Renault land.
23rd March 2019, 16:02
You wing some, you lose one
spoutnik (@spoutnik)
24th March 2019, 20:28
Nice :D
FERCSA (@fercsa)
23rd March 2019, 16:08
After John Denver:
“Bumpy roads, take me home
To the place I belong
Near Enstone, Enna’s stone
Take me home, bumpy roads”
24th March 2019, 23:33
This! Genius :D
Rui (@colinmcrui)
23rd March 2019, 16:26
Stephen Crowsen (@drycrust)
23rd March 2019, 16:29
Marshall 1: What do you reckon on this front wing?
Marshall 2: Yeah, it’s not very good. Too simple. They don’t make them like they used to. I remember picking up a Ferrari front wing one year, that was really classy. Really ornate. Made by a craftsman, someone who knew their trade.
RP (@slotopen)
23rd March 2019, 16:30
Ricciardo was disappointed that despite his history with the brand, and despite all the slogans, Red Bull would not help replace wing.
RP (@slotopen)
23rd March 2019, 16:31
*Ricciardo was disappointed that despite his history with the brand, and despite all the slogans, Red Bull would not help replace his wing.
RP (@slotopen)
23rd March 2019, 16:40
When ask about the irony of having it’s logo displayed on a damaged race car, Action for Road Safety’s spokesman replied, “We hope it underscores to the public that motorsport is inherently dangerous. Racing belongs on the track.”
Montréalais (@)
24th March 2019, 4:46
RP (@slotopen)
23rd March 2019, 16:41
Ricciardo tweeted he wouldn’t make a flap about his missing wing.
spoutnik (@spoutnik)
24th March 2019, 20:29
Stephen Crowsen (@drycrust)
23rd March 2019, 16:43
Marshall 1: This one’s a bit banged up. Do you think they’ll want us to throw it into the jumbo bin?
Marshall 2: I knew a marshall who reckoned they just recycle these things. You’d see a front wing all smashed up and you’d swear it was for the bin, but no, he said a bit of duct tape, a quick dab of paint, and they’ll have it back on the spare parts shelf by lap 20.
23rd March 2019, 16:47
Hold your step… watch that badger!
Stephen Crowsen (@drycrust)
23rd March 2019, 16:56
I don’t know why they call it a Drag Reduction System. Sure, it’s light, but soon as you start walking you can tell it’s dragging like crazy. I’m sure that car would be faster without it.
Stephen Crowsen (@drycrust)
23rd March 2019, 17:12
They say these cost a pretty penny. Here, look at that, this one’s got some old damage … oh ho! some duct tape? Hmmmm … I don’t think this one’s going into the jumbo bin just yet.
Stephen Crowsen (@drycrust)
23rd March 2019, 17:40
I asked if we should paint that bit of kerb with fluorescent paint, but no, “She’ll be right, no one’s ever hit it”.
Montréalais (@)
23rd March 2019, 21:21
David Not Coulthard (@davidnotcoulthard)
23rd March 2019, 18:27
Ricciardo Needs No Wings
Michael (@mik33ee)
23rd March 2019, 19:37
On Lap One, ‘The Grin’ lost his Wing.
Michael (@mik33ee)
23rd March 2019, 19:49
It has taken a few years, but finally Jack & Bruce have the final piece required to build their own F1 car, made from nothing but salvaged parts whilst working as Track Marshalls.
Pink Peril
23rd March 2019, 23:50
Oni (@oni)
23rd March 2019, 19:50
Stewart: “I’m pretty sure his smile is as big as this wing”
23rd March 2019, 20:07
Y too thrifty
23rd March 2019, 20:53
BTW you all know there is a badger dither available.
23rd March 2019, 20:58
Here’s my thoughts, and an old saying!
“If you can’t soar with the Eagles, don’t fly with the flock”
good bad or indifferent, that’s my take-away……
Bram (@br444m)
23rd March 2019, 21:00
After cutting off the Red Wings, the Yellow one was ditched even quicker by Ricciardo.
Wonderbadger (@wonderbadger)
23rd March 2019, 21:22
Unfortunately for Ricciardo his Red Bull contract clearly stated that he wasn’t allowed to take his wings with him so they sent in the bayliffs.
Pat Ruadh (@fullcoursecaution)
23rd March 2019, 21:36
Slow down Jeff! Watch out for Robert!
Saad Mughal
23rd March 2019, 21:42
“To me”
“To you”
“To me”
“To you”
Pat Ruadh (@fullcoursecaution)
23rd March 2019, 21:57
Ricciardo’s 2019 ambitions had hit a bump in the road
Pironi the Provocateur (@pironitheprovocateur)
23rd March 2019, 22:03
F1 in 2050: “And there we can see a truly minimalistic concept of 2010’s.”
23rd March 2019, 22:27
Maybe Boeing can use this on their new 737X to keep it from nose diving into the ground…
Montréalais (@)
25th March 2019, 17:34
Ummm. Sorry, but… -1
Tristan (@skipgamer)
23rd March 2019, 22:47
The Wright brothers were seen experimenting with a new design to achieve manned flight.
23rd March 2019, 23:08
Hey do you have a stamp to lick and send this thing back to Dan?
Stephen Crowsen (@drycrust)
23rd March 2019, 23:21
“… and who’s next to talk to Pete the panel beater … It’s Dan, and he lost a … Front Bumper when he hit a kerb … and wants some ideas on what he can do” “Yeah hi Pete, it’s Dan here, that pretty much sums it up, I’d just pulled away as the lights went out … I mean the lights went Green … and I had to swerve to avoid the car in front of me and ran a little off the track … I mean the road, and the front wing .. I mean front bumper … Hey, what’t the hysterical laughter for?” “Come on Dan, we know who you really are … we won’t tell everyone that you drive a Renault and were seen on the TV news last night … Oh, we seem to have lost Dan. Well, call us back if you want our advice.”
23rd March 2019, 23:22
“Where are we taking this mate, didn’t they all pack up?”
“I don’t know, I’m just going to wing it.”
Jimmi Cynic (@jimmi-cynic)
23rd March 2019, 23:50
Marshal: “When the FIA mandated snow removal equipment fitted to every car, never thought we’d be toting Aussie snowplows off the circuit. It feels wrong.”
Pink Peril
23rd March 2019, 23:51
Daniel’s race ended without a wing or a prayer.
Short Circuit (@jjohn)
24th March 2019, 0:08
I knew my no deal RBrexit would have consequences but this is ridiculous!
Brian (@flyinglapct)
24th March 2019, 0:12
“Jack, run faster. I don’t think we’re getting the aero benefit at this speed.”
24th March 2019, 0:59
“This will make us a tidy sum on eBay.”
DB-C90 (@dbradock)
24th March 2019, 1:56
A bit of duct tape and a couple of cable ties – we can get that fitted on our commodore pretty quick I reckon mate.
Wes (@flashofsilver)
24th March 2019, 2:18
“Ricciardo promises even more overtaking [by rival teams] in 2019.”
Scalextric (@scalextric)
24th March 2019, 2:24
“Yeah, snapped right off. He forgot that only Red Bull have flexible front wings.”
24th March 2019, 2:30
Hey! hurry up will ya, we have to get ready for the caption competition pose.
Warner (@warner16)
24th March 2019, 2:34
This is a rare sight of a mate being a wingman down under.
The Donz
24th March 2019, 2:37
Guy on left: ok Jim, I get why we are out in the race track mid race carrying this wing…..We gotta clear the debris……but Jim, why are we moonwalking?
24th March 2019, 2:46
Tug of war! Ready set, go!
Selbbin (@selbbin)
24th March 2019, 5:01
Did someone order the smashed avocado?
Selbbin (@selbbin)
24th March 2019, 12:34
John Loidl
24th March 2019, 6:29
Daniel (Avacado)doesnt need wings
Rahim.RG (@rahim-rg)
24th March 2019, 6:52
Renault “doesn’t” gives you wings.
Sigit Prasetyo
24th March 2019, 6:52
“Red Bull, Gives You Wings
Renault, Grass Through Wings”
TheBullWhipper (@thebullwhipper)
24th March 2019, 9:09
This will look great on my living room wall…..
Magnus Rubensson (@)
24th March 2019, 9:14
Grosjean: “Let go, Pastor! Let gooooo… c’est mon aile!”
Maldonado: “Buzz off Romain, this is mine! Yours is back there by the Armco. In two parts I might add.”
Derek Edwards
24th March 2019, 9:38
We’ve always marshalled together as friends, but you just seem to have become a little more distant since last year…
Harrison Aston-Monger (@harrisonamf1)
24th March 2019, 9:43
“Renault lack of pace a little on the nose”
Ryan Spittel
24th March 2019, 10:34
That’s not a wing, this is a wing!
Mark Thomson (@melthom)
24th March 2019, 10:53
– Danny, if you wanted less downforce you should talk your engineer, that’s the routine at Renault. And no wine before the race next time
– Oui, monsieur.
24th March 2019, 14:36
The marshals realized that they are going to be on Race Fans caption competition,
so they started to deligently run away.
EC (@dutch-1)
24th March 2019, 16:44
Okay it’s drastic, but I’m nobodies wing man.
Placid (@placid)
24th March 2019, 21:09
Time to go on vacation. I heard Las Vegas has the best Pawn Shop in the world.
24th March 2019, 22:26
We’ve got a wing, now we just need a prayer
Luciano Palma
24th March 2019, 22:52
Where there’s Ricciardo, there’s a smile.
Kenny Campbell
24th March 2019, 23:32
Dan, mate, we found your mouthguard
Marshall 1 and 2
25th March 2019, 1:32
Finders keepers!
25th March 2019, 2:46
Marshals inspect the performance of the new Renault lawn mower.
BrawnGP (@brawngp)
25th March 2019, 13:43
RIC quickly regretted telling reporters he was ‘going to wing it’ before the race.